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Herd performance parameters and calculations

Herd performance parameters for the dairy and meat cattle systems

ParametersInputs level
Fertility rate0.670.720.85
Prolificacy rate111
Bull sper cow0.0300
Milk yield per lactation in tonnes0.62.02.8
Fraction of females milked111
Cow mortality rate10.030.060.06
Bull mortality rate0.0500
Female replacement mortality rate10.050070.09
Male replacement mortality rate0.05.00
Female young mortality rate0.250.200.10
Male young mortality rate0.250.200.10
Otherstock mortality rate0.070.050.06
Female breeder carcase weight (tonnes)0.1250.1560.208
Male breeded carcase weight (tonnes)0.15000
Carcase weight of other stock(tonnes)0.0800.0940.104
Presence of males in the systemyesnono

1 Increase in mortality rate with increase in inputs due to relatively greater susceptibility of crossbred and grade cattle to local pests and diseases.

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat cattle system at low inputs

Base herd structure TransfersOutput
Breeding cows  Death rate 3%  
3 year old14 + 14 recruits from replacement herd  
4 year old13    
5 year old13    
6 yearold13 - 3 deaths  
7 yearold12    
8 year old12 - 11 culls × 250 kg LW2750kg LW
9 year old12    
10 year old11    
Calves under 1 year 67% calving rate  
Heifers33 Death rate 25%  
   - 8 deaths  
   - 15 recruits to heifer replacement herd  
   - 10 sales® 135 kg1350kg LW
Bulls34 Death rate 25%  
   - 9 deaths  
 67 - 25 sales® 135 kg3375kg LW
Replacement heifers Death rate 5%   
1 year old15 + 15 recruits from calf  
2 year old14 - 1 death  
 29 - 14 recruits to cow herd  
Total meat output   7475kg LW
   or 3737.5kg DW
Total milk output (67 cows × 600 litres)  40 200 liters 
Production MilkMeat
per cow 402 litres37.37 kg DW
per TLU 264.8 litres24.6 kg DW

Total TLU = 151.8 (Table 5.2)

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat cattle system at intermediate inputs

Base herd structure TransfersOutput 
Breeding cows  Death rate 6%  
3 year17 + 17 recruits from replacement herd  
4 year16    
5 year16    
6 year15 - 6 deaths  
7 year13    
8 year12 - 11 culls × 300 kg LW3300kg LW
9 year old11    
Calves under 1 year 72% calving rate  
Heifers36 Death rate 20%  
   - 7 deaths  
   - 20 recruits to heifer replacement herd  
   -9 sales® 170 kg1530kg LW
Bulls36 Death rate 20%  
   - 7 deaths  
   - 29 sales® 170 kg4930kg LW
Replacement heifers Death rate 7%   
1 year old20 + 20 recruits from calf herd  
2 year old17 - 3 deaths  
 37 - 17 recruits to cow herd  
Total meat output  9760kg LW
    or 3737.5kg DW
Total milk output (72 cows × 2000 litres) 144 000 litres 
Production MilkMeat
per cow1440 litres48.8 kg DW
per TLU768.4 litres26.0 kg DW

Total TLU = 187.4 (Table 5.2)

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat cattle system at high inputs

Base herd structure TransfersOutput
Breeding cows  Death rate 6%  
3 year old23 + 23 recruits from  
4 year old21 replacement herd  
5 year old20    
6 year old19 - 6 deaths  
7 year old17    
 100 - 17 culls × 400 kg LW6800kg LW
Calves under 1 year 85% calving rate  
Heifers42 Death rate 10%  
   - 4 deaths  
   - 28 recruits to heifer replacement herd  
   - 10 sales® 230 kg2300kg LW
Bulls43 Death rate 10%  
   -39sales@35kg1365kg LW
 85 (2 weeks old)  
Replacement heifers Death rate 10%   
1 year old28 + 28 recruits from calf  
2 year old23 - 5 deaths  
 51 - 23 recruits to cow herd  
Total meat output   10465kg LW
    or 5232.5kg DW
Total milk output (85 cows × 2800 litres)   238 000 litres 
per cow2380 litres52.3 kg DW
per TLU 901.5 litres19.8 kg DW

Total TLU = 264.6 (Table 5.2)

