Marine ranching

FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 429

Marine ranching

Devin M. Bartley
Fishery Resources Division
FAO Fisheries Department
Rome, Italy


Kenneth M. Leber
Mote Marine Laboratory
Sarasota, Florida
United States of America


Rome, 2004

Table of Contents

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ISBN 92-5-104961-0

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© FAO 2004

Bartley, D.M.; Leber, K.M. (eds.)
Marine ranching.
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 429. Rome, FAO. 2004. 213p.


With coastal fisheries in decline around the world, there is mounting concern about how long current sources of seafood can supply world needs. Governments, resource managers and those who make their livelihood on fishing are seeking better ways to improve fishing yields. Many seek greater emphasis on restocking and aquaculturebased stock enhancement as a way rapidly to replenish depleted fish stocks and increase fishery landings. This volume presents case studies that represent various scenarios and situations in using sea ranching and marine hatchery enhancement to generate income, re-establish fisheries and conserve aquatic biodiversity. The case studies include a global overview, an integrated development programme for marine stocking in Norway; stock enhancement of barrumundi in Australia for recreational fisheries; restocking sea cucumbers in Pacific Islands; sturgeon stocking programmes in the Caspian Sea with an emphasis on Iran; and an assessment of stocking effectiveness of flounder in Miyako Bay, Japan, through a fish market census. The studies demonstrate that stocking can clearly work in some cases to increase fishery landings, but that economic success will depend on many factors such as the management system, survival, culture costs and how the resource is valued. Sea ranching technologies and strategies need more scientific development before stocking can be generally accepted as an economically effective fishery management tool in coastal regions.

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FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 429pdf

Preparation of this document

FAO Marine and coastal stocking: global status and information needs pdf
Abraham F. Born, Anton J. Immink and Devin M. Bartley
Appendix pdf

An integrated development programme for marine stocking:
the Norwegian example

Terje Svåsand, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Ove T. Skilbrei, Jørgen Borthen
and Tor Heggberget

Stock enhancement of barramundi in Australia pdf
D. J. Russell and M. A. Rimmer

The restocking of sea cucumbers in the Pacific Islands pdf
Stephen C. Battaglene and Johann D. Bell

Sturgeon stocking programme in the Caspian Sea with emphasis on Iran pdf
Hossein Abdolhay

Flounder stock enhancement in Miyako Bay, Japan pdf
Hiroyuki Okouchi, Shuichi Kitada, Akio Iwamoto and Tatsuhiro Fukunaga
Discussion pdf

Summary of case studies of the effectiveness of stocking aquacultured
fishes and invertebrates to replenish and enhance coastal fisheries

Kenneth M. Leber

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