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IV. Lao-Thai Farm Youth Training course

  1. The program provided opportunity for 6 Lao farm youth accompanied by 3 Thai farm youth to experience at least 4 types of farm practices including contexts necessary for farm work, environment care as well as healthy and productive daily life. Lao and Thai farm youth of the same generation could share ideas and experiences while working together and travelling across Thailand.
  2. The objectives of the program are : 1 ) To increase knowledge and skill of Lao and Thai farm youth on agricultural technology and population education. 2) To promote the international exchange experiences of Lao and Thai farm youth.
  3. The training emphasized on the major activities of the host 4-H clubs as follows : Ban Huaysamran 4-H club : Cut flower production (marigold, jastmine and chrysanthemum)

    Tenmee Samakkee 4-H club : Fish culture, Taro growing and processing Fah Khlai Roong 4-H club : Mixed farming, Group formation and management Thanad Samakkee 4-H club : Asparagus growing, Baby corn packaging and marketing and agricultural bio-extracts.

    Other than the agricultural production, they had visited some important places; discussed about family planning, HIV/AIDS problems, drug abuse, and farm youth network and participate in some social events.

  4. As a result, the Lao participants were anxious to try some activities they learned in their farms such as cut flower seedling technology and bio-extract treatment.
  5. The approximate budget spent on the course was US $ 4,000.