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Training opportunities at UPLB-CFNR

Leah P. Arboleda ([email protected])

The University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR) is offering various training courses to interested individuals and institutions through the Institute of Agroforestry (IAF) and the Training Center for Tropical Resources Ecosystems Sustainability (TREES).

IAF is inviting project managers, supervisors, researchers, field technicians, farmer/community leaders and other development workers to participate in the following agroforestry training courses:

Participatory technology development for agroforestry (PT-DAF)

To be held 25 September - 8 October 2005, the course will discuss the appropriate methods in promoting agroforestry extension, research and development activities through participatory appraisal, on-farm trials, farmers' field schools, among other topics.

Promoting sustainable agroforestry livelihood and other enterprises (SALE)

To be held 6 - 19 November 2005, the course will provide extension workers and farmers with the skills to decide, plan and carry out livelihood enterprises while waiting for agroforestry farms to mature. Topics to be discussed include the policies affecting agroforestry and livelihood enterprise development, SALE planning and management and marketing/trading and networking opportunities of livelihood products.

Aside from these courses, IAF also organizes special training programs and study tours to address the specific needs of organizations needing technical know-how in agroforestry project planning and management, sustainable agriculture through agroforestry initiatives, as well as agroforestry production practices and management, among other areas.

For more information, contact the Director, Institute of Agroforestry, 2/F Tamesis Hall, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, UP Los Baños, College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines through tel +63 049 5362657/5363657, fax +63 049 5363809 or e-mail [email protected].

TREES, meanwhile, is also announcing its training courses as follows:

Sustainable forest resource management and project planning (SUSTAIN)

To be held 23 August - 3 October 2005, this course will provide mid-level resource planners, project managers and technical experts with skills in sustainable forest resource management planning (SFRMP), and the principles, techniques and analysis of issues and problems in forest resource management. The course will also enable participants to prepare project plans using the concepts and methodologies of SFRMP.

Social forestry for sustainable rural development (SOCFOR)

To be held 6 September - 17 October 2005, this course will enhance the knowledge and skills of mid- and top-level forest managers in integrating social science and biophysical theories and concepts in sustainable forest and rural development. Discussions will emphasize recent concepts, issues and strategies in sustainable forest and rural development, and the applicability of new people-oriented approaches in forest resource management in the participants' respective work. The design, management, monitoring and evaluation of a forest community development program with the participation of other stakeholders will also be discussed.

Environmental impact assessment for proposed forestry development projects (EIA)

To be implemented 11 October - 21 November 2005, this course will enable personnel of nongovernmental organizations, people's organizations and government agencies to acquire the basic knowledge on the concepts, principles, theories, tools, methodologies and strategies in environmental impact assessments of proposed forestry development projects. The course will include on-site lectures and briefings, demonstration and interactions with EIA experts and field practitioners.

Participatory approaches in forestry and natural resources development projects (PARTEF)

To be implemented 18 October - 28 November 2005, this course will equip managers, field technicians, academicians and other interested individuals with the basic skills in involving local communities and stakeholders in the design, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of forest and natural resource development projects. Participants will also formulate action plans integrating the participatory concepts, strategies and techniques in their own work situations.

Forest utilization technologies for sustainable development (FUTECH)

To be held 8 November - 5 December 2005, this course will provide participants with knowledge and skills on selected manufacturing processes of wood and nonwood raw materials. Discussions will focus on forest product seasoning, preservation, fiber extraction, furniture manufacture and marketing strategies.

Inquiries may be addressed to the Director, TREES, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, UP Los Baños, College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines, tel +63 049 5362268/5362736, fax +63 049 3340/5362639, e-mail [email protected].

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