Latin American Forestry Sector Outlook Study
Working Paper

National Report Belize

Prepared by the Belize Forest Department

With the technical support of Jorge Rodriguez


Rome, 2004

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Executive summary

1 Introduction

1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives of the study

2 National panorama

2.1 Brief socio-economic panorama of Belize
2.2 Total population
2.3 Gross domestic product (GDP)
2.4 Poverty incidence
2.5 Employment
2.6 Conclusions on the tendencies and current situation of the macro environment

3 Tendencies during the last few years and the current situation of the forest sector

3.1 Importance of the forest sector at the economic, environmental and social levels
3.2 Tendencies in recent years
3.3 Conclusions on the tendencies and current situation of the forest sector

4 Driving forces affecting the forest sector

4.1 Sectoral factors that influence the development of the forest sector
4.2 Extrasectoral factors that influence the development of the forest sector
4.3 Conclusions on the driving forces that affect the forest sector

5 Scenarios for the development of the forest sector in Belize

5.1 Premises
5.2 Construction of the most probable scenario
5.3 Alternative scenarios

6 Priorities and strategies for the sustainable development of the forest sector

7 References