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12. The APPPC programme of work for 2004 to 2005 (agenda item 11)

12.1 Reports of the meeting of the APPPC Standing Committees

12.1.1 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on integrated pest management (IPM)

(i) Attendance

The meeting was attended by the following:


Md. Habibur Rahman


Piao Youngfan


Halomoan Lumbantobing

Herdradjat N.


Mat Hassan Othman

Mohammed Mohd Saleh


May May Khin


Iftikhar Ahmad


Prasert Anupunt


Chua Piak Chwee

(ii) Appointment of the Chairperson and Rapporteur

Iftikhar Ahmad from Pakistan was appointed as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on IPM. N. Herdrajat was appointed as Rapporteur.

(iii) Review of the progress in integrated pest management

The country delegates highlighted the key achievements in IPM, the details of which had already been presented in the general meeting under agenda item 3.

Delegates also reviewed the progress made against the recommendations proposed in work plan of 2002-2003 of the 22nd session of the APPPC. In most countries, the achievements had been in line with the proposed work plan of the 22nd APPPC.

The delegates while reviewing the past efforts, pointed out various challenges for the region:

- consumer education on IPM and IPM produce;

- premium on crops grown through IPM practices;

- policy makers role in creating enabling environment for IPM through organizational and policy support;

- demonstrating FFS-IPM approach as an instrument of community development;

- developing guidelines for applicability of FFS-IPM approach to all main cropping systems in the depressed ecologies in the region;

- developing and mobilizing plural support mechanisms for post-FFS farmer groups;

- further research on the role of GMOs in IPM;

- development of standardized tools for IPM impact assessment;

- institutionalization and quality assurance of IPM;

- women participation in IPM programmes.

(iv) Proposed work plan (2004-2005)



Supporting agency/party


Regional IPM newsletter through IPP



Regional IPM workshop

APPPC/FAO IPM projects and other organizations


Expert and facilitator exchange among Asia Pacific region and other regions

Bilateral and multilateral basis/IPM projects


Regional directory of IPM experts

APPPC/FAO IPM projects


Policy support for IPM in the member countries

APPPC/FAO IPM projects national IPM programme


IPM curriculum module development and IPM capacity building in higher education institutions

APPPC/FAO IPM projects national IPM programmes

12.1.2 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine

(i) Attendance

The meeting was attended by the following delegates:


Brian Stynes

TK. Lim


Soetikno Sastroutomo


Buntuon Simona


Wu Xiaoling

Wang Fuxiang

Zhao Minggang


Chong-yao Shen

David Nowell

Niek Van der Graaff


Suzuo Saito


Suparno SA

Islana Ervandiari


Asna Booty

Mazlan Saadon

Wan Normah Wan Ismail

New Zealand

John Hedley

Republic of Korea

Kwon Eun-Oh

Lee Jeong-sam


Udorn Unahawutti

Puangpaka Komson

(ii) Appointment of the Chairperson

Dr J. Hedley chaired this meeting.

(iii) Review of progress in plant quarantine

The Standing Committee noted with satisfaction the development and adoption of two regional phytosanitary standards. The continuing of the regional technical consultations and the situation with the SALB PRA were discussed.

(iv) Programme of activities for the next two years

The Standing Committee considered the following:

a. South American leaf blight (SALB)

The difficulties with pursuing the PRA TCP were noted. It has been decided to rephrase some parts of the TCP to ensure that the PRA is developed by a group of experts from within the region. Follow-up work to produce the standard is needed to facilitate the acceptance of part II of the revised Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific region was emphasized.

b. Regional standards

The Committee spent some time discussing the list of standards prepared during the plenary discussions. It was suggested that lower priority be accorded to the specific pest subjects (until the ICPM has created a suitable format), the manual for fumigation treatment (references are available from a number of sources), guidelines for monitoring Ceratitis capitata and determination of a systems approach for the management of fruit flies. The meeting supported the development of two standards:

- pest free areas for fruit flies
- guidelines for determination of non-host fruit fly status

Australia agreed to prepare draft specifications for the two new standards for consideration by the Standard Committee. The Committee agreed that two-three working group meetings would be needed for this work (the first for scientific experts to prepare a framework and a second to prepare the standards) requiring some US$50 000. Malaysia offered to check various sources (APEC, TFNet, ASEANET and Griffith University) for funds. It is hoped that the commissions funds (from FAO) will be available to fund meetings of the Standards Committee.

c. Regional technical consultation on draft standards

Australia will be funding the fourth consultation in Kuala Lumpur in 9 to 12 August 2003.

d. Information network

The Standing Committee noted the development of the APPPC website within the IPP. It is hoped that the secretariat will be able to continue to add material to this website. Technical assistance will be available through FAO to assist countries in learning to use the IPP and to develop their own information systems. The Information Officer should be able to assist in the development of this programme.

e. TCP Project on land border quarantine

The TCP project is still at the proposal stage.

