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7 Organization

FAO would take a coordinating and facilitating role, including development of methodology, ratification, seeking funding and partners, and coordinating surveys in countries. FAO would also lead the methodology development, carry out the global level sampling, manage information, and report results. These activities would be carried out by a Secretariat and an Implementation team based in FAO headquarters and regional offices.

The stratification, field sampling and field survey by country could be implemented (a) by the country itself, (b) by the country in collaboration with FAO under a trust fund arrangement, or (c) by the country in collaboration with other donor agencies. Regardless of the financial and cooperative arrangement, each country implementation can be regarded as a separate project that should deliver survey results.

For the survey design, monitoring and quality control, a strong advisory board would be formed, constituted of international forestry experts and representatives of major forestry institutions involved in the implementation. The advisory board would primarily work under the auspices of FAO protocols for international meetings.

Figure 7. Organisational entities of the Global Forest Survey

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