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7. Session III: Rehabilitation Strategies

The workshop then developed six strategies to achieve the vision and a number of priority activities to support them. These strategies could be incorporated into national, agency or donor programmes. In order to do this program-components were considered in relation to country specific needs, rehabilitation needs and agency strengths.

Key strategies and priority areas agreed by the meeting

Strategy 1 - Improve policy, institutions and processes

· Set clear policy objectives which acknowledge trade-offs between competing objectives (economic, social and environmental)

· Strengthen fisheries management institutions

· Promote integrated coastal management as a governance process for facilitating discussions between stakeholders

· Ensure consultation with and participation of stakeholders

Strategy 2 - Provide physical assets

· Provide physical assets through conducting needs assessments, purchasing and identification targeted beneficiaries, to ensure timely delivery to those in need

· Provide physical assets that support broad livelihood activities, involving both CONSRN partners and other agencies with the competency and mandate

· Control the provision of physical assets to avoid over-capacity, recognizing the trade-off between the need for rapid inputs (such as boats), versus good governance and legislation

· Provide policy advice and advocacy on overcapacity issues through regional meetings

· Support development of legislation (which reflects local level needs, monitoring, registration, for example) at national levels to reduce over capacity

· Supply physical assets that are compatible with the needs of the affected people ("like for like" principle)

· Monitor the process of procurement and distribution by all suppliers

Strategy 3 - Ensure equitable access to inputs and the sustainably managed resources

· Carry out stakeholder analysis to ensure participation and equitable access to resources, determination of levels of fishing capacity and equitable planning for aquaculture activities

· Consult with the fisher communities and fish farmers in a transparent way before considering relocation

· Rehabilitate important habitats and ecosystems (such as coral reefs and mangroves) through participatory approaches with communities and in cooperation with the concerned Government Departments, Ministries and Institutions

· Ensure access to supplies of seed and broodstock for aquaculture

Strategy 4 - Provide appropriate financial mechanisms

· Assess and understand the existing financial mechanisms (formal and informal) in their cultural context

· Ensure overcapacity is not encouraged through provision of loans to repair and replace vessels

· Support the establishment of an enabling environment for financial institutions and systems (formal, informal) to ensure their rapid return to normal operation

· Ensure that all players in the supply chain have access to appropriate finance, with a focus on small-scale, non-commercial lending

· Collaborate with APRACA through providing technical inputs to their assessments and (through APRACA collaboration) to the banks for their lending guidelines

Strategy 5 - Improve community livelihoods and responsible coastal resources/management

· Facilitate the empowerment of communities (through development of human skills) to ensure greater community organization and participation in networking, negotiation and self-reliance (such as development of marketing or micro-enterprise organisations)

· Increase skills, knowledge, ability to work and health of all those in affected fishing and aquaculture communities with emphasis on small-scale, marginalized, resource-poor people

· Enhance the capacity of the institutions working to support them (to be implemented at the community and national level)

· Train and plan in the implementation of responsible community coastal resource management strategies and enforcement

· Provide training in sustainable livelihoods approach

Strategy 6 - Re-build and enhance the social assets, resources and networks upon which people in affected fishing and aquaculture communities draw in pursuit of their livelihood strategies and psychosocial well-being (to be implemented at the community and national level)

· Establish, rebuild and strengthen community organizations (e.g. fisher groups, cooperatives, religious groups, women's support groups, etc.)

· Strengthen existing social institutions

· Identify existing expertise and skills, in particular disciplines and sectors and map to needs

· Network and communicate with existing organizations and ensure that expertise and activities are publicised

· Support establishment of structured mechanisms for consultation, interaction, communication and coordination between governments, donors and NGOs

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