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Annex 1

Final Agenda

Genetically Modified Organisms in Crop Production and Their Effects on the Environment: Methodologies for Monitoring and the Way Ahead

18–20 January 2005
FAO, Rome, Italy

Day 1 (18 Jan 2005)

Lebanon Room D209




Opening Ceremonies


  • Welcome Remarks: L.O. Fresco, ADG, AG
  • Introduction: M. Solh, Director, AGP
  • Framing the Monitoring Challenge: P. Kenmore, AGP
  • Adoption of the Agenda



Session I

Elements of Environmental Monitoring Strategies
Chair: D. Bartsch


Presentation 1: Principles and procedures for medium- to long-term environmental monitoring
Speaker: P. Jepson


Presentation 2: Strategies and tools for monitoring biodiversity and ecological function
Speaker: A. Hilbeck


Presentation 3: Soil ecosystem monitoring methodologies
Speaker: J. Thies

1200- 13.00

General discussion led by the Chair

1300- 14.00

Lunch break

Session IIa

Monitoring GM Crops: Methodologies and Practices
Chair: Bao Lu


Presentation 1: Issues and challenges in monitoring GM crop-specific traits
Speaker: D. Bartsch


Presentation 2: Farm-scale evaluation of GMHT plants in the United Kingdom,
Speaker: L. Firbank


Presentation 3: Regulatory aspects for monitoring GM crops in New Zealand.
F. François

15.15 -15.30

Coffee/tea break

Session II b

Monitoring GM crops : Sharing Country Experiences
Chair: A. Hilbeck

15.30 - 15.50

Presentation 1: Monitoring GM crops in Canada
Speaker: R. Blackshaw


Presentation 2: Monitoring GM crops in China
Speaker: Bao Lu


Presentation 3: Monitoring GM Crops in Brazil
Speaker: E. Fontes


Presentation 4: Field experience in monitoring GM crops in South Africa
Speaker: G. Bothma

16.50 - 17.30

General Discussion discussion led by the Chair

19.30 - 21.30

Reception Dinner

Day 2 (19. 01. Jan 2005)
Lebanon Room D209

Session III: Management of Monitoring Programmes: Options, Stakeholders and Participation
Chair: J. Dargie, AGE, FAO


Presentation1: Monitoring GM potato in the Peru and in the Netherlands.
Speaker: R. Visser and M. Scurrah


Presentation 2: Field monitoring and research on GM crops in CIMMYT
Speaker: R. Ortiz


Presentation 3: Management of GMOs in ex-situ collections in genebanks
Speaker: C. Hoogendoorn


Presentation 4: Monitoring strategies and management of GM crops: Industry perspective
Speaker: R. Layton


Presentation 5: Monitoring strategies and management of GM crops: Perspective from the civil society
Speaker: S. Sahai


General Discussion led by the chair Group formation for Thematic Working Sessions explained by P. Jepson


Thematic Working Sessions in two groups
Group A: Develop a long term monitoring strategy/initiative for GM crops to meet the needs of countries/regions with substantial knowledge of potential hazards and existing monitoring programsprogrammes.
Group B: Develop a practical medium term monitoring strategy/ /initiative for GM crops to meet the needs of countries/regions with limited knowledge of potential hazards and little experience in monitoring programmes.

10.30 - 13.00
Group A Lebanon Room
Group B ESD Meeting Room, B540

Thematic Working Session 1: Examining the Scientific Basis for Monitoring
Group A and Group B separately focus on the scientific criteria, procedure and protocol design, measurements and technical aspects of monitoring design


Lunch break

14.00 - 14.45

Presentation by Groups and discussion on monitoring design and scientific criteria
Chair: P. Jepson

15.00 - 17.00
Group A Lebanon Room
Group B ESD Meeting Room, B540

Thematic Working Session 2: Designing of the Monitoring Process
Group A and Group B to reconvene in their groups to discuss and develop the process and mechanism for a working program programme for monitoring, including documentation, decision support and information management and stakeholder participation. Groups may wish to focus on management (agro-inputs and new agri-practices), process (stakeholders, risk communication) and networking at national and regional level.


Presentation by Groups and discussion: focus on monitoring process, mechanism and stakeholder participation.
Chair: P. Jepson

Day 3 (20.01. Jan 2005)


Group A Lebanon Room
Group B Canada Room

Thematic Working Session 3: Sharing Experiences,
International context and Networking
Discuss role and contribution of the international community in the process and mechanism for a working program programme for monitoring, including the UN agencies, CGIAR Centres and national and regional centres of excellence


Coffee and tea break

Lebanon Room D209

Session IV : Presentation of Monitoring Strategies
Chair: P. Jepson


Basic guidance for scientists managing the monitoring process, including the CGIAR

11.30 - 12.20

Recommendations to policy, decision makers in countries, regional groups

12.30 - 13.00

Recommendations to FAO

13.00 - 15.00

Lunch break and Draft Report of meeting prepared

Session V

Meeting Report Adoption
Chair: M. Solh, AGP, FAO

15.00 - 16.00

Final review of meeting report summary

16.00 - 16.30

Adoption of Report and Recommendations


Closing Ceremony.

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