Forest certification in China:
Latest developments and future strategies

Workshop Report
Hangzhou, China,
21-23 July 2004

Compiled and edited by

Philip McKenzie
Patrick B. Durst

RAP Publication: 2005/08

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Download Report
Introduction/Summary of workshop presentations/Conclusions and recommendations/Bibliography/Appendix 1 Programme/Appendix 2 List of participants (752KB)
Appendix 3 Presentations: Certification as a mechanism to promote sustainable forestry in China - Jeff Sayer (1.05MB)
PEFC: The best way to develop nationally appropriate and internatinally recognised forest certification - Ben Gunneberg (552KB)
What is FSC and how does it work - James Sandom (416KB)
Malaysian criteria and indicators for sustainablel forest management, including certification: its development and experiences with implementation - Thang Hooi Chiew (431KB)
Certification development : experiences from Indonesia. The road to a credible system - Dwi Rahmad Muhtaman (813KB)
The SFI® standard & the SFB - William Banzhaf (679KB)
Forest certification: issues for international cooperation - Simmathiri Appanah (471KB)
Market demands for certified wood products in North America and Europe - Sharon Haines (215KB)
Analysis of wood market in China - Lu Wenming (448KB)
Forest certification in China - Li Mingqi (480KB)
The UKWAS example: How to develop a national certification standard - Stuart Goodal (346KB)
Working groups/ Uncut diamonds: some suggestions for China / Appendix 4: Certification websites and information resources (746KB)

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© FAO 2005
ISBN no. 974-7946-73-4

Cover Design:
Philip McKenzie

Photo Credits:
Thang Hon Tat

For copies of the report, write to:
Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
Tel: (66-2) 697 4000
Fax: (66-2) 697 4445


FAO has identified forest management certification as an important tool in support of the sustainable use and conservation of forests. Certification provides an opportunity to strengthen comprehensive approaches in the forestry sector because it deals with issues related to forest management and ecological and social sustainability. China is one of the world's largest wood producing countries and has rapidly become a leading producer of value-added wood products for export. As such, it must deal with issues of forest certification for the purpose of improving its forest management and to maintain or increase its market share. Over the past decade there has been a proliferation of certification schemes in different countries and at different levels. China is interested in developing a single, coherent national forest certification strategy. A workshop was therefore organized in Hangzhou, China from 21 to 23 July 2004 to explore various options. This report provides an overview of the workshop and main recommendations for China.