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Annex 2 - A consumer questionnaire

For the purpose of this example, we assume that the agroprocessor is thinking of producing strawberry jam.

1. Good morning. I work for a company that makes jams. Could I ask you some questions about what you think about jams?

2. Do you or your family eat jam?





3. Could you tell me what types of jam you have had in your home in the last 12 months?


strawberry jam


mango jam


pineapple jam


orange marmalade



4. Who are the main consumers of jam in your home?





5. Approximately how many jars of jam and marmalade have people in your home bought in the last 12 months?


more than 20


between 11 and 20


between 6 and 10


between 3 and 5


one or two

6. What size of jam do you normally buy? (show the different sizes to the person being interviewed)

7. Does your family buy jams all through the year or only on special occasions?

8. Of the jams you purchased, can you remember approximately how many were strawberry jam?

9. Can you remember the brand of the strawberry jam your family usually purchases? (if people cannot remember give them the names of the available brands to jog their memory)

10. From the words on this line how would you rate the quality and taste of that brand of strawberry jam?


very good









11. What are the two main reasons you buy that brand rather than a different one?


It’s the only one in the shops


The price is right


My family prefer this brand


It spreads very well


I like the label


It has the best taste



12. What do you think about the colour of the strawberry jam presently available in the shops?

too bright

about right

too dull




13. What do you think about the sweetness of these jams?

too sweet

about right

not sweet enough




14. What do you think about the thickness of these jams?

too thick

about right

too thin




15. If most of the jam your family buys is not strawberry jam, what is the reason for this?


My family prefers other jams or marmalades


The strawberry jam in the shops is not very good



16. If a new brand of strawberry jam was available in the shops, do you think you would try it?







17. At which shop do you buy most of your jams?

18. What are the reasons why you shop there?


It is near our home or work


The prices are good


It is a nice place to shop


It has a good selection



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