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Useful web sites and links

The following web sites and links were obtained from research, contributions, the International Institute for Environmental Education, and the World Agroforestry Centre, research and contributions:

Web Sites

1st World congress of agroforestry (WCA) newsletter. In line with the upcoming First WCA on 27 June to 2 July 2004 in Orlando, Florida, USA, organizers have come up with this newsletter available in either PDF or HTML format. The newsletter is one way of informing agroforesters all over the world of updates on the First WCA. The newsletter can be accessed via The congress web site is at or contact Ms. Mandy Stage, Conference Coordinator, Office of Conferences and Institutes, University of Florida, PO Box 110750, Mowry Road Building 639, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, USA, tel no. 1-352-392-5930, fax 1-352-392-9734, E-mail [email protected].

EarthwireUK. Environment and sustainable development-related news and stories are gathered from media sources, reviewed by a team from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and packaged in this news portal. A search engine allows users to search for issues and keywords in the archive of press releases and news stories from research and environmental organizations and the public sector. EarthwireUK has been developed by IIED and UNEP GRID Arendal and can be viewed by country, topic or time period. For more information, visit

EC UNDP small grants programme operations to promote tropical forests in South and Southeast Asia (SGP PTF). The web site was launched in 2003 to provide information on how to access funds from SGP PTF which is fully funded by the European Union, administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed through SEAMEO SEARCA. SGP PTF provides small grants (Euro 20 000 to 200 000) to civil society organizations at the country level to implement small projects promoting sustainable forest use by local stakeholders. SGP PTF is currently operational in Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam and will soon expand to include Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. The web site can be accessed at or contact Dr. Mark Sandiford, Regional Program Coordinator, EC/UNDP SGP PTF, SEARCA, College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines, tel. No. +63 049 536 2290 local 395 or 418, fax +63 049 536 2477 or E-mail at [email protected].

(Mark Sandiford)

European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN). With participants from 16 European countries, the network aims to promote the involvement of European researchers toward the conservation and wise use of forestry in woodland in tropical and subtropical countries. With national focal points in each member country, ETFRN provides web service, workshops and researches on climate change, forests and water, biodiversity, nontimber forest products, sustainable forest management, etc. Visit their web site at

Forestry and society newsletter online. Serving more than 1 800 audiences in the world since 1993, this periodical includes research articles and reports on the theory, practical experiences and modes of community forestry and participatory approaches. Starting 2003, this newsletter can be accessed online at

Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) of the University of the Philippines Los Baños. Launched during IPB’s 28th anniversary on 23 June 2003, the web site showcases the technologies that have been generated since 1975. The site can be accessed via (Maria H. Magpantay)

Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA). RELMA was launched in 1998 as the successor of the Regional Soil Conservation Unit (RSCU), which originated from Kenya’s National Soil and Water Conservation Programme (NSWCP). From being involved in multidisciplinary concepts and participatory approaches in promoting technical solutions to soil and water management problems, RELMA expanded to technical land husbandry concepts such as agricultural marketing, socioeconomic issues and extension approaches. For more information, visit their web site at

Sloping land management database. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Bangkok, Thailand has developed a web-enabled database on sloping land management technologies. The database provides development and extension workers and farmers with practical information and techniques on sloping land management and is available in four languages --English, Thai, Filipino and Bahasa. The database was developed in cooperation with the Land Development Department of Thailand, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, and the Center for Agroclimate Research in Indonesia, with funding from the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center in Taiwan. The database can be accessed via (Ofelia F. Domingo)

The Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC) of the University of Missouri-Columbia.

As an interdisciplinary plant science center, HARC integrates research and teaching in agroforestry, horticulture, pest management and natural resources conservation for the general public. Long-term studies are being conducted on plant growth, characteristics, plant system interactions and sustainability, pest management, and environmental monitoring. Plant collections are also being done for germplasm repositories and regional and national testing programs and plant donations. Visit their web site at

Trees and markets online newsletter. Published by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), this newsletter deals with tree cultivation and marketing of products and services from trees. News are categorized as hot topics, funding news, useful web site links, valuable list servers, key references, meetings and courses, and trading ideas. Those interested may subscribe to [email protected]. More information can be found at the ICRAF web site at

Useful Links

Agroforestry overview:

Agroforestry systems in China:


Bamboo - a multipurpose agroforestry crop:


Glossary for agroforestry:

Indian agroforestry:

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service:


PA Sustainable Agriculture-Agroforestry:

RIR&DC Joint venture agroforestry program:

University of Minnesota Forest Resources Extension:

Compiled and summarized by Leah P. Arboleda unless specified

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