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228. The Sub-Regional Representative expressed sincere appreciation to the Government of the Cook Islands for being an excellent host and for providing outstanding support in the preparation for and during the meeting, as well as for the invitation and hospitality extended to the Director-General of FAO. He also acknowledged with appreciation the efforts and contribution of the staff of his office and stated that he was privileged to have such commitment and dedication. He thanked the Ministers and Representatives from countries for their openness and positive comments. He also thanked the Chair for his able leadership and for being able to steer the meeting to a successful conclusion.

229. Words of thanks and appreciation were also expressed by the Ministers and Representatives from countries to the government of the Cook Islands and the Chair for the warm hospitality and the fine arrangements for the meeting. They also thanked the Sub-Regional Representative and the staff of FAO for the contributions and inputs to the meeting and acknowledged the quality of the papers and advice provided during the meeting, as well as the level of professionalism with which the meeting had been serviced.

230. The Representative of the Cook Islands conveyed the appreciation of the Government of the Cook Islands to all delegates for having accepted the invitation to attend the meeting and for the opportunity to be host to all. He also conveyed appreciation and gratitude to the Director-General, the Sub-Regional Representative and staff of FAO for the help and support provided in preparation for and during the meeting. He then presented a gift to all heads of delegation and observers, which he said was a small token of the appreciation of the Government and the people. He then wished everyone a safe and pleasant journey home.

231. The Chair thanked the Honourable Ministers and Delegates for their support and for their contributions during the meeting. He conveyed to the Sub-Regional Representative his appreciation and gratitude to the Director-General for taking time to visit the Cook Islands and to attend the meeting. He also expressed appreciation to the Sub-Regional Representative and FAO staff for the clear and informative presentation of the discussion papers, and their commitment and dedication to the meeting which had resulted in its successful conclusion.

232. The Chair stated that his government and the people were very pleased to have been able to host the meeting and to welcome all delegates to the Cook Islands. He expressed his sincere hope that everyone had enjoyed their stay and that each would take home sweet memories of their experience and stay in the Cook Islands. He then declared the meeting closed.

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