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List of Participants at Initial Eurofoods Meeting with Addresses

Mr. V. Veitl
Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Stoffwechselerkrankungen und Ernährung
A-1130 Wien
Tel.: +43-(0)222-841616

Prof. G. Verdonk
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Ghent
Tel.: +32-(0)91-225741

Prof. J. Højmark Jensen
National Food Institute
Mørkhøj Bygade 19
DK-2860 Søborg
Tel.: +45-(0)1-696600
Telex: 16298

Mr. A. Møller
National Food Institute
Mørkhøj Bygade 19
DK-2860 Søborg
Tel.: +45-(0)1-696600
Telex: 16298

Federal Republic of Germany
Dr. L. Arab1
Klinisches Institut für Herzinfarktforschung an der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik
Bergheimer Strasse 58
D-6900 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-(0)6221-564896
Telex: 461745

Dr. E. Blatt
Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten
Postfach 140270
D-5300 Bonn 1
Tel.: +49-(0)228-5294359

Prof. Dr. H. Rottka
Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie des Bundesgesundheitsamtes
Postfach 33 00 13
D-1000 Berlin 33
Tel.: +49-(0)30-83082221
Telex: 184016

Dr. H. Scherz
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie
Lichtenbergstrasse 4
D-8046 Garching
Tel.: +49-(0)89-32095171

Mrs. M. Ahola, M. Sc.
Department of Nutrition
University of Helsinki
SF-00710 Helsinki 71
Tel.: +358-(0)0-378011

Dr. J. C. Favier
La Fondation Française pour la Nutrition
BP 138
F-91163 Long-Jumeau Cédex
(The address of the Foundation in Paris is: 71, avenue Victor-Hugo, F-75116 Paris)
Tél.: +33-(0)1-5009250
Télex: 611053

Dr. Z.L. Ostrowski
Association Européenne pour l'Etude de l'Alimentation et du Développement de l'Enfant
9, boulevard des Capucines
F-75002 Paris
Tél.: +33-(0)3461390 ext. 3739 or

Prof. Dr. A. Trichopoulou
Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry
Athens School of Hygiene
Leof. Alexandra 196, GR-Athens 602
Tel.: +30-(0)1-6461831 or 7770697

Irish Republic
Prof. J. Kevany
Department of Community Health
Trinity College, IRL-Dublin
Tel.: +353-(0)1-772941 ext. 1056
Telex: 25442

Dr. E. Agradi
Istituto Scientifico per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori viale Benedetto XV 10
I-16132 Genova
Tel.: +39-(0)10-300767

Dr. E. Carnovale
Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione via Ardeatina 546
I-00100 Rome
Tel.: +39-(0)6-5032412

Prof. F. Fidanza
Università degli studi di Perugia
Istituto di Scienza dell' Alimentazione
Casella Postable 333
I-06100 Perugia
Tel.: +39-(0)75-35607

The Netherlands
Dr. C.E. West1
Department of Human Nutrition
Agricultural University
De Dreijen 12
6703 BC Wageningen
Tel.: +31-(0)8370-82589
Telex: 45015

Miss W.A. van Staveren1, M. Sc.
Department of Human Nutrition
Agricultural University
De Dreijen 12
6703 BC Wageningen
Tel.: +31-(0)8370-82589
Telex: 45015

Prof. M.B. Katan
Department of Human Nutrition
Agricultural University
De Dreijen 12
6703 BC Wageningen
Tel.: +31-(0)8370-82589

Ir. B.C. Breedveld1
Voedingsraad (Netherlands Nutrition Council)
PO Box 95945
2509 CX Den Haag
Tel.: +31-(0)70-471441

Dr. A.B. Cramwinckel1,2
GVO Project Nijmegen
Catholic University
PO Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
Tel.: +31-(0)80-514046

Miss K.F.A.M. Hulshof1
Institute for Nutrition and Toxicology (CIVO-TNO)
PO Box 360
3700 AJ Zeist
Tel.: +31-(0)3404-52244

Ir. M.J. van Stigt Thans1
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Directorate VKA
PO Box 20401
2500 EK Den Haag
Tel.: +31-(0)70-792498
Telex: 32040

Ms. Elin Bjørge Løken3
Section for Dietary Research
University of Oslo
PO Box 1117, Blindern
N-Oslo 3
Tel.: +47-(0)2-454206

Ms. G. Dybowska
Institute of Human Nutrition
Agricultural University SGGW-AR
166 Nowoursynowska Street
PL-02-766 Warsaw
Tel.: +48-(0)22-431878
Telex: 815439

Dr. E. Amaral
Centro de Estudos de Nutriçao
Instituto Nacional de Saude
Avenida Padre Cruz
P-Lisboa Codex
Tel.: +351-(0)19-795129 or 794496
Telex: 13396

Dr. I. Martins
Centro de Estudos de Nutriçao
Instituto Nacional de Saude
Avenida Padre Cruz
P-1699 Lisboa Codex
Tel.: +351-(0)19-795129 or 794496
Telex: 13396

