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Vegetation description

On the Atlantic coast, mangroves are found from the Southern part of Quintana Roo state on the Yucatan peninsula up to the Madre Lagoon in Tamaulipas state in the North, although Rhizophora mangle does not stretch as far as the border with the United States. Along the Pacific coast, mangroves are found up to Baja California state, but stop before the border. The four most common species are the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle, white button wood Laguncularia racemosa, white mangrove Avicennia nitida [germinans] and Conocarpus erectus. The bark of Rhizophora, Laguncularia and Conocarpus, is rich in tannin.

Pennington, T.D. & Sarukhan, J. 1968. Manual para la identificación de campo de los principales árboles tropicales de México. México, INIF/FAO.
Rzedowsky, J.
1978. Vegetacón de Mexico. México, Editorial Limusa.

National level mangrove area estimates







700 000

FAO, UNEP. 1981. Los Recursos Forestales de la America Tropical. Proyecto de Evaluación de los Recursos Forestales Tropicales (en el marco de SINUVIMA). FAO, UNEP, Rome 349 pp.


Based on the information provided by: Dirección General del Inventario Nacional Forestal. 1975. Mapa de Tipos de vegetación y uso del suelo de la Républica Mexican. Escala 1:1 000 000 (fraccionado en 4 hojas). México; Dirección General del Inventario Nacional Forestal. 1977. Estadisticas del recurso forestal de la República Mexicana. Publicación D.G.I.N.F. No. 42 - México; Dirección General del Inventario Nacional Forestal. 1978. Estadisticas del recurso forestal de la República Mexicana - 1978. México.


1 200

Mexican Delegation. 1976. The forest situation in Mexico. North American Forestry Commision, Eight period of sessions, Ottawa, Canada.


This figure must be a typographical error.


660 000

FAO, UNEP. 1981. Los Recursos Forestales de la America Tropical. Proyecto de Evaluación de los Recursos Forestales Tropicales (en el marco de SINUVIMA). FAO, UNEP, Rome 349 pp.


Based on calculated deforestation rate (1973-1980) and updating to the end of 1980.


1 420 200

Snedaker, S.C. 1991. Personal communication.


Cited in: Fisher, P and Spalding, M.D. 1993. Protected areas with mangrove habitat. Draft Report World Conservation Centre, Cambridge, UK. 60 pp. This figure is considered an overestimate.


932 800

Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. and Field, C.D., eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp.


Map analysis. Scale 1: 3 800 000.


531 500

SARH. 1992. Mexico 1991-1992 Inventario Nacional Forestal de Gran Visión: Report Principal. Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulico, Subsecretaria Forstal, Mexico


Cited in: Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. and Field, C.D., eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp.


524 600

Yañez-Arancibia, A., Lara-Domingues, A.L., Zapata, G.J.V., Arriaga, E.R. 1993. In Lacerda, L.D. and Field, C.D., eds. Proc. Workshop on conservation and sustainable utilization of mangroves in Latin America and Africa regions, Okinawa. p. 3-4.


Secondary reference, no primary source provided.

The "Year" is the publication year.


721 554

Subsecretaría Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre. 1994. Inventario Forestal Periódico 1994.


Remote sensing and ground survey.


488 000

Suman, D. 1994. Situación de los manglares en America Latina y la cuenca del Caribe. In: Suman, D. ed. 1994. El ecosistema de manglar en America Latina y la cuenca del Caribe: Su manejo y Conservacion. p.1-10. University of Miami.


Cited in: Red Manglar. 2001. Declaración de la Ciudad de Mexico. Choluteca, Honduras C.A.


500 000

Aizpuru, M., Achard, F., and Blasco, F. 2000. Global Assessment of Cover Change of the Mangrove Forests using satellite imagery at medium to high resolution. In EEC Research project n 15017-1999-05 FIED ISP FR – Joint Research center, Ispra.


Secondary reference, no primary source provided.

The "Year" is the publication year.

Trends in mangrove area extent over time

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