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Aldrian, A, Bauer, A, Eberl, W, Rametsteiner, E, Sekot, W, Wagner, S, and Weiss, G, 2004, Austria country report,     report for EC COST E30 Project.

Baruffol, U, Baur, P, Dürrenmatt, R, Kammerhofer, A, Zimmermann, W, Schmithüsen, F, 2003, EU-project evaluating     financing of forestry in Europe: Country report Switzerland, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland.

Bauer, J, Kniivilä, M, and Schmithüsen, F, 2004, Forest Legislation in Europe, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion     Paper ECE/TIM/DP/37, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Blombäck, P, Poschen, P, and Lövgren, M, 2003, Employment trends and prospects in the European forest sector,     Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/29, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Broadhead, J, Bahdon, J, and Whiteman, A, in prep, Past trends and future prospects for the utilisation of wood for     energy, Global Forest Products Outlook Study Working Paper No. GFPOS/WP/05, Food and Agriculture Organization of     the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Bromhead, A, 2000, Timber and wood products, Timber Trades Journal, 29th January 2000, pp 10-11.

Brown, C, 2000, The outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations, Global Forest Products Outlook Study     Working Paper No. GFPOS/WP/03, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Bouriaud, L, Nichiforel, L, Nastase, C, Dragoi, S, Padureanu, L, and Borlea, G F, 2004, Romania country report,
    report for EC COST E30 Project.

Carvalho Mendes, A M S, 2004, Portugal country report, report for EC COST E30 Project.

Chobanova, R, Mihova, K, Ivanova, D, Koleva, V, Hristova, G, Doichinova, H, Bonev, K, Tzolova, R, and Terzieva, T,
    2004, Bulgaria country report, report for EC COST E30 Project.

Ciesla, W M, 2002, Non-wood forest products from temperate broadleaved trees, Non-wood Forest Products Paper
    No. 15, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Clinch, P, 1999, The economics of Irish forestry, COFORD, Dublin, Ireland.

Collier, P, Short, I, and Dorgan, J, 2004, Markets for non-wood forest products, COFORD, Dublin, Ireland.

Cooper, R, Ingram, J, Martin, S, Slee, B, and Wong, J, 2004, United Kingdom country report,
    report for EC COST E30 Project.

Cork Information Bureau, 2002, Cork stoppers quality backgrounder, Cork Information Bureau,
    Portuguese Cork Association (APCOR), Santa Maria de Lamas, Portugal, also available at:

CPI, 2004, Fact sheet: Recovery and recycling of paper and board, Confederation of Paper Industries, Swindon,
    United Kingdom.

Dengg, J, Hillring, B, Ilavsky, J, Ince, P, Stolp, J, and Perez-Latorre, M, 2000, Recycling,
    energy and market interactions, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/15, United Nations,
    Geneva, Switzerland.

Dubé, Y, Schmithüsen, F, Eds., 2003: Cross-Sectoral Policy Impacts Between Forestry and Other Sectors.
    Forestry Paper No 142; FAO, Rome, Italy

EFFE, 2003, EFFE-Project draft research report, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.

Erkkonen, J, and Sievänen, T, 2003, Visitor information - surveys and countings in Finland, METLA, Finland, available at:

Ernst, M L, 1978, Some implications of current social, economic and technological trends, A D Little, Copely Plaza,
    United States of America.

FAO, 1988, Forestry policies in Europe, Forestry Paper 86, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
    Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1999, Towards a harmonized definition of non-wood forest products, Unasylva No. 198, Volume 50, pp 63-64.

Forestry Commission, 2002, British timber statistics 2001, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
    also available at:

Fraser, A I, 2004, Making forest policy work, Forestry Sciences Volume 73, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
    The Netherlands.

Gerkens, M et Gérard, E, 2004, Évolution des prix de l'épicea, du chêne et du hêtre entre 1960 et 2003,
    Forêt Wallonne, No 68, Jan-Fév 2004

Gold, S, 2003, The development of European forest resources, 1950 to 2000: a better information base, Geneva Timber
    and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/31, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Helles, F, and Thorsen, B J, 2004, Denmark country report, report for EC COST E30 Project.

Hoekman, B, English, P, and Matoo, A (editors), 2003, Development, trade and the WTO: a handbook, World Bank,
    Washington DC, United States of America.

ILO, 2000, Public participation in forestry in Europe and North America, Sectoral Activities Department Working Paper
    No. 163, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Iqbal, M, 1993, International trade in non-wood forest products: an overview, FO Working Paper No. Misc/93/11,
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, also available at:

IRF, 1990, World road statistics: 1963 - 1989, International Road Federation, Geneva, Switzerland, available at:

Italian State Forest Service, 1990, Proceedings from the seminar on products from the Mediterranean forest,
    Collana Verde 79/1990, Italian State Forest Service, Firenze, Italy.

Kangas, K, and Baudin, A, 2003, Modelling and projections of forest products demand, supply and trade in Europe,
    Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/30, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Lawson, G, Hyttinen, P, and Thomas, T, 1998, Policy makers decisions on farm and community forestry in Europe,
     presentation to ECTF Workshop on Decision Trees, 25 September 1998, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Lebedys, A, in prep, Trends and current status of the contribution of the forest sector to national economies,
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Lorenz, M, Becher, G, Mues, V, Fischer, R, Ulrich, E, Dobbertin, M, and Stofer, S, 2004, Forest Condition in Europe -
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MCPFE, 2003a, State of Europe’s forests 2003 - The MCPFE report on sustainable forest management in Europe,
    Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Vienna, Austria.

MCPFE, 2003b, Vienna Resolution 4 - conserving and enhancing forest biological diversity in Europe, Fourth Ministerial
    Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, 28-30 April 2003, Vienna, Austria.

