Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management

Antonia Engel
Benedikt Korf

Prepared in the framework of the
Livelihood Support Programme (LSP)
An interdepartmental programme for improving
support for enhancing livelihoods of the rural poor

ROME, 2005


Table of Contents

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© FAO 2005





What this guide is about
Who the guide is for
Objectives of the guide
Effectiveness of consensual negotiations
What is in the guide?
How to use the guide

SECTION 1: An introduction to natural resource conflicts, collaborative management and sustainable livelihoods

1.1 What are community-based natural resource conflicts?
1.2 Collaborative natural resource management and conflict
1.3 Natural resource conflicts and sustainable livelihoods
Section summary

SECTION 2: Managing conflict

2.1 The nature of conflict
2.2 Different options for managing conflict
2.3 Alternative conflict management methods: negotiation and mediation techniques
2.4 Mediation in direct and non-direct dealing cultures
Section summary

SECTION 3: Process map for consensual negotiations

3.1 The role of a third party in consensual negotiations
3.2 The ten steps of conflict management
3.3 Process management
Section summary

SECTION 4: Entry

4.1 Why careful entry is essential
4.2 Step 1: planning the entry
4.3 Step 2: entering the conflict setting
4.4 Step 3: preliminary conflict assessment
Section summary

SECTION 5: Analysing conflict

5.1 Why conflict analysis is essential
5.2 Conflict analysis as a process
5.3 Tools in conflict analysis
5.4 Conflict issues and root cause analysis
5.5 Identifying and analysing stakeholders
Section summary

SECTION 6: Broadening stakeholder engagement

6.1 Why stakeholder engagement is important
6.2 Step 4: deeper engagement - stakeholders analyse the conflict
6.3 Step 5: generating and assessing settlement options
Section summary

SECTION 7: Negotiations and building agreements

7.1 Why negotiations and agreements are important
7.2 Step 6: preparing negotiations
7.3 Step 7: mediating negotiations
7.4 Step 8: designing the agreement
Section summary


8.1 Why an exit strategy is important
8.2 Step 9: monitoring and implementing agreements
8.3 Step 10: exploring exit strategy
Section summary


ANNEX I: Collaborative natural resource management

Collaborative management
The policy framework: are the circumstances right?

ANNEX II: Field guide to conflict analysis

Analysing conflict
Tools in conflict analysis
Core tool 1: Root cause analysis
Core tool 2: Issue analysis
Core tool 3: Stakeholder identification and analysis
Core tool 4: Analysing the 4Rs - stakeholder rights, responsibilities, returns and relationships
Complementary tool 5: Conflict time line
Complementary tool 6: Mapping conflicts over resource use

ANNEX III: Case studies

Case study 1: Management of Bawumpila Community Forest
Case study 2: Conflict on the diversion of Bosoko river in the Amansuri wetland


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