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The revision of i-WESTAT and the drafting of the present document were carried out by Rudi Drigo, Forestry Consultant, FAO Forest Products and Economics Division, specialized in forest resources monitoring and wood energy, under the supervision of Miguel Trossero, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO Forest Products Service. With thanks to Mariana Manus for her comments and editorial support.

The review and compilation of this multi-source database would not have been possible without the collaboration of many institutions.

In particular, contributions from Adrian Whiteman, Felice Padovani and Carlos D’Ricco of FAO Forest Economics Service, Alex McCusker of UNECE/FAO Timber Branch, Jean-Yves Garnier and Riccardo Quercioli of IEA Energy Statistics Division, Karoly Kovacs and Liliana Carvajal of the Energy and Industrial Statistics Section of the UN Statistics Division are gratefully acknowledged.

Special thanks to Walter Antonio Marzoli, author of the original design of the i-WESTAT database, for his generous assistance on database matters.

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