Prof. D.G. Varela
Instituto de Nutrición
Facultad de Farmacia
Ciudad Universitaria
E-Madrid 3
Tel.: +34-(0)1-4490038

Dra. O. Moreiras-Varela
Instituto de Nutrición
Facultad de Farmacía
CSIC Departamento de Fisiología
Ciudad Universitaria
E-Madrid 28040
Tel.: +34-(0)1-4490038

Mrs. L. Bergström1
The Swedish National Food Administration
Box 622
S-751 26 Uppsala
Tel. +46-(0)18-175500 or 175730
Telex 76121

Dr. A. Blumenthal
Institut für Ernährungsforschung
Seestrasse 72
CH-8803 Rüschlikon
Tel.: +41-(0)1-7242520

United Kingdom
Dr. D. H. Buss
Head, Nutrition Section
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Horseferry Road
London SW1P2AE
Tel.: +44-(0)1-2166692
Telex: 21271

Mr. K.C. Day
MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit
Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 1XJ
Tel.: +44-(0)223-63356
Cable address: CAMNUT Cambridge

Miss A.A. Paul
MRC Dunn Nutrition Laboratory
Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 1XJ
Tel.: + 44-(0)223-63356
Cable address: CAMNUT Cambridge

Dr. D.A.T. Southgate1, 4
ARC Food Research Institute
Colney Lane
Norwich NR4 7VA
Tel.: +44-(0)603-56122
Telex: 975453

Dr. W. Rand
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory of Human Nutrition
Room 56–301
Cambridge, MA 02139 (USA)
Tel.: +1-617-2533780
Telex: 921437

Ms. E. Helsing5
WHO Regional Office for Europe
8, Scherfigsvej
DK-2100 Copenhagen ø (Denmark)
Tel.: +45-(0)1-200111

Support Staff from the Department of Human Nutrition, Agricultural University, Wageningen:
Ir. P.H. Middelburg (Treasurer)
Mrs. R. Hoogkamer (Secretary)
Miss L. van der Heijden
Mrs. G.J.C. van Oosten-van der Goes
Mr. B.A. Scholte
Dr. C.J.H. Woodward

1 Member of the Organizing Committee.

2 Present address: State Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products, PO Box 230, NL-6700 AE Wageningen, Tel.: 0031-(0)8370-19110, Telex: 75180 rikil nl.

3 Mrs. Arnhild Haga Rimestad of the same institute was responsible for the country background paper.

4 Dr. Southgate also represents IUNS on the Eurofoods Committee.

5 Ms. Helsing can also be contacted at Directorate of Public Health, PO Box 8128-Dep, N-Oslo 1, Norway, Tel. 0047-(0)2-118241 or 119090.

Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism

 European Journal of Nutrition, Metabolic Diseases and Dietetics
 Journal européen de nutrition, des maladies métaboliques et de diététique
 Europäische Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft, Stoffwechselstörungen und Diätetik
 Official Journal of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies
Covering the major concerns of contemporary researchThis journal publishes data from basic and clinical investigations of human nutrition and metabolic diseases. Animal studies are included to the extent that they aid understanding of problems in man. Major concerns of contemporary research are reflected in the selection of articles investigating such problems as the health consequences of specific diets and dietary supplements, nutritional factors in the etiology of metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders, and the epidemiologic association of dietary habits with disease incidence. The ongoing quest to establish reliable dietary requirements also receives high editorial priority.
Main Editor
N. Zöllner, München

Associate Editors

E.M. Widdowson, Cambridge
G. Debry, Nancy

Executive Editor

G. Wolfram, Freising
Subscription rates per volume
(surface postage included)
Institutional subscription:
SFr. 254.-/ DM 326.-/ US$ 124.00
Personal subscription:
SFr. 177.80/DM 228.20/US$ 86.80
Members of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS):
SFr. 152.40/DM 195.60/US$ 74.40
Orders can be placed at agencies, bookstores or directly with the Publisher
S. Karger AG
P.O. Box CH-4009 Basel (Switzerland)
S. Karger Publishers, Inc.
150 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1105
New York, NY 10011 (USA)
Bibliographic data
1985: Volume 29
6 issues per volume
Languages: English, French, German
ISSN 0250-6807
Regularly listed in bibliographic services, including Current Contents®.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
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KI 84181                                                                            

Course on Safety Evaluation and Regulation of Chemicals, Cambridge, Mass., October 1983

Chemical Safety Regulation and Compliance

Editors: F. Homburger, Cambridge, Mass.; J.K. Marquis, Boston, Mass.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of current US regulatory policies and requirements governing the control of chemicals in foods, the environment, and the workplace. Chapters, authored by representatives of the government, industry, science, and labor, assess the content and implications of recent legislation from a variety of perspectives. The result is both a balanced, authoritative account of regulatory policies and a sourcebook of the testing and toxicity studies required for compliance.

