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The development of the first edition of this manual was supported, in part, by USAID funds via USDA grant number 58319R-3-004, the National Agricultural Research Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt . The first edition, published in June 1993, second edition (January 1994) and third editions (March 1995) have been much in demand and encouraged our efforts to update the manual and produce a fourth edition.

Earlier editions of the manual have been translated into Spanish, French, Punjabi, Arabic and Chinese with the assistance of our colleagues at the University of California at Davis and at agricultural universities around the world. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization’s inPHo program has the full versions of the third edition of the manual in French, English and Spanish available on its website:

Financial assistance for the updating and the first printing of this fourth edition was provided by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service/Transportation and Marketing Program through the office of Shipper and Exporter Assistance. A very special thanks goes to Heidi Reichert of USDA/AMS/TMP/SEA for her encouragement and enthusiasm during the updating of the manual and for her assistance in developing a CD-Rom version. This edition includes many of the practices for postharvest handling discussed in earlier editions, while providing information on additional practices for reducing losses, maintaining quality and ensuring food safety during small-scale handling and food processing of horticultural commodities.

We have had help from our colleagues at UC Davis, the University of Florida , USDA-ARS, University of Wisconsin and from international colleagues as well. Thanks go to Jeff Brecht (UF), Joe Smilanick (USDA-ARS), Astrid Newenhouse (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Eli Fallik (The Volcani Center, Israel), Fabio Mencarelli (Universita delgi Studi della Tuscia, Italy), Bruce Champ (Australian Centre for Agricultural Research, Canberra), Jose Emilio Suadi Hasbun (PROEXANT, Quito, Ecuador), Susan Woodhead (Natural Resources Institute, Kent, England), P.A. Hicks (FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific), Sergio Chavez Franco (Centro de Fruticultura, Mexico), Seung Koo Lee (Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea) and the staff at the ASEAN Food Handling Bureau (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), for providing updated references and access to unpublished materials.

Dr. Lisa Kitinoja
Principal Consultant
Extension Systems International
73 Antelope Street
Woodland , California 95695 U.S.A.
[email protected]


Dr. Adel A. Kader
Professor of Postharvest Physiology
Department of Pomology, University of California

May 28, 2002


Users' Feedback Solicited

The authors welcome suggestions for additions to this manual and for changes in the materials included in this edition and will include such changes in the next edition. Please send your correspondence by mail or e-mail directly to:

Dr. Adel A. Kader
Department of Pomology
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis , California 95616 U.S.A.
[email protected]

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.



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