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Philippines to hold second national agroforestry congress

Leila D. Landicho ([email protected])

The UPLB Institute of Agroforestry (UPLB-IAF) and the Philippine Agroforestry Education and Research Network (PAFERN) are inviting individuals, institutions and organizations involved in agroforestry development and promotion to the Second National Agroforestry Congress to be held 26 to 27 October 2005 in Pili, Camarines Sur, Philippines.

Hosted by the Camarines Sur State Agricultural College, the congress is being convened to help set the directions for the institutionalization of the proposed National Agroforestry Development Program (NAFDP).

The congress aims to share recent developments in the various areas of agroforestry, specifically those identified during the First National Agroforestry Congress in 2002, finalize the draft framework of the NAFDP and formulate a policy that will pave the way for institutionalizing the NAFDP.

Those interested may submit abstracts for paper presentations and project/case profiles for poster presentations. Displays of institutional exhibits showcasing various agroforestry products, services and materials are likewise invited.

Field visits to successful agroforestry projects will also be organized to supplement the learning experiences of the congress participants. Registration costs PhP2 500 (US$47) to cover the congress kit (bag, souvenir program, compilation of presentations), local transportation during the field visits and food.

Please submit preliminary registration on or before 30 September 2005. For more information, please contact the Institute of Agroforestry, 2/F Administration Building, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines, tel +63 049 536-3657/536-2657, fax +63 049 536-3809 and e-mail [email protected].

(The author is a university research associate at the Education Development and Coordination Division, UPLB Institute of Agroforestry.)

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