Finally the meeting discussed ways of achieving a more consistent understanding of terms, concepts and standards through the region, and methods to make the information in country reports more readily available to interested parties.

12.1.3 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on Pesticides

(i) Attendance

The Standing Committee on Pesticides was attended by the following delegates:

China, Hong Kong

Lok Wai-shing

DPR Korea

Pak Chun Il

Kong Ung Gil


Hiagi Foraete


Catur Putra Budiman


Phaydy Phiaxaysarakham


May May Khin


Ismail Hashim


K.K. Shrestha


Arif Nadeem

Sri Lanka

Sarath L. Weerasena


Thihrapol Unjitwatana


Dam Quoc Tru

Crop Life Asia

George Fuller

Alan Browning


P.K. Saha

(ii) Appointment of the Chairperson

Sri Lanka was elected to chair the APPPC Standing Committee on Pesticides for 2004 and 2005. S.L. Weerasena of Sri Lanka was entrusted with the chairpersonship.

(iii) Review of the progress in pesticides

The Committee reviewed the progress of work undertaken and the following were noted:

a) The IPM programmes implemented in countries were successful not only in the reduction of pesticide use, but also in the promotion of the concept of organic farming.

b) Reduction of herbicide usage should be considered as an IPM priority.

c) The problem of disposing obsolete and unwanted pesticides was highlighted by all countries.

d) Committee decided to prioritize further and streamline the recommendations already made in 2001.

(iv) Recommended work programme for 2004 and 2005

a) Harmonization of regulatory procedures in pesticides

- Information exchange between countries on pesticide registration for harmonization should be facilitated and continued.

- Registration information on biopesticides should be exchanged between countries.

- Information on outputs derived during the 1st and 2nd FAO-sponsored harmonization workshop on pesticides for ASEAN countries should be shared with the sub-regional countries.

b) Promotion of safe handling of pesticides

Training programmes and workshops on safe handling of pesticides should be implemented with FAO/donor assistance.

c) Organic farming

Promotion of organic farming should be prioritized for the region and action plans need to be developed immediately.

d) Disposal of obsolete/unwanted and banned pesticides

Procedures for disposal of obsolete/unwanted and banned pesticides as arrived at during the global workshop held in 2002 sponsored by FAO should be shared with regional and sub-regional countries.

c) Prior informed consent (PIC)

Continuation of submission of information on status of PIC and the Designated National Authority (DNA) for pesticides to the APPPC secretariat.

12.2 Discussion and identification of the programme of the work for 2004 to 2005 and its financial resources

The Executive Secretary outlined the proposed programme of work for 2004 to 2005. He commented that as the amended Article of Agreement for establishing the mandatory financial contributions by the members of the Commission has still not entered into force, the secretariat of the Commission may have to make adjustments in line with the FAO regular programme budget, in the implementation of the following proposed programme of work for 2004 to 2005.

The secretariat will emphasize on the following activities:

- regional standard setting including a meeting of the APPPC Standard Committee;

- continue to carry out the regional TCP, first is "pest risk analysis of South American leaf blight of rubber". Another two projects during the 2004-2005 are "strengthening the land border plant quarantine" and "assisting ASEAN countries towards achieving pesticide regulatory harmonization";

- establish the plant protection information system.

The following meetings have been identified and will be held subject to finance being available and according to the priorities identified by the Commission.

Consultation and meeting

1. Expert consultations on draft regional standards for phytosanitary measures, in the early part of 2004, Bangkok, Thailand.

2. Expert consultation on capacity building towards monitoring and management of migratory pests, in the early part of 2004, Bangkok, Thailand.

3. Expert consultation on the strengthening land border plant quarantine facilities in Asian countries, in the later part of 2004, Bangkok, Thailand.

4. Expert consultation on the development of bio-pesticides use in plant pest management, in the early part of 2005 in Bangkok, Thailand.

5. Pesticide regulatory harmonization meeting for 7 South Asian countries, in the early part of 2005 in Bangkok, Thailand.

6. 24th biennial session of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC), date and venue will be decide later.

Training programme/workshops

1. Workshop for pest risk analysis for South American leaf blight (SALB) of rubber supported by regional TCP project.

2. Training programme for land border quarantine inspectors through regional TCP or FAO/TCDC project.

3. Workshop on inter-country forecasting system and control for brown planthopper (BPH) in the East Asia, may be supported by the Republic of Korea.

4. PRA training course proposal may seek budget from UNDP or other donor agencies and FAO’s on-going relevant project.

5. Other training programmes according to member countries requirements in the field of plant protection.

6. TFNet proposed a consultation on IPM for selected tropical fruits. Funds to be located.

Assist in carrying out activities of the various working groups of the APPPC’s Standing Committees on:

1. plant quarantine
2. IPM
3. pesticide

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