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Salient issues at regional level

34. Discussion then took place on issues of concern at national level, and salient issues at regional level, including: a register or record of fishing vessels; inspection, enforcement and an observer programme; reporting; transshipment; and VMS.

35. Participants emphasized the importance of establishing a regional system that would address the special circumstances of Mediterranean fisheries, subregional activities, cost-effectiveness, and the capacity of GFCM. It was noted that the functions, mandate and activities of GFCM are distinguishable from most other RFMOs, especially those concerned generally with single species, larger vessels, interregional activity and more easily traceable landings. Special circumstances of GFCM observed by participants included the localized approach to fisheries management, with a focus on shared stocks and operational units. GFCM activities to address these management needs were noted, including under the AdriaMed, CopeMed, MedsudMed and MedFisis projects. In this sense, the Workshop endorsed a "toolbox" approach to implementing the IPOA-IUU, rather than adopting approaches taken by other RFMOs.

36. The Workshop discussed priorities concerning inspection, enforcement and observer programmes, transshipment and VMS at a regional level. Although questions were raised concerning the legal authority for at-sea inspection and enforcement, other participants expressed the view that the Agreement does provide the GFCM with sufficient legal authority.

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