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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2004 was prepared by FAO Fisheries Department staff, led by a team comprising U. Wijkström, A. Gumy and R. Grainger. General direction was provided by the Department’s management staff, including: L. Ababouch, J. Csirke, S. Garcia, J. Jia, I. Nomura, J.-F. Pulvenis de Séligny, B. Satia, J. Turner and G. Valdimarsson.

The preparation of Part 1, World review of fisheries and aquaculture, was the overall editorial responsibility of R. Grainger assisted by Z. Shehadeh (consultant), who coordinated the contributions made by L. Garibaldi (production, capture fisheries), A. Lowther (aquaculture production), J. Csirke (marine resources), A. Crispoldi (fishers and fishing fleets), A. Smith and K. Kelleher (consultant) (fishing fleets), D. Doulman (regional fisheries governance), N. Hishamunda (aquaculture governance), R. Subasinghe and N. Hishamunda (aquaculture), D.M. Bartley (inland fisheries), S. Vannuccini and G. Laurenti (consumption), S. Vannuccini (utilization and trade), and H. Josupeit (commodity trade). S. Montanaro, G. Laurenti, A. Lowther and S. Vannuccini prepared the figures and the tables.

Contributors to Part 2, Selected issues facing fishers and aquaculturists, included: A. Lovatelli and M. New (consultant) (capture-based aquaculture), S. Mathew (International Collective in support of fishworkers) (labour standards in the fishing sector), K. Cochrane (fisheries management and CITES), H. Loreal and L. Ababouch (trade implications of fish species/product identification), S. Garcia and J. Caddy (consultant) (depleted stocks recovery: a challenging necessity) and R. Shotton (governance and management of deepwater fisheries).

Contributors to Part 3, Highlights of special FAO studies, included: D. McHugh (consultant) (scope of the seaweed industry), C. Brugère (global aquaculture outlook: an analysis of global aquaculture production forecasts to 2030), W. Thiele (impacts of trawling on benthic habitats and communities), R. Metzner (measurement of fishing capacity), K. Kelleher (consultant) (re-estimating discards in the world’s marine capture fisheries), W. Schrank (consultant) (fisheries subsidies) and E. Jul-Larsen (consultant) (African freshwaters: are small scale-fisheries a problem?).

Part 4, Outlook, was written by S. Garcia, R. Grainger, A. Crispoldi and U. Wijkström.

The Editorial Production and Design Group of the FAO Publishing Management Service was responsible for the editing, design and production of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2004.

Notes: Unless otherwise stated, the source of data for the figures and tables is FAO. Data for China do not include Taiwan Province of China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region.

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