METLA, 2003, Finland - average stumpage in non-industrial private forests, Statistical Yearbook of Forestry
    (Metsätilastollinen vuosikirja) 2003, METLA, Finland.

NOBE, 2002, Forecasts of economic growth in OECD and Central and Eastern European countries for the period

    2000-2040, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/24, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

OAO NIPIEIlesprom, 2003, Russian Federation forest sector outlook study, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper
    ECE/TIM/DP/27, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Ollmann, H, 2001, Holzbilanzen für die EU und ihre Mitgliedsländer, Institut für Ökonomie,
    Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg, Germany.

Pajuoja, H, 1995, The outlook for the European forest resources and roundwood supply, Geneva Timber and Forest
    Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/4, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Peck, T J, and Descargues, J, 1997, The policy context for the development of the forest and forest industries sector in
    Europe, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/11, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

PEFC, 2004, PEFC Newsletter - May 2004, Pan-European Forest Certification Council, Luxembourg. Also available at:

Pettennela, D, Klohn, S, Brun, F, Carbone, F, Venzi, L, Cesaro, L, Ciccarese, L, 2004, Italy country report,
    report for EC COST E30 Project.

Rametsteiner, E, and Kraxner, F, 2003, Europeans and their forests: what do Europeans think about forests and
    sustainable forest management? - A review of representative public opinion surveys in Europe.
    Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Vienna, Austria.

Remade Scotland, 2004, Woodwaste arisings in Scotland: assessment of available data on Scottish
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Roos, J, 2000, Technological change in Japan's residential construction market and its effect on forest products demand,
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Schelhaas, M, van Brusselen, J, Pussinen, A, Pesonen, E, Schuck, A, Nabuurs, G and Sasse, V, in prep,
    Outlook for the development of European forest resources, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper,
    United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Schmithüsen, F, 2000, The Expanding Framework of Law and Public Policies Governing Sustainable Uses
    and Management in European Forests: IUFRO World Series Volume 10 (2000): 1-27, Secretariat, Vienna, Austria.

Schmithüsen, F, 2004, European Forest Policy Developments in Changing Societies - Political Trends and
    Challenges to Research: EFI Proceedings (2004) 49: 87-99, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.

Schmithüsen, F; Wild-Eck, S, 2000, Uses and Perceptions of Forests by People living in Urban Areas –
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Schuler, A, 2002, Innovative uses of wood promotes market development and supports forest sustainability:
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    presentation to the UNECE Timber Committee 60th Session, 24-27 September 2002, Geneva, Switzerland.

Sedjo, R, and Sohngen, B, 1998, Impacts of climate change on forests, RFF Climate Issue Brief No. 9 (Second Edition),
    Resources for the Future, Washington DC, United States of America, available at:

Seoane, I, 2002, European Community aid schemes, presentation to ECCP Working Group on Forest Carbon Sinks,
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Solberg, B, in prep, Historical trends in forest products markets in Europe, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper,
    United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Thoroe, C, Peck, T, Guarin Corredor, H, and Schmithüsen, F, 2004, The policy context of the European forest sector,
    Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper ECE/TIM/DP/34, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 1993, The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UNECE/FAO 1990 forest resource assessment,
    United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 1998, Non-wood goods and services of the forest, Geneva Timber and Forest Study Paper ECE/TIM/SP/15,
    United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 1999, Forest Fire Statistics 1996-1998, Timber Bulletin - Volume LII (1999), No. 4, United Nations,
    Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 2000, Forest Resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New Zealand,
    United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 2001a, Forest policies and institutions of Europe - 1998-2000, Geneva Timber and Forest Study Paper
    ECE/TIM/SP/19, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 2001b, World urbanization prospects: the 2001 revision, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
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UN, 2002, World population prospects: the 2002 revision, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
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UN, 2003, Forest products annual market analysis 2002-2004, Timber Bulletin - Volume LVI (2003), No. 3,
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    Zastocki, D, and Janeczko, E,
2004, Poland country report, report for EC COST E30 Project.

Some facts about the Timber Committee

The Timber Committee is a principal subsidiary body of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) based in Geneva. It constitutes a forum for cooperation and consultation between member countries on forestry, forest industry and forest product matters. All countries of Europe; the former USSR; United States, of America, Canada and Israel are members of the UNECE and participate in its work.

The UNECE Timber Committee shall, within the context of sustainable development, provide member countries with the information and services needed for policy- and decision-making regarding their forest and forest industry sector ("the sector"), including the trade and use of forest products and, when appropriate, formulate recommendations addressed to member Governments and interested organisations. To this end, it shall:

1. With the active participation of member countries, undertake short-, medium- and long-term analyses of developments in, and having an impact on, the sector, including those offering possibilities for the facilitation of international trade and for enhancing the protection of the environment;

2. In support of these analyses, collect, store and disseminate statistics relating to the sector, and carry out activities to improve their quality and comparability;

3. Provide the framework for cooperation e.g. by organizing seminars, workshops and ad hoc meetings and setting up time-limited ad hoc groups, for the exchange of economic, environmental and technical information between governments and other institutions of member countries that is needed for the development and implementation of policies leading to the sustainable development of the sector and to the protection of the environment in their respective countries;

4. Carry out tasks identified by the UNECE or the Timber Committee as being of priority, including the facilitation of subregional cooperation and activities in support of the economies in transition of central and eastern Europe and of the countries of the region that are developing from an economic point of view;

5. It should also keep under review its structure and priorities and cooperate with other international and intergovernmental organisations active in the sector, and in particular with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and its European Forestry Commission and with the ILO (International Labour Organisation), in order to ensure complementarities and to avoid duplication, thereby optimizing the use of resources.

More information about the Committee's work may be obtained by writing to: