Folleto de la FAO sobre diversificación 5


How extension workers in Egypt educated farmers in population and environment concerns

written by

M. Kalim Qamar
FAO Senior Officer (Agricultural Training Extension)

in collaboration with

Ahmed G. Wahba
Deputy Director of Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute

Ministery of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Governement of Egypt
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United Nations Population Fund

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© FAO 2006


Part I (853 KB)

A few words

Chapter 1: The concerned couple
Chapter 2: The Creative Extension Group
Chapter 3: A strategy is created
Chapter 4: The initiative gains momentum
Chapter 6: Completion of groundwork
Chapter 7: Villagers talk about the new Programme
Chapter 8: Field workers' new role
Chapter 9: Preparatory meeting for the villagers

Part II (854 KB)

Chapter 10: Villagers meet the professionals
Chapter 11: Caring for others
Chapter 12: The new programme takes off
Chapter 13: Extension knowledge contest
Chapter 14: Intensive extension Campaign
Chapter 15: Rural folk theatre
Chapter 16: Rewards, lessons and recommendations
Chapter 17: Most beautiful sight

Key facts about the real-life project