Herd performance parameters for the dairy and meat goat systems

ParametersInputs level
Fertility rate1.271.561.875
Prolificacy rate1.021.251.50
Bucks per doe0.040.0330.025
Milk yield per lactation in tonnes00.030.26
Fraction of females milked00.951
Doe mortality rate0.060.060.06
Buck mortality rate0.060.060.06
Female replacement mortality rate0.10.10.1
Male replacement mortality rate0.10.10.1
Female young mortality rate0.150.120.10
Male young mortality rate0.150.120.10
Other stock mortality rate0.10.10.1
Female breeder carcase weight (tonnes)0.0140.0170.020
Male breeded carcase weight (tonnes)0.020.0220.023
Carcase weight of other stock (tonnes)0.0120.0150.018
Presence of males in the systemyesyesyes

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat goat system at low inputs

Base herd structure TransfersOutput
Breeding does  Death rate 6%  
2 year old17 + 17 recruits from  
3 year old16 replacement flock  
4 year old16    
5 year old15 - 6 deaths  
6 year old13    
7 year old12 - 11 culls × 28 kg LW308kg LW
8 year old11     
Kidding effective rate 127%/doe/year   
Female63 Death rate 15%  
   - 9 deaths  
   - 19 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 35 surplus for sale as  
   yearlings @ 20 kg LW700kg LW
Male64 Death rate 15%  
   - 10 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to replacement  
   - 52 surplus for sale as  
 127 yearlings @ 24 kg LW1248kg LW
Replacement yearlings  Death rate 10%  
Does 1 year19 + 19 recruits  
Old  - 2 deaths  
   - 17 recruits to breeding flock  
Bucks 1 year2 + 2 recruits  
Old  - 1 to breeding herd  
 21 - 1 cull sold @ 40 kg LW40kg LW
Bucks  Death rate 6%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 - 0.5 i.e. 1 death every  
4 year old1 second year  
5 year old - 0.5 cull sold @ 40 kg LW20kg LW
Total meat output   2316kg LW
    or 1158kg DW
Production  Meat
per doe11.58 kg DW
per TLU92.64 kg DW

Total TLU = 12.5 (Table 5.3)

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat goat system at intermediate inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding does  Death rate 6%  
2 year old23 + 23 recruits from replacement flock  
3 year old21    
4 year old20    
5 year old19 - 6 deaths  
6 year old17 - 17 culls × 34 kg LW578kg LW
Kidding effective rate 156%/doe/year    
Female78 Death rate 12%  
   -9 deaths  
   -23 recruitst replacement flock  
   - 46 sales @ 22 kg LW1012kg LW
Male78 Death rate 12%  
   -10 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to buck  
   replacement flock  
   - 66 sales @ 25 kg LW1650kg LW
Replacement yearlings Death rate 10%  
Does 1 year25 - 2 deaths  
old  - 23 recruits to breeding  
Bucks 1 year2 + 2 from kids flock  
old  -1 to breeding herd  
 27 - 1 cull sold @ 40 kg LW40kg LW
Bucks Death rate 6%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 - 0.5 i.e. 1 death every second year  
4 year old1    
5 year old1 - 0.5 cull sold @ 44 kg LW22kg LW
Total milk output   3302kg LW
 or 1651kg  LW
Milk production 180 litres/lactation;  
Less: allowance for kids 150 litres/lactation;  
30 litres × 125 lactation = 38 litres/doe/year lactation  
Total milk output for 100 doe herd:3800 litres 
Production MilkMeat
per doe 38 litres16.51 kg DW
per TLU 263.7 litres114.60 kg

Total TLU = 14.4 (Table 5.3)

