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Annex 1: Corrective action planning following the detection of a target species of fruit fly in the FF-PFA

Corrective action plans (emergency action plans) should be developed in case target species of fruit fly are detected within the FF-PFA after establishment of the FF-PFA. Corrective action plans should take into account the biology of the fruit fly concerned, the geography of the FF-PFA area, climatic conditions and host distribution within the area. The elements to consider in designing a corrective action plan include:

1. Criteria for the declaration of an outbreak/incursion, determination of the outbreak area and period of FF-PFA suspension

Occasionally a single piece of fruit infested with larvae of target fruit fly species may enter the FF-PFA. This may result in the detection of a single male or female fruit fly. In most cases this level of incursion may not result in the establishment of a population within the FF-PFA. To be able to deal with varying levels of detection of target fruit fly species within the FF-PFA, criteria for managing small and larger detections should be determined.

1.1 Declaration of an outbreak and suspension of FF-PFA

The number of flies, time period and area over which target species are detected will serve as triggers or criteria for suspension of FF-PFA status. These triggers or criteria are generally negotiated and agreed upon with prospective trading partners.

Following the declaration of an outbreak and suspension of FF-PFA status, it will be necessary to determine different zones around an outbreak area and the period of time during which the FF-PFA status is removed. These may include:

The size and number of zones will depend on the circumstances in the FF-PFA and on the biology of the particular fruit fly species concerned. The zones should be defined according to size, location in relation to the finding of the fruit fly(ies) and, where appropriate, the number and distribution of supplementary traps.

2. Control measures in the identified zones

These may include:

3. Criteria for reinstatement of a FF-PFA after an outbreak and actions to be taken

The criteria for determining that eradication has been successful should be determined and the actions to be taken may include:

4. Notification of trading partners as appropriate

Trading partners should be notified in a timely manner when suspensions have been implemented or lifted. Timing of notifications may be detailed in bilateral arrangements between trading partners.

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