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Persisting rural gender disparity and regional recommendations

The consultation on consensus presented the following as outcomes of the meeting.

Regional meeting declaration

Regional recommendations: Group 1

Agencies implementing the BDPA need measurements of impacts. Although indicators have been formulated, these have not been disseminated.

Invisibility of rural women in national statistics

Invisibility of rural women in policy and programmes

Limited access of rural women to linkage and networks, communication and information

Limited access of rural women to

Promote regional inter-agency collaboration to support innovative programmes focused on rural women and their realities and priorities. The programmes should be guided by non-negotiable principles such as gender equality, sustainability and linkages for technical, financial and other resources.

Lack of priority in addressing the strategic interest of rural women

Rural women’s subsistence agricultural practice, livelihood and food security is threatened

Regional recommendations: Group 2

Macro-level policies do not capture the realities of rural women

Inaccurate reflection of women’s contribution in data collection system

Unequal access to assets and job opportunities

Limited access to information, services and capacity building

Prevalence of violence against women and patriarchal structures and systems

Country Recommendations






Lao People’s Democratic Republic




The consultation proposes the following recommendations to transform gender and development (GAD) budgeting from its existing state into a mechanism that fully contributes to attainment of the gender equality agenda of the country:

Sri Lanka

The complex issues that have surfaced from this overview demand a multi-pronged approach to action.


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