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IIRR announces training opportunities for 2005

The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) announces the following international courses for 2005 which may be useful to agroforestry practitioners:

Participatory approaches to agricultural extension

To be held 19 September - 7 October, the course will discuss how to scale up agricultural extension approaches while identifying the prerequisites at the community and organizational levels. At the same time, field extension managers, supervisors, extension trainers and development practitioners from government and nongovernmental organizations will be able to enhance their capacities in planning, managing and evaluating participatory extension programs.

Community-based integrated watershed management

To be held 28 November - 16 December 2005, the course will equip participants with new approaches in integrating technologies and participatory strategies for watershed resource conservation, production and sustainable use.

The course is designed for planners, field staff, technicians and other individuals working in rural development, particularly in the areas of food security, sustainable agriculture, water resource management and natural resource management.

For more information about these training programs, visit

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