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Earthscan offers publications on discounts

Earthscan, one of the leading publishers of agriculture and environmental books, is offering several books at discounted prices that may be of use to agroforestry practitioners:

A handbook for the field assessment of land degradation

Written by Michael A. Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan and published in August 2001, it is a practical handbook that presents simple, nontechnical indicators for assessing land degradation in the field. The methods discussed in the book were based on the perspectives of the farmers, thereby giving insights to actual farm situations and helping field technicians understand the impacts of degradation and the benefits that can be obtained by reversing it.

The handbook shows how to calculate indicators such as soil loss and interprets the results from calculating combinations of indicators to determine the extent of land degradation. The book focuses on how farmers interact with the land, and how environmental protection, food security and the well-being of rural land users may be assured.

Agroecological innovations Edited by Norman Uphoff and published in December 2001, the book presents the concepts and operational means for reorienting agricultural efforts to increase yield and at the same time remain environmentally friendly and socially acceptable. The book is a compilation of 12 case studies of innovative and diverse approaches to agricultural development, focusing on greater knowledge, skill and labor inputs rather than large capital expenditures.

Agropolis Edited by Luc J. A. Mougeot of IDRC and published in July 2005, the book examines concrete strategies that integrates urban farming into the urban landscape. The book compiles the findings of the research projects on the proliferation of urban agriculture funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) AGROPOLIS International Graduate Research Awards in Urban Agriculture.

Agricultural expansion and tropical deforestation

Was written by Solon L. Barraclough and Krishna B. Ghimire and published in July 2000. The book highlights the need for solutions to effectively address the complex problem of tropical deforestation by reviewing misguided policies in the context of trade and globalization, the human use of forest areas and issues such as land tenure. It provides a good reference to establish the relationship between international trade, agricultural expansion and tropical deforestation.

Agri-culture compiles stories of people who have successfully practiced sustainable agriculture that utilizes "the best of nature and people's knowledge and collective capacities." Written by Jules Pretty and published in August 2002, the book introduces the need for the next agricultural revolution that is based on "more ecological principles, and that are in harmony with the people, their societies and culture" to solve the need for increased productivity and worldwide hunger and malnourishment.

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