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WORKPLAN 2004-2010

50. The Secretariat introduced the proposed APFIC work plan commencing in 2004 based on the Regional Consultative Forum (RCF) concept that was endorsed by the Commission (Agenda item 6). It was stated that the work plan had been formulated, taking into account the biennial session pattern of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), currently held in February/March of alternate years, and in conjunction with the meetings of Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs). This would facilitate the input of views and recommendations of APFIC into the preparations of the following sessions of COFI and the meetings of RFBs.

51. The Commission adopted the programme for the biennium (2004-2006) and agreed to convene the first RCF Meeting, in conjunction with the Twenty-ninth Session of APFIC in 2006.

52. The Commission recommended that as a preliminary activity of the RCF, APFIC should undertake an e-conference to contribute to the development of documents for the forthcoming 26th Session of COFI (7-11 March 2005). It was additionally recommended that the Secretariat arrange a brief meeting in Rome immediately prior to the 26th session for those members participating at the 26th session.

53. The Commission noted that the preparations for the RCF Meeting of 2006 would require a number of activities including consultation with some Members of the Commission and other Regional Fishery Bodies and arrangements in the Asia-Pacific region.

54. The Commission highlighted priority areas for the work on small-scale fisheries which included; addressing the lack of information in inland fisheries in the region; the limited amount of information available relating to small-scale coastal fisheries; the application of co-management in small-scale fisheries both inland and coastal; issues of discards and by-catch, 'trash fish' and its interaction with aquaculture; and the need for a broader access to appropriate financing mechanisms.

55. The Commission considered the proposals put forward by the Secretariat in its work plan to hold two regional consultative workshops possibly in 2005. One of these workshops would cover issues relating to "Trash fish and discards in the Asia-Pacific region" and the other would cover "Coastal and inland fishery co-management in the Asia-Pacific region". The Commission agreed that these two broad issues needed to be properly addressed initially at the technical level as they had implications on responsible fisheries management in the region, especially small-scale fisheries. It was also suggested that a workshop be held on inland fisheries.

56. The Commission acknowledged that these workshops would produce a substantial output concerning regional fisheries sustainability for consideration of the first RCF meeting in 2006. The Commission endorsed these two proposals and directed that the Secretariat elaborate the appropriate prospectus.

57. The Commission identified other related areas such as food safety and quality issues in fisheries and aquaculture; promotion of rural finance mechanisms for small-scale fishers, which could also be addressed in partnership with other organizations.

58. The delegation of Thailand informed the Session that it would seek the support of APFIC to implement a project to develop a 'blueprint' for the management of complex multi-gear, multi-species fisheries and expressed the hope that this endeavour would be of value to other APFIC members. The Secretariat warmly welcomed this initiative and agreed to provide technical support.

59. The Commission directed the Secretariat to coordinate the preparations for the 2006 RCF meeting and associated activities. The Commission encouraged the Secretariat to seek extra-budgetary support in this respect.

60. The Commission endorsed the work plan (2004-2010) as proposed by the Secretariat, which appears as Appendix F.

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