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Selected Success Cases

Successful farm-agribusiness linkage arrangements were selected in the horticultural, dairy, rice and traditional cash crop sector. Case studies in Kenya include Homegrown, a leading vegetable exporter, Brookside Dairy, a milk processor, Kapapet Tea Factory, a processor and the Mwea Rice Irrigation Scheme. All cases have strong involvement with smallholder farmers. The case studies selected in Ghana comprised two fruit exporters a cashew processor and a rice production, processing and marketing scheme. Uganda took a more sectoral approach but in general linkages found were weak and informal in nature. The coffee, horticultural and dairy sectors were chosen.

Managed, long-term relationships between farmers and processors are also not easily encountered in Nigeria, but a fruit juice maker processing, a sorghum out-grower scheme for Guinness and a rice processing scheme were selected and analysed as case study material. South Africa focused on managed co-operation between large-scale processors and farmers from disadvantaged communities in the sugar, timber and tea sector. The table below gives some key information on the cases chosen.

Table 1: Selected Case Studies

Country and Case

Type of Business

Initial Support


Size of Operation



Vegetable Exporter

private sector

Fresh vegetable exports to EU

900 small scale, 30 medium scale farmers, exports ca 50 000t pa


Milk Processor

private sector

Processing for domestic market

200 000 l per day with ca 15 000 farmers

Kapapet Tea Factory

Tea Processing


Shareholding arrangement with farmers

5 266 farmers on 4 000 acres

Mwea Rice Irrigation

Rice production and processing


Improve irrigated rice production

3 400 farmers organised in shareholding co-operative



Fresh Pineapple Export

Technoserve, IDA loan

Sea freight pineapple export

166 farmers, exports 7 000t pa

Blue Skies

Fresh Fruit Preparation Exporter

private sector

Airfreight export of ready-to-eat fruit salads

17 farmers, export 7 500t pa airfreight

Sampa Jimini Co-operative

Cashew Processors


Technology transfer to processor plus marketing assistance

55 members in processing society, 15t pa of raw nuts

Afifie Farmers and Marketing Society



Production & organised processing of irrigated rice

800 farmers on 880 ha

South Africa


sugar processor

private sector

linking small holders to large-scale production

1 000 small scale vs. 140 medium on 27 000 ha and 4 estates on 8 000 ha; total annual production 300 000t

Sappi Project Grow

wood pulp manufacturing

private sector

linking small holders to large-scale production

1 000 small growers on 4,000ha; 500 000ha estate

Mini-farming project

tea processing

private sector

promotion of small scale farming for ex- employees

330 small farmers on 192 ha 1 800t) vs. estate of 500ha


Bamahalu florist


private sector

informal links with small scale farmers

200-300 farmers

Dairy sector

traditional production and processing, limited links

Uganda Dairy Board

promotion of formal dairy sector

20 percent of agricultural. GDP, 900 m l (2001)

Kawacom coffee

organic coffee production and export

NGO/private sector

forward integration of farmers into processing Organic coffee trade

Export of ca. 1 000t


Fuman Agric

fruit juice maker

private sector

domestic market supply

ca. 10 000t of raw material per year,


beer brewing

private sector

secure local raw material after import ban

Project stopped in 1998, size not known

Abakiliki Rice
Mill Owner

rice processing

private sector

processing, quality control, monitoring of standards and measures

not known

Most case studies chosen within the five countries had initial support of the private sector. However, there is more and more evidence of NGO assistance in setting up links between farmers and agribusiness companies.

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