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Annex 11

Following is a summary of the evaluation completed by the workshop participants at the end of the final session. Under each question, the number of votes given to each level by the participants (of a total of 17 respondants) is recorded. Note: not all of the respondants answered all of the questions. The respondants were also invited to submit written comments. Selected responses follow the numerical summary.

(Please make a mark in the correct space for each question. Five (5) is the highest rating; one (1) is the lowest rating)

1) Was the purpose of the workshop clear?

5) 11    4) 4    3) 1   2) 1    1)  -

Selected comments


The participants had a clear picture of what was expected from them.


Everything was clear enough.


One participant indicated that he had not understood most of the workshop.

2) Were the speeches of the first day interesting?

5)  5   4) 6   3) 1   2)  2   1) 1  

Selected comments


Fruitful and very much interesting.


Very interesting... gave me guidelines for things to do with my youth club.


Not interesting. Needed more clarification with use of examples and illustrations.


The speeches of the first day were interesting but I did not get a lot of knowledge from them.


The speakers gave us a clear picture of how our country stands.

3) Were you satisfied with the discussion on contents? Did you feel that the most important subjects were identified?

5) 9   4) 7   3) -   2) -   1) -

Selected comments


To my point of view we did cover the essential points.


Yes, especially because they were based on the type of ideas and problems facing people in the rural areas.


The discussions were very clear.


There was a shortage of time.


I was more satisfied than with the speeches because we were given a chance to say what we felt.


Yes, the most important subjects were identified.

4) Were you satisfied with the discussion on teaching materials?

5) 8   4) 5   3) 3   2) -   1) –

Selected comments


I was satisfied because I was given a chance to say what will be effective in my community, which I know.


Yes the discussion was easy to follow.


I was satisfied sometimes but not all of the time.


These materials should be given out the sooner the better.


Some of the materials discussed were clear but some made me doubt if young people would pay attention to them.


I was very satisfied and appreciated the variety of ideas.


Some of the materials may be expensive but they are effective and we can always look for donors and fund-raising activities.


Yes but it worried me how to get some of the materials needed.


You had the right idea but time shortage was a problem.

5) Were you satisfied with the discussion on the strategies?

5) 14   4) 1   3) -  2) -   1) –

Selected comments


The strategy discussions were informative.


I think I got a broad understanding how to reach our fellow colleagues in the rural areas.


It made me aware that I must have means and ways to implement the main subjects to rural people.


I was satisfied with the strategies, they gave me ideas for what I'm going to do with my club.


I think we must be very careful on this point because it will lead us to our goal.


Very much satisfied.

6) Did you feel the evening meeting on family planning was interesting and useful?

5) 5   4) 1   3) 5   2) 2   1) -

Selected comments


Give the youths assistance or materials, not the talk.


There should have been more discussion on the relationship of family planning and population education.


Well, it was useful but not interesting.


This should have been given more time, family planning is essential.


The evening meeting was interesting.


Yes and I would like more information.


Useful but not given in a concerned way, I mean the speaker didn't show interest in the life of rural youth and did not use effective ways of communicating with the people.

7) Did you have plenty of opportunity to participate in the discussions?

5) 12   4) 2   3) -   2) 1   1) -

Selected comments


Yes, the group discussions pleased me.


Yes because I had the chance to exchange ideas.


100% It gave me a chance of saying my community problems.


Sometimes yes and sometimes I felt bored.


Some people are shy to voice out their ideas so it would be better to give a chance of writing things down.


The chance to speak before this congregation was important and gave us dignity. .

8) In general, were you satisfied with the workshop?

5) 11   4) 2   3) 2   2) -   1) –

Selected comments


Yes, and I'm interested in the successfulness of the programme and I think participants should give more effort.


Yes, gave me many ideas from many people with different problems.


Surely I was, wishing that such workshops would continue.


Very well prepared (in Rome and in Swaziland), organized and con­ducted.


I need more. This was very good and formative.


Our tutors were patient and willing to help us.


I needed more time so that everything would get in my mind instead of rush trying to grab everything.


More workshops of this nature need to be available as to help the people of the country.

9) Were the rooms and food OK?

5) 4   4) 3   3) 4   2) 3   1) –

Selected comments


I was about as I expected.


The rooms were too crowded.


Poor food and crowded room without comfort. Lacking in recreational facilities.


Poor food and cold in rooms.

10) Would you like to participate in follow-up activity to the workshop?

5) 15   4) 1   3) -   2) -   1) -

Selected comments


Yes, it will help develop my skills.


Yes, I would very much like to participate in follow up.


Follow up is needed.


Yes, in order to reap what we have sown.


The follow-up is important and would be very helpful.

11) What specific activities would you suggest?

Specific activities suggested included:


income generating activities;


activities which permit youth leaders to compare and share techniques of communicating with youth;


study trips to observe poped efforts in other countries;


development of training films;


once pilot activities are initiated, youth leaders from other groups should be permitted to observe the pilot activities as models;


a drive to increase membership in the Swaziland Youth Development Consultative Council;


the use of focus groups to further refine the definition of contents for the population education programme.

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