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With respect to the wider interest in Information Management, many organizations from Member Nations are approaching FAO with requests for appropriate methods and tools for agricultural information management, and to assist them in developing and improving their capacity to manage agricultural information effectively. FAO has responded to these requests in the past by providing technical assistance in the form of information management tools and applications, normally in association with advice and training. However, FAO’s human resources available to respond directly to Members requests are insufficient to address all of the Members’ demands, and there is a pressing need to facilitate the wide dissemination and adoption of its key normative resources, including provision of adequate training in their application and use. In response to this need, FAO has initiated a partnership-based distance learning programme in agricultural information management called the “Information Management Resource Kit” (IMARK) to bring together the necessary resources from its own programme, as well as from international, regional and specialized agencies that are facing the same challenges in capacity building in information management and development of standards.

The objectives of IMARK are to build institutional capacity at national and local levels to manage and share agricultural information more effectively, through increased awareness, understanding and skills of individuals responsible for information management in agricultural agencies, institutions and networks. IMARK is being delivered as a computer-based distance learning resource made up of a series of discrete modules published on CD-ROM and over the Web, with each module containing one or more inter-related topics. The modules are being developed using the latest methods in interactive e-learning which are highly suitable for self-paced learning, and software applications and tools developed by FAO and partner organizations are also being provided with each module. The IMARK concept also has modules and the Web site [40] supplemented by an Internet-based online community, which is co-ordinated and supported by FAO and its partners. The community is aimed at assisting and supporting IMARK learners by providing a forum and collaborative workspaces for learners and subject matter experts in which to initiate discussions, upload and download documents, and to point to other web resources. The online community was developed and integrated with the IMARK website using the “DGroups” community networking tools [41] coordinated by Bellanet International and customized for IMARK.

It is too early to assess in detail the impact of the initiative, given that only the English version of one module (“Management of Electronic Documents”) has so far been released, but some trends have already become clear. In general, the reaction of learners to the module has been very positive, given the ability to create their own personal curriculum and the added value of the well-structured learning materials. FAO has also been using the distance learning module to support its face-to-face training courses, and a strong demand has developed for IMARK lessons and resources for use in face-to-face training. This so-called “blended” approach to training has been greatly appreciated by learners and trainers alike, and it has now been decided that all IMARK materials will also be made available in face-to-face format. A nascent online community has been developed in 2004 around the first module, consisting primarily of the migration of existing FAO-facilitated discussion lists on relevant subject areas, and a significant effort will be made in 2005 into expanding and enhancing the community as new modules emerge and engagement increases. Early informal assessments indicate that the acquisition of knowledge and skills on the key tools and standards associated with the area of the first module have been significantly enhanced by the IMARK initiative. The programme for 2005 comprises publication of other language versions of the first module and three further modules in up to three languages, including a module entitled “Digitization and Digital Libraries”, so the initiative will reach a wider audience with a richer set of resources. In addition, a formal evaluation will be made of the uptake and impact of the first module in 2005. Finally, FAO is exploring mechanisms for broadening the involvement of partner organizations in the oversight and direction of the IMARK initiative.

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