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Annex 5
Description of the Elements of a Co-Management System




Other agencies/groups (indirectly) involved

Skills/capacity development required

National Agency Responsible Fisheries

· Fishery Department

· National advisory committee on co-management

· Review and amend legislation if necessary

· Review and amend policy if necessary

· Link with RFOs/donors/(l)NGOS

· Links with other Gov Department

· Direct co-management research activities required

· Budget allocation

· MOU/Agreements between related agencies

· National fishers federation

· Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

· Ministry of Investment and Planning

· Ministry of Finance

· National Rural Development Agency

· National Law and Enforcement Agency

· Bureau of local government

· Coordinate on financial support

· Fishery Research institutions

· National level advisory committee

· Basic concepts of co-management - national workshop (once off activity); literature esp. on success stories

· Needs of the grassroots level: awareness of local issues

Provincial/State Advisory Committee

· Provincial fisheries department

· Provincial co-management unit/committee

· Approval of mgt plans coming up

· Guidance on developing mgt plans going down

· Monitoring and evaluation of co-mgt

· Other Provincial departments (part of Provincial co-management committee)

· Concepts on co-management

· Legal aspects of management

· Planning & monitoring

· Local issues

· Conflict resolution

· Training of trainers

Middle-level interface

· Sub-district/district level;

· possibly multi-sectoral; "co-management organization"!

· Development of district mgt plans

· Implementation of District mgt plans

· Request specific advice

· Enforcement staff

· Local Gov administration

· NGOs

· Concepts of co-management

· Awareness of local issues

· Conflict resolution

· Organization & Training of users

· Training of local district committees

· PRA, institutional strengthening, formulation of management plans, group mobilization/dynamics, social savings, livelihoods

Note: Approach as LEARNING

(learning by doing, exchange visits etc.)

Aggregations/Federations of villages/communities

· Federations of village groups

· (e.g. waterbody level; "community-based")

· District Community (Fishery) organizations

· District/level representatives of users

· Represent members at meetings with middle-level interface.

· Concepts of co-management

· Awareness of local issues

· Self-organization for representation of members

· Conflict resolution and mediation

Local level/communities

· Village level groups ("community-based")

· Possibly with occupational or gender sub-groups

· Dev of local mgt plans

· Implementation of community mgt plans

· NGO/co-management facilitating organization.

· Users

· Local level association - needs training; same as that of district level

Note: Should be seen as LEARNING (leaning by doing, exchange visits etc.)

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