Herd performance calculations for the dairy and meat goat system at high inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding does  Death rate 6%  
2 year old17 + 17 recruits from  
3 year old16 replacement flock  
4 year old15    
5 year old14 - 6 deaths  
6 year old14    
7 year old13 -11 culls xfs 40 kgLW440kgLW
8 year old11    
Kidding effective rate 187.5%/doe/year    
Female93 Death rate 10%  
   - 9 deaths  
   -19 recruits to replacement  
   - 65 sales @ 22 kg LW1430kg LW
Male94 Death rate 10%  
   -10 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to buck  
   replacement flock  
   - 82 sales @ 25 kg LW2050kg LW
Replacement yearlings Death rate 10%  
Does 1 year19 + 19 recruits  
old  - 2 deaths  
   - 17 recruits to breeding  
Bucks 1 year2 + 2 recruits  
old  -1 to breeding herd  
   - 1 cull sold @ 40 kg LW40kg LW
BucksDeath rate 6%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 -0.5 i.e. 1 death every  
4 year old1 second year  
5 year old1 - 0.5 cull sold @ 44 kg LW22kg LW
Total meat output   3982kg LW
    or 1991kg DW
Milk production 425 litres/lactation;     
Less: allowance for kids 165 litres/lactation;     
Net milk output:     
260 litres × 1.25 lactation = 325 litres/doe/year lactation     
Total milk output for 100 doe hard:   32 500 litres 
Production  MilkMeat 
per doe  325 litres19.91 kg DW 
per TLU  2166.7 litres132.73 kg 

Total TLU = 15 (Table 5.3)

Herd performance parameters for the meat and wool sheep systems

ParametersInputs level
Fertility rate1.001.251.25
Prolificacy rate1.151.181.20
Rams per ewe0.040.0330.033
Milk yield per lactation in tonnes000
Fraction of females milked000
Ewe mortality rate10.060.070.07
Ram mortality rate110.060.070.07
Female replacement mortality rate0.10.10.1
Male replacement mortality rate0.10.10.1
Female young mortality rate0.170.10.1
Male young mortality rate0.170.10.1
Other stock mortality rate000
Female breeder car case weight0.0140.0180.020
Male breeded car case weight0.0180.0220.022
Car case weight of other stock0.0100.0130.015
Presence of males in the systemyesyesyes

1 Increase in mortality rate with increase in inputs due to relatively greater susceptibility of crossbred and grade animals to local pests and diseases.

Herd performance calculations for the meat and wool sheep system at low Inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding ewes Death rate 6%  
2 year old17 + 17 recruits from replacement flock  
3 year old16    
4 year old16    
5 year old15 - 6 deaths  
6 year old13    
7 year old12 - 11 culls × 28 kg LW308kg LW
8 year old11    
Lambing effective rate 115%/ewe/year    
Female58 Death rate 17%  
   - 10 deaths  
   - 19 recruits to replacement flock  
   -29 sales @ 18 kg LW  
Male57 Death rate 17%522kg LW
   - 10 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 45 sales @ 20 kg LW900kg LW
Replacement yearlings  Death rate 10%  
Ewes 1 year19 + 19 recruits  
old  - 2 deaths  
   - 17 recruits to breeding flock  
Rams 1 year2 - 1 to breeding herd  
old  - 1 cull sold @ 30 kg LW  
 21 every second year15kg LW
Rams  Death rate 6%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 - 0.5 i.e. 1 death every  
4 year old1 second year  
5 year old1 - 0.5 cull sold @ 36 kg LW18kg LW
Total meat output  1763kg LW
   or 882kg DW
Total wool output (1.2 kg per adult head) 149 kg 
Production MeatWool
per ewe 8.82 kg DW1.49 kg
per TLU 70.5 kg DW11.9 kg

Total TLU = 12.5 (Table 5.4)

Herd performance calculations for the meat and wool sheep system at intermediate inputs

Base herd structure TransfersOutput
Breeding ewes Death rate 7%  
2 year old20 + 20 recruits from replacement flock  
3 year old19    
4 year old17    
5 year old16 - 7 deaths  
6 year old15    
7 year old13 - 13 culls × 36 kg LW468kg LW
Lambing effective rate 148%/ewe/year   
Female74 Death rate 10%  
   - 8 deaths  
   - 22 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 44 sales @ 22 kg LW968kg LW
Male74 Death rate 10%  
   - 7 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 65 sales @ 25 kg LW1625kg LW
Replacement yearlings Death rate 10%  
Ewes 1 year22 + 22 recruits  
old  - 2 deaths  
   - 20 recruits to breeding flock  
Rams 1 year2 + 2 recruits  
old  - 1 to breeding herd  
   - 1 cull @ 40 kg LW40kg LW
Rams  Death rate 10%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 - 0.5 death/ year  
4 year old1 - 0.5 cull sold @ 46 kg LW23kg LW
Total meat output 3124kg LW
    or 1562kg DW
Total wool output (2.0 kg per adult head) 264 kg 
per ewe15.62 kg DW2.64 kg
per TLU123.0 kg DW20.8 kg

