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About the poultry sector in affected Asian countries

Small commercial egg producer, West Java, Indonesia
Small commercial egg producer, West Java, Indonesia


In Asia, most of the poultry sector is represented by smallholders and village poultry production systems.

Distribution of outbreaks in China

Distribution, according to poultry density (derived from poultry density and outbreak location maps)
Distribution, according to poultry density (derived from poultry density and outbreak location maps)

The identification of the localities affected by HPAI in China and the accuracy of the data provided by the countries have made it possible to perform a GIS spatial analysis of the outbreaks and to demonstrate that the most affected element of the poultry sector in China was the medium-scale commercial farm where biosecurity was not properly practised and contact with wildlife was not present. A poultry density map was used to derive the average density of poultry at outbreak sites. In affected areas, the average poultry density was 2 414.4 poultry per square kilometre. The results obtained at outbreak location sites were compared to a sample of randomly selected non-affected areas (250 locations), where the poultry density was found to be 1 384.08 poultry per square kilometre. The two results were found to be statistically different. The distribution of outbreaks according to the poultry density is shown in the graph. It can be highlighted that more than 80 percent of the outbreaks were detected in areas where the density was below 5 000 poultry per square kilometre; more than 40 percent fell in the range 1 000-5 000.

Poultry market, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Poultry market, Lao People’s Democratic Republic


Chicken production in Viet Nam


Chicken production has a very important role in rural development in Viet Nam. Chickens are raised in almost all households. The livelihoods of nearly 80 percent of the population (12 million households) are based on agriculture and usually include keeping some dozen to 100 birds.

Chicken production supplies more protein for farmers, generates more income and improves living standards. Other commercial farming systems with hybrid birds are also kept by families divided into smallholders and medium- to largeholders.

Poultry population and poultry loss in some Asian countries


Poultry stocks
(1 000)

Estimated poultry loss by death or culling,
reported January-June 2004








20 749

21 248

22 978

24 000

36 495


China, Mainland

4 300 000

4 480 000

4 888 506

4 735 230

9 127 600



887 573

992 232

1 264 410

1 338 219

7 000 000



295 795

292 440

287 407

283 958

270 473


Korea, Republic of

107 706

109 127

109 540

104 030

405 968


Lao People’s Democratic Republic

14 885

15 856

17 069

23 100

150 092



252 843

261 412

260 527

197 374

27 554 689


Viet Nam

196 100

218 100

233 000

254 222

38 000 000


Source: FAOSTAT database (2000-2003), FAO mission reports, country reports and OIE Web site.

It is recognized that the major impact of the epidemic in Asia has been on the livelihoods of rural communities depending on poultry for their subsistence. A wide range of poultry, including chicken, quail, duck, goose, turkey, guinea fowl, crow, magpie, black swan, turkey, stork, pheasant and pigeon, has been affected by the disease. This has caused severe economic hardships at the rural level.

The total losses from deaths and culling of poultry are reportedly in the order of 85 million birds.


FAO. 2004. Consultant mission reports.

FAO. 2004. Review of the livestock sector in the Mekong countries, by V. Knips. Livestock Sector Report, Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch, Rome.

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). 2002. Review of the livestock sector in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, prepared by W. Stür, D. Gray & G. Bastin (available at

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Web site


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