UNECE/FAO Policy Forum

Public Procurement Policies on Wood and Paper Products and their Impacts on Sustainable Forest Management and Timber Markets


Geneva, Switzerland, 5 October 2006


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2006

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Part I Report on the UNECE/FAO policy forum (129 Kb)

1. Introduction

    The policy forum 2006

2. Summary of the presentations

    Welcome note
    Framework and background presentations
    Review of existing public procurement schemes
    Stakeholder views
    Assessment tools for sustainable purchasing
    Tool for harmonization and cooperation between states

3. Summary of the discussions

    Keep public procurement policies simple and measurable
    Stepwise approach
    Harmonization and cooperation
    China and value added products
    Support for implementing requirements
    Follow-up action

4. Conclusions

Part II Discussion paper: Public procurement policies for forest products and their impacts (348 Kb)

1. Summary


2. Introduction

    Objectives, data and methodology

3. Green procurement policies

    International and national initiatives
    Lesson learnt

4. Public procurement policies for forest products

    Overview of current station
    Policy objectives
    Targets and implementation strategy
    Level of obligation
    Actors concerned
    Product scope
    Definitions of legality and sustainability
    Criteria applied in the procurement policies
    Certification system as reference
    Documentary evidence on sustainability and legality
    Implementation aspects and institutional arrangements

5. Legal aspects related to procurement policies of forest products

    WTO framework
    European Union

6. Market and economic impacts of timber procurement policies

    Public procurement as a demand factor and private sector indicators
    Economic impacts
    Competition between suppliers and materials

7. Impact on forest management and enforcement

    Impact on exporting countries
    Impact on the forest

8. Key issues for further discussion

    Annex tables

Annex I Acronyms and abbreviations (37 Kb)
Annex II Programme (40 Kb)
Annex III List of participants (105 Kb)