Total TLU = 12.7 (Table 5.4)

Herd performance calculations for the meat and wool sheep system at high inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding ewes Death rate 7%  
2 year old20 + 20 recruits from replacement flock  
3 year old19    
4 year old17    
5 year old16 - 7 deaths  
6 year old15    
7 year old13 - 13 culls x40 kg LW520kg LW
Lambing effective rate 178%/ewe/year   
Female89 Death rate 10%  
   - 8 deaths  
   - 22 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 58 sales @ 22 kg LW1276kg LW
Male89 Death rate 10%  
   - 9 deaths  
   - 2 recruits to replacement flock  
   - 73 sales @ 25 kg LW1825kg LW
Replacement yearlingsDeath rate 10%  
Ewes 1 year22 + 22 recruits  
old  - 2 deaths  
   - 20 recruits to breeding flock  
Rams 1 year2 + 1 recruits  
old  - 1 to breeding herd  
 24 - 1 cull @ 40 kg LW40kg LW
Rams  Death rate 10%  
2 year old1 + 1 recruit  
3 year old1 - 0.5 death/year  
4 year old1 - 0.5 cull sold @ 46 kg LW23kg LW
    3684kg LW
Total meat output or 1842kg DW
Total wool output (2.5 kg per adult head) 317.5 kg 
per ewe18.42 kg DW3.17 kg
per TLU145.0 kg DW25 kg

Total TLU = 12.7 (Table 5.4)

Herd performance parameters for the cattle pastoral systems

ParametersSeminomadicNomadic with market accessNomadic distant
Fertility rate0.670.500.50
Prolificacy rate111
Bulls per cow0.10.10.18
Milk yield per lactation in tonnes0.20.180.18
Fraction of females milked0.650.450.4
Cow mortality rate0.050.060.09
Bull mortality rate0.050.070.10
Female replacement mortality rate0.050.050.05
Male replacement mortality rate0.050.070.10
Female young mortality rate0.120.170.17
Male young mortality rate0.120.170.17
Female breeder carcase weight(tonnes)0.1250.1250.125
Male breeded carcase weight(tonnes)
Carcase weight of other stock(tonnes)
Presence of males in the systemyesyesyes

Herd performance calculations for the cattle pastoral system (nomadic distant) at low Inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding cows Death rate 3%  
4 year old8 + 7 recruits herd  
5 year old8    
6 year old7    
7 year old7 -4 deaths  
8 year old6    
9 year old5    
10 year old4 - 31 culls × 250 kg LW750kg LW
Calves under 1 year 50% calving rate  
Heifer (born)11 Death rate 17%  
Net live calves9 -2 deaths  
   -8 heifer herd  
   - 1 slaughtered @ 50 kg50kg LW
Replacement heifers Death rate 5%  
1 year old8 + 8 recruits  
2 year old7 -1 death  
3 year old - 7 recruits to cow herd  
Bull calves Death rate 17%  
Bull calves12 - 2 deaths  
Net live calves9born)10 -2 to bull herd  
   -3 to steer herd  
   - 5 slaughtered @ 50 k LW  
    250kg LW
Steer herd Death rate 10%  
1 year old3 + 3 recruits  
2 year old3 -1 death  
3 year old2 -2 slaughtered @ 300 kg600kg LW
4 year old2    
1 year old2 + 2 recruits  
2 year old2 -1 death  
3 year old-    
4 year old1    
5 year old-    
6 year old1 - 1 cull @ 300 kg LW300kg LW
    1950kg LW
Total meat output  or 1044  kg DW
Total milk output (45 cows at 50% calving = 23 × 175 litres)4025 litres 
per TLU59.3 litres15.4 kg DW

