Serbia and
Review of the Sugar Sector




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This publication is part of report series published under the FAO Investment Centre/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Cooperation Programme. The series presents sector reviews and studies undertaken in Central and Eastern Europe that cover development issues and innovative areas to increase investment in agriculture in the region. Sugar is one of the most important industrial products in Serbia. Sugarbeet is grown extensively in the northern autonomous province of Vojvodina. Until this report was published, Serbia enjoyed a duty free export quota to the European Union for sugar. However, due to fraudulent utilization of the quota to re-export sugar from third countries, the quota was temporarily abolished. This affected EBRD's past and prospective investments in Serbia's sugar sector. This report was prepared to provide a comprehensive analysis of Serbia's sugar sector and the EU's policy towards Serbia's sugar exports. It served as the basis of discussion for a policy dialogue involving the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, the Serbian sugar industry and the EU. As a result of this discussion, Serbia's export quota was re-established. The report contains useful information for commodity analysts and investors interested in the sugar sector.


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© FAO 2004