The book opens with a group of chapters covering safety regulations set forth by the Food and Drug Administration. Regulatory legislation and policies are evaluated as they apply to food additives, food-borne carcinogens, and the use of drugs in food animals. Information is also provided on the recent edition of the FDA's ‘Redbook’, which delineates the amounts and types of information needed for safety evaluation. Chapters in the second section focus on federal and state safety regulations designed to protect the environment. Policies governing drinking water, air quality control, the siting of hazardous waste treatment facilities, and the response to toxic chemical spills are considered in the context of Environmental Protection Agency regulations. In the third section, chapters evaluate the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its implications in terms of the interests of government, industry management, labor unions, and the workers themselves. The book concludes with two chapters addressing the problems of compliance with the increasing complexity of regulations at several levels of legislative authority.

Expert and informative, the book allows an overview of chemical safety regulation from a variety of perspectives useful in the decisions of regulators, safety officers and risk management specialists. Toxicologists, food scientists, corporate planners, and product development specialists will also benefit from the extensive information consolidated in this work.

Fields of Interest

Pharmacology; Nutrition; Occupational Diseases, Toxicology


Safety Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration
with contributions by J.K. Marquis; W.G. Flamm; T.M. Farber; C.J. Kokoski; K. Skinner

Safety Regulations in the Environmental Area - Federal and State
with contributions by H.S. Brown; P.A. Fenner-Crisp; C.A. Rowan; J.F. Hackler; M. Kolb; J.F. Stara et al.

Safety Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
with contributions by B.R. Cottine; C.C. Caldart; D.A. Robbins, M.O. Varner; F.E. Mirer

Compliance with Regulations
with contributions by F. Homburger; G.W. James; W. McCarville

Chemical Safety Regulation and Compliance
Course on Safety Evaluation and Regulation of Chemicals, Cambridge, Mass., October 1983
Editors: F. Homburger, Cambridge, Mass.; J.K. Marquis, Boston, Mass.
X + 129p., 5 fig., 8 tab., hard cover, 1985
SFr. 115.-/ DM 138.-/ US$ 49.00
ISBN 3-8055-3941-X

KI 85037

Milk Intolerances and Rejection

Editor: J. Delmont, Nice

Lactose intolerance is a normal physiological reaction for over 80% of mankind. Progress in food technology has made it possible to counteract some types of intolerance, but not enough to justify the extent to which milk consumption is advised at present. This multi-authored book focuses on all types of milk rejection and examines ways of dealing appropriately with related problems, especially in developing countries.

All those interested in nutrition, whether members of a medical profession, agroalimentary technicians, consumer advisers, or public officials, will find the information in this book highly useful and educational.

Fields of Interest

Nutrition; Allergy, Behavioral Research, Dietetics, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics


Milk Consumption and Rejection throughout the World

Lactose Digestion and Lactase Deficiencies
Digestion of Lactose - Contribution of the Large Intestine to Digestion of Carbohydrates - Bacterial Adaptation to Lactase Deficiency - Genetics of the Human Adult Lactase Polymorphism - Diagnostic Tests for Lactase Deficiency - Non-Invasive Assay of Intestinal Lactase in Humans with 3-Methyllactose - Clinical and Nutritional Consequences of Lactose Intolerance in Adults - Can Lactose Intolerance Account for Abdominal Pains in Children?

Is Hydrolyzed Lactose Milk Usable and Useful?
Technological Production of Lactase and Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk - Preliminary Experiences with a New Low Lactose Skim Milk Powder - Commercialization of Lactases and Lactose-Hydrolyzed Milk in USA - Commercialization of Lactases and Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk in Japan - Galactose Tolerance in Healthy Subjects - Galactose Tolerance in Obese Patients - Galactose Tolerance in Alcoholic Liver Diseases - Feeding of MonoGastric Animals with Lactose Hydrolyzed Whey - Feeding of Malnourished Children with Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk in Australia - Intact and Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk to Treat Malnutrition in Guatemala

Milk Protein Intolerance
Digestion of Milk Proteins - Contribution of the Large Intestine to Digestion of Proteins - Technological Modification of Milk Proteins. Possible Implications in Adverse Reactions to Milk Consumption - Intolerance to Cow's Milk Proteins before the Age of Two: Diagnostic Means, Incidence and Evolution - Hypersensitivity to Milk in Adults: Present Aspects - Milk Protein Allergy: A Review of Diagnostic Methods

Milk Lipid Intolerance and Psychological Problems
Digestion of Milk Lipids - Technological Modification of Milk Lipids: Effects of Processing on Milk Flavor - Do Lipids Play a Role in Milk Intolerance? - Distaste for Milk: Psychological Aspects

Milk Intolerances and Rejection
Editor: J. Delmont, Nice
XII + 170 p., 26 fig., 22 tab., hard cover, 1983
SFr. 140.-/ DM 168.-/ US$ 59.75
ISBN 3-8055-3546-5

KI 83023

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