Total TLU = 67.9 (Table 5.6

Herd performance calculations for the cattle pastoral system (nomadic distant) at intermediate Inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding cows Death rate 6%  
4 year old8 + 7 recruits herd  
5 yearold8    
6 year old7 -3 deaths  
7 year old7    
8 year old6    
9 year old5    
10 year old4 - 4 culls × 250 kg LW1000kg LW
Calves under 1 year 50% calving rate  
Heifer12 Death rate 17%  
Net live10 - 2 deaths  
calves  -8 heifer herd  
   - 2 slaughtered @ 50 kg100kg LW
Replacement heifers Death rate 5%  
1 year old8 + 8 recruits  
2 year old7 - 1 death  
3 year old7 - 7 recruits to cow herd  
Bull calves Death rate 17%  
Bull calves11 - 2 deaths  
Net live9 - 1 to bull herd  
calves  - 5 to steer herd  
   - 3 slaughtered @ 50 k150kg LW
Steer herd Death rate 7%  
1 year old5 + 5 recruits  
2 year old5 -1 death  
3 year old - 4 slaughtered @ 300 kg LW1200kg LW
1 year old1 + 1 recruits  
2 year old1    
3 year old1 -1death or 1 slaughtered  
4 year old1 alternate years  
5 year old1 0.5 @ 300 kg150kg LW
    2600kg LW
Total meat output  or 1353kg DW
Total milk output (45 cows at 50% calving = 23 × 1904370 litres 
Production MilkMeat
per TLU 60.0 litres18.6 kg DW

Total TLU = 72.8 (Table 5.6)

Herd performance calculations for the cattle pastoral system (nomadic distant) at high inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding cows Death rate 5%  
4 year old7 + 7 recruits  
5 year old7    
6 year old6    
7 year old6 -2 deaths  
8 year old5    
9 year old5 - 5 culls × 250 kg LW1250kg LW
Calves under 1 year 67% calving rate  
Heifer12 Death rate 12%  
Net live10 -2 deaths  
calves  - 8 to heifer herd  
   - 2 slaughtered @ 50 kg LW100kg LW
Replacement heifers Death rate 5%  
1 year old8 + 8 recruits  
2 year old7 -1 death  
3 year old7 - 7 recruits to cow herd  
Bull calves Death rate 12%  
Bull calves12 - 1 death  
Net live rate9 -1 to bull herd  
   - 7 to steer herd  
   - 3 slaughtered @ 50 k LW150kg LW
Steer herd Death rate 5%  
1 year old7 - 1 to bull herd  
2 year old7 - 7 to steer herd  
3 year old6 + 7 recruits  
 20 -1 death  
   - 6 slaughtered @ 300 kg LW1800kg LW
1 year old1 + 1 recruits  
2 year old1    
3 year old1 -1 death or 1 slaughtered in  
4 year old1 alternate years  
5 year old1 0.5 @ 350 kg175kg LW
Total meat output 3475kg LW
    or 1737.5kg DW
Total milk output (45 cows at 67% calving = 24 × 2004800 litres 
Production  MilkMeat 
perTLU  67.9 litres24.6 kg DW 

Total TLU = 70.6 (Table 5.6)

Herd performance parameters for the goat pastoral systems

ParametersSemi-nomadicNomadic distant
Female breeder mortality rate0.150.25
Male breeder mortality rate0.250.25
Female replacement mortality rate0.30.3
Male replacement mortality rate0.30.3
Young mortality rate0.250.3
Fertility rate0.60.4
Prolificacy rate1.451.45
Breeder females per male13.515
Female breeder carcase weight(tonnes)0.0280.025
Male breeder carcase weight (tonnes)0.0450.04
Slaughter stock carcase weight(tonnes)0.040.03
Milk yield per lactation (tonnes)00
Fraction of females milked00

Herd performance calculations for the goat pastoral system (nomadic distant) at low inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Does Death rate 25%  
2 year old12 + 15 recruits  
3 year old12 -15 deaths  
4 year old11    
5 year old11    
6 year old8    
7 year old6    
Kidding rate: 40% does × 1.45
(reproduction rate 1.45)
= 35 kids/year  
Kid does  Death rate 30%  
 18 - 5 deaths  
   - 13 doe weaners  
Doe weaners Death rate 30%  
 13 - 4 deaths  
   - 9 doe recruits  
Kid billies Death rate 30%  
 18 - 5 deaths  
   -2 billy recruits  
   - 11 wether recruits  
Wether weaners    
Weaners11 + 11 recruits  
2 year old8 - 3 deaths (30%)  
3 year old4 -4 deaths(25%)  
 23 - 4 slaughtered @ 30 kg120kg LW
Billy weaners Death rate 25%  
Weaners2 + 2 recruits  
2 year old1 - 1 death  
3 year old1 4 - 1 slaughtered @ 40