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Responsibilities and roles of study partners: Annex 2

Distribution based on roles and responsibilities adopted at the workshop in October 2001 in Cotonou



National Study Team

International Consultants

1. To organize logistics for the entire study and for supervisory/support missions by international consultants.

1. To facilitate the work of the national team in charge of the study and that of international consultants throughout the duration of the study.

1. To identify and contract specialists who are to join the national team (task of the institution leader).

1. To supply and develop the global methodology and the work plan for the study.

2. To arrange contracts for national teams.

2. To follow the progress and give the results from the national team to the RSU and to international consultants.

2. To organize the implementation and/or the conduct of the study in keeping with the methodology adopted at the planning workshop held in Cotonou.

2. To advise national teams on implementation and analysis.

3. Provide and monitor necessary funds.

3. To give regular reports to the NCU and the RSU who are jointly responsible for monitoring the progress of the study.

3. To conduct short supervisory missions to each country during the course of the study (according to the planning done in Cotonou).

4. To organize regional workshops.

4. To organize supervisory missions for the international consultants and integrate them into the work schedule of the team.

4. To prepare materials and facilitate the kick-off and final review workshops in Cotonou.

5. To ensure sharing of information on preliminary and final results between country teams, the NCUs and international consultants.

5. To consider the suggestions for improvement or amendment offered by international consultants.

5. To prepare a preliminary summary report taking into account key lessons and the recommendations arising from the outputs of national teams.

6. To monitor national teams and international consultants and their progress in achieving the outputs of the study.

6. To respect deadlines and work plans adopted.

6. To finalize the final summary report, highlighting recommendations and the activities foreseen at national and regional levels (RSU programme).

7. To provide all translation services required.

7. To provide the outputs of the country study to the NCU, the RSU and the international consultants within the time frames drawn up in the work plan.

8. To assure the general co-ordination of studies conducted in the six countries.

9. To approve, publish and disseminate the final outputs.

10. To identify and facilitate the implementation of activities which will emerge from the study.

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