Report of the
National Rural Youth Workshop on Rural Youth, Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

26 - 27 January 2005
Lao Youth Union Building
Vientiane, Lao PDR

Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
Bangkok, 2005


Table of Contents

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© FAO, LYU and UNESCO 2005

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Malcolm Hazelman

FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road

Bangkok, 10200


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Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. Summaries of the opening speeches

3. Workshop implementation

Objectives of the workshop
Workshop programme
Participants of the workshop
Summaries of presentations by resource persons

Role of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union, by Vanhpheng Thammavong
Experiences relating to rural youth and youth organizations in Asia and the Pacific region, by Malcolm Hazelman
Role of youth in agriculture and food security in Lao PDR, by Dr Phet Phomphiphak
Education for young people in Lao PDR, including formal and non-formal education by Inthong Leusinsay
Preliminary findings of the rural youth study in Lao PDR by Dr Vanhmany Chanhsomphou
Community learning centres, by A.H.A. Hakeem
Employment challenges and opportunities for rural youth in Lao PDR by Fiona Howell
Learning with Joy approach in the water and sanitation sector, by Vasalin Choulamany
Drugs and their impact on Lao youth, by Viengsamay Srithirath
Drama Presentation on HIV/AIDS and youth by the Lao Youth AIDS Prevention Programme

4. Group discussions

Summaries of the group discussions/presentations
Recommendations based on the group discussions/presentations

5. Closing ceremony

6. Training on TeleFood projects

7. Exhibition

8. Social event

Annex 1. Participants

Annex 2. Resource persons

Annex 3. Workshop programme