Report of the
National Conference on Responsible Fisheries in Viet Nam

FAO/FishCode Review No. 9

Report of the National Conference on Responsible Fisheries in Viet Nam


Rome, 2004

Table of Contents

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This document contains the report of the National Conference on Responsible Fisheries in Viet Nam, which was held in Hanoi on 29-30 September 2003. The Conference was co-organized by the Ministry of Fisheries of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries (RIMF) and the FAO FishCode Programme. Principal funding was provided through FishCode component project GCP/INT/648/NOR, “Management for Responsible Fisheries.” Technical guidance was provided by the FAO Fisheries Department. Conference planning and preparations were undertaken by Messrs Raymon Van Anrooy, Rolf Willmann and Purwito Martosubroto of FAO and also involved the DANIDA-funded Fisheries Sector Programme Support (FSPS), the Network for Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) initiative on “Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management” (STREAM) and the AUSAID-supported Quang Ngai Rural Development Programme. The collaboration of Dr Vu Van Trieu (Director) and his colleagues of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Fisheries in arranging for the Conference venue and logistics is gratefully acknowledged. The preparatory work of Dr. Nguyen Long (Vice-Director) of the Research Institute Marine Fisheries and support from Mr Lars Jøker (Coordinator) and his colleagues of the DANIDA Fisheries Sector Programme Support is also acknowledged with thanks. General thanks are due to all who attended the Conference for their important contributions to its outcomes and these proceedings, and for their active participation in the working groups.

The FishCode Review series publishes results of studies, missions, consultations, workshops, meetings and other project activities undertaken through the Programme, in furtherance of its objective of facilitating implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and related international fisheries instruments and plans of action. Individual numbers in the series are distributed to appropriate governments, regional bodies, meeting participants and Programme partners. Further information on Programme background, publications and activities is available through

Report of the National Conference on Responsible Fisheries in Viet Nam, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 29-30 September 2003.
FAO/FishCode Review. No.9. Rome, FAO. 2004. 94p.


The National Conference on Responsible Fisheries in Viet Nam (Hanoi, 29-30 September 2003) was organized by the Ministry of Fisheries of Viet Nam in close collaboration with the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries and the FAO FishCode Programme. The Conference was held in the context of increasing problems faced by fisherfolk in maintaining and improving their livelihoods through coastal and offshore fisheries. Some coastal fish resources in particular are heavily over-exploited. The Conference aimed to build awareness among national policy-makers and resource users regarding overexploitation and its consequences, facilitate discussion on ways and means to promote a national transition to responsible fisheries, and identify and develop consensus on elements of a national strategy to achieve responsible fisheries management in Viet Nam. It was attended by 108 stakeholders, representing local and commercial fisheries interests, national and provincial government bodies, bilateral development assistance agencies and international organizations. Participants obtained an overview of the status of the Vietnamese fisheries resources from national and international experts and discussed coastal and offshore fisheries management and the integration of fisheries into coastal area management based on the principles of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Sound management of the offshore fleet and the strengthening of community-based management of the coastal fisheries were considered the most suitable solutions to current problems by all participants. Fisheries management should be based on an appropriate legal framework, include participation of all stakeholders (also stakeholders from other coastal sectors), and foster better coordination and cooperation among the stakeholders. In the transition to community-based fishery management it was seen as important that pilot demonstration projects be established and that the process be supported by a national strategy for responsible fisheries management. Issues such as the management of fishing capacity, closing of certain areas for fishing, establishment of marine protected areas, enforcement of regulations with regard to destructive fishing methods, search for alternative employment and re-training for fisherfolk were seen as necessary elements for inclusion in the national strategy.

Keywords: Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; coastal fisheries; offshore fisheries; integration of fisheries in coastal area management.; Viet Nam; Southeast Asia.

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