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In 2001, a study on the fisheries regulatory framework of the western Mediterranean coastal states was undertaken under the aegis of the CopeMed Project. In 2002, the AdriaMed Project undertook a similar study covering the Adriatic coastal states. As a follow-up, the Secretariat of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) commissioned a parallel study with the support of the FishCode Programme covering the eastern Mediterranean. These exercises provided the basis for the present comparative study covering the entire Mediterranean basin, which focuses on three main issues: (i) access regimes to fisheries resources; (ii) management of fishing effort and fishing capacity; and (iii) monitoring, control and surveillance. Preliminary reference is also made to recreational fishing. The purpose of this study is to provide fisheries managers with information on the principal fisheries management measures adopted in the region and thereby to identify areas where harmonization should be sought, particularly in relation to shared stocks. Conceived as a working document, this study should be regularly completed and updated. In this respect, at its seventh session in 2004, the Scientific Advisory Committee of GFCM suggested that Members inform the Secretariat of the enactment of any new law or regulation, or amendment of texts in force.

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