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Some recent literature on extension

Alex, G., W. Zijp, D. Bylerlee et al. 2002. Rural Extension and Advisory Services: New Directions. Rural Development Strategy Backgroup Paper No. 9. Washington, DC., Agriculture and Rural Development Department, World Bank, August.

Anderson, J.R., and G. Feder. 2003. Rural Extension Services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2976. Washington, D.C., February.

Anyonge, T.M., C. Holding, K.K. Kareko and J.W. Kimani. 2001. Scaling up participatory agroforestry extension in Kenya: from pilot projects to extension policy; Development in Practice, 11:4, 449 459.

Dinar, A., and G. Keynan. 2001. Economics of Paid Extension: Lessons from Experience in Nicaragua. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83:769 776.

Dorman, E., K. Amezah and J. Hesse. 2003. Contracting out Extension in Ghana: The First Steps. 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa, August 19.

FAO/World Bank. 2000. Agricultural knowledge and information systems for rural development (AKIS/RD): Strategic vision and guiding principles. Rome.

FAO. 2002. Methodological Guide for Designing and Implementing a Multimedia Communication Strategy. Communication for Development manual 2. Rome.

FAO. 2005. Agricultural extension and training needs of farmers in the small island countries: a case study from Samoa, by M.K. Qamar and S.S. Lameta. Rome.

FAO. 2003. Addressing extension and training needs of farmers with physical disabilities: A case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by M.K. Qamar and I. Shahbazi. Rome.

FAO. 2003. A new extension vision for food security: Challenge to change, by W.M. Rivera and M.K. Qamar. Rome.

FAO. 2003. Extension through women’s community development groups: a case study of female extension assistants in Azad Jammu & Kashmir, by K. Qamar and K. Ijaz. Rome.

FAO.2003. Nepal: A study on issues and problems arising from decentralization of agricultural extension services, unpublished report of a study conducted by M.K. Qamar and K.N. Pyakuryal. Rome.

Farrington, I.C., A.D. Kidd and M. Beckman. 2002. Extension, poverty and vulnerability: The scope for policy reforms (Final report of a study for the Neuchatel Initiative); Working paper No. 155. London, UK: Overseas Development Institute; March.

Gallagher, K.D. 2000. Community study programmes for integrated production and pest management: Farmer Field Schools. Human Resources in Agricultural and Rural Development. Rome: FAO.

Gemo, H., C.K. Eicher and S. Teclemariam. 2005. Mozambique’s experience in building a national extension system. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.

Jones, G. and C. Garforth. 1997. The History, Development, and Future of Agricultural Extension; In: B. Swanson, R. Bentz and A. Sofranko (eds.), Improving Agricultural Extension: A Reference Manual. FAO. Rome.

Marsh, S.P. and D.J. Pannell. 2002. Agricultural extension policy in Australia: the good, the bad, and the misguided. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44: 605 727.

Mubangizi, N., M.N. Mangheni and C.J. Garforth. 2004. Information sources and constraints under national agricultural advisory services programme, of service providers in Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 257 264.

Neuchatel Initiative Group. 1999. Common Framework on Agricultural Extension. Paris: Ministère des Affaires étrangeres, Bureau des politiques agricoles et de la securité alimentaire.

Neuchatel Initiative Group. 2002. A Common Framework for Financing Agricultural and Rural Extension. Neuchatel Initiative. Uppsala, Sweden.

Ojha, G.P. and S.R. Morin. 2001. Partnership in agricultural extension: Lessons from Chitwan (Nepal). Agricultural Research and Extension Network. Network Paper No. 114, July 2001. Overseas Development Institute. London.

Peeters, A. (ed.). 2000. Methods and Tools of Extension for Mountain Farms. FAO.

Qamar, M.K. 2000. Agricultural extension at the turn of the millennium: trends and challenges, Human Resources in Agricultural and Rural Development. Rome: FAO, pp. 158 170.

Qamar, M.K. 2001. The HIV/AIDS epidemic: An unusual challenge to agricultural extension services in sub-Saharan Africa. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol. 8, No. 1; 1 11.

Qamar, M.K. 2002. Global trends in agricultural extension: Challenges facing Asia and the Pacific Region. Keynote paper presented at the FAO Regional Expert Consultation on Agricultural Extension, Research-Extension-farmer Interface and Technology Transfer, held in Bangkok, 16 19 July.

Qamar, M.K. 2003. Agricultural extension in Asia and the Pacific: Time to revisit and reform. Resource paper presented at the International Seminar on Enhancement of Extension Systems in Agriculture, organized by the Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, at Faisalabad, Pakistan; 15-20 December.

Qamar, M.K. 2003. Facing the challenge of an HIV/AIDS epidemic: agricultural extension services in sub-Saharan Africa. Rome: FAO.

Quizon, J., Feder, G. and R. Murgai. 2000. A note on the sustainability of the Farmer Field School approach to agricultural extension. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Rivera, W.M. and W. Zijp. 2001. Contracting for Agricultural Extension: Case Studies and Emerging Practices. London: CABI International.

Rivera, W.M, M.K. Qamar and L.V. Crowder. 2001. Agricultural and Rural Extension Worldwide: Options for Institutional Reform in the Developing Countries. Rome, FAO.

Rivera, W.M. 2001. The Invisible Frontier: the Current Limits of Decentralizaiton and Privatization n the Developing Countries. InF. Brewer (ed.), Agricultural Extension: An International Perspective (2001); Erudition Press.

Rivera, W.M. and G. Alex (eds.). 2002. Extension Reform for Rural Development: Case Studies of International Initiatives. The World Bank, Rural Development Family, SASKI. October 15.

Rivera, W.M. and G. Alex. 2003. Pluralism, Emergent Priorities and the Central Role of Government in Extension Reform; in: Extension and Rural Development: International Case Studies and Emerging Trends. World Bank. Washington, DC.

Rivera, W.M. and M.K. Qamar. 2003. Agricultural Extension, Rural Development and Food Security Challenge. Rome: FAO.

Rivera, W.M., M.K. Qamar, and H.K. Mwandemere. 2005. Enhancing Coordination among AKIS/RD Actors: An analytical and comparative review of country studies on agricultural knowledge and information systems for rural development (AKIS/RD). Rome: FAO.

Sanchez, P., et. al. 2004. Halving Hunger: It can be done. Report of the Millennium Task Force on Hunger.

Swanson, B.E., A.J. Sofranko, and M.M. Samy. 2004. Impact of Trade Liberalization on Agriculture: Illinois Value-Added Experience and Possible Implications for Extension in Mexico. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois.

Tripp, R., M. Wijeratne and V. Hiroshini. What should we expect from farmer field school? A Sri Lanka case study. World Development, Volume 33, Issue 10, October 2005, pp 1705-1720.

Van den Ban, A.W. 2000. Different Ways of Financing Agricultural Extension. ODI AgREN Network Paper 106b. London.

World Bank. 2002. Summary report of the World Bank/USAID/Neuchatel International Workshop on Extension and Rural Development held at IFPRI. Washington, DC.

World Bank/USAID. 2002. Extension and Rural Development: a Convergence of Views on Institutional Approaches? International Workshop, Nov. 12 14. The World Bank. Washington, DC.

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