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More info sources available

The following information sources are obtained from research, contributions, Springer Publishers, InfoResources and Permanent Agricultural Resources:

Agroforester's library is a periodic feature of The Overstory, the online publication of Permanent Agricultural Resources, which compiles useful references in agroforestry as recommended by world agroforestry specialists. These include species references, book sources, organizations, periodicals and websites. The complete listing is available at

Forestry: an international journal of forest research compiles refereed papers on the research, practice and policy promoting the sustainable development of forests, woodlands and trees. Submitted articles are reviewed by at least two experts based on originality and practical applications. It also publishes a special issue every year that features proceedings of relevant international meetings or conferences. In addition, the journal awards the Silvicultural Prize to the paper that meets the criteria set by the anonymous donor of the Prize Fund. For more information, visit

(Contributed by Virginia P. Alcantara)

Building on gender, agrobiodiversity and local knowledge: a training manual presents ways to integrate agrobiodiversity, rural livelihood, local knowledge and gender-specific division of tasks with international policies, agreements and projects. Published in 2005 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and featured in InfoResources, the manual includes fact and process sheets that suggest the ways these interrelationships are explored through shared learning processes with the local people. The manual is available online in PDF format at

Lands of the poor: local environmental governance and the decentralization of natural resources is a publication of the United Nations Capital Development Fund that discusses how conflicts arise when environmental protection and efforts overlap with local governance. The book establishes the need for environmental governance including the planning, institutional, administrative and financial framework and the role of civil society. Published in 2004 and advertised by InfoResources, the report can be downloaded in PDF format at

Urban forests and trees discusses the planning, design, establishment and management of trees and forests in and near urban areas. Edited by CC Konijnendijk, K Nilsson, TB Randrup, and J Schipperijn and published in 2005, the book emphasizes the identification and selection of species, provenances and cultivars to help manage urban forests and trees. It also discusses the use of the geographic information systems (GIS) as a planning and management tool to ensure coordination between aesthetics, infrastructure and growth rates for street trees. More information is available at Springer Publishers at

Landscape and ecological engineering is the official journal of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE). The journal features original papers, reports, reviews and technical notes on all aspects of conservation, restoration, and management of ecosystems. Aside from scientific approaches, the journal also welcomes technological and design approaches that provide practical solutions to existing environmental problems. For more information, visit

Tropical forest ecology: the basis for conservation and management is the latest issue in the Tropical Forestry series. Written by Florencia Montagnini and Carl Jordan, the book presents a multidisciplinary approach to better understand strategies that can help conserve and manage tropical forestry to alleviate pressure on the remaining forests, enhance forest regeneration and restore abandoned lands. The book also discusses the need for these strategies to be supported by adequate policies at the local and regional levels. For more information, visit

IUFRO NFT news is being published by the CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products Australian Tree Seed Centre to share updates on the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party news, conferences, reports, reviews, technical articles, letters and comments to help improve the state of nitrogen-fixing trees. A free subscription can be obtained by writing to the Coordinator, Antoine Kalinganire, World Agroforestry Centre, ICRAF-Sahel, BP 320 Bamako, Mali at e-mail [email protected] or to the Deputy Coordinator, Dr Dietrich Werner, Philips-Universitat Marburg Fachberich Biologie, Botanisches Institut Lahnberg D 35043 Marburg, Germany at e-mail [email protected].

INASP newsletter is being published by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP). INASP aims to improve worldwide access to information and knowledge particularly in developing and transitional countries. It works with partners from around the world to catalyse and support local publications and information exchange, strengthen local capacities in managing and using information and knowledge, foster networking at all levels, and advise local organizations on how to utilize and publish information to achieve development goals. The newsletter features efforts in information exchange in fields such as agriculture, forestry, rural development and many others. For more subscription, e-mail [email protected] or visit

The vegetable garden in the tropics is a booklet that serves as a general manual for those interested to practice or teach gardening in developing countries to improve living conditions. It was written by H Waaijenberg and published in 2003. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or visit

(Source: LEISA Magazine March 2004; Compiled by Leah Arboleda)

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