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Armstrong, S. 1993. The last taboo. WorldAIDS, 29:2

FAO. 2003. HIV/AIDS and agriculture: impacts and responses. Case studies from Namibia, Uganda and Zambia. Rome.

FAO. No date. Gender and food security – The feminization of agriculture (available at

Howard, P.L. 2003. Women and plants, gender relations in biodiversity management and conservation. London, ZED Books.

White, J. & Robinson, E. 2000. HIV/AIDS and rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. London, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich.

Wooten, S. 2003. Losing ground: Gender relations, commercial horticulture, and threats to local plant diversity in rural Mali. In Howard, P.L. ed. 2003. Women and plants, gender relations in biodiversity management and conservation, London, ZED Books.

Web sites

FAO Web site on Plant Genetic Resources:

FAO Web site for Agrobiodiversity:

FAO Web site on Gender, Agrobiodiversity and Local Knowledge:

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