A handbook for trainers on participatory local development

The Panchayati Raj model in India

Second Edition

S.P. Jain
Wim Polman

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, 2003


Table of Contents

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First edition: August 2003
Second edition: December 2004

Editing: Mahesh Uniyal

For copies write to:

Wim Polman
Rural Development Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,
39 Phra Atit Road,
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

© FAO 2003




Decentralization for empowerment of rural poor
Why decentralization is important for empowerment of rural poor
Decentralization policies and legislation in India
PRIs as a model for participatory local development in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala
How panchayats can make a difference


Training of trainers on participatory local development
Participatory training methods
Training needs assessment (TNA)
Identification of stakeholders
Capacity-building areas for training


Training modules for training of trainers on participatory local development
1. Training module on participatory planning and management
2. Training module on social mobilization
3. Training module on enhancing women’s participation
4. Training module on social audit
5. Training module on participatory local resources management
6. Training module on partnership building
7. Training module on conflict management
8. Training module on planning for disaster preparedness and mitigation
9. Training module on participatory community monitoring and evaluation
10. Training module on PRA tools
11. Training module on local small-scale enterprise development by poor rural women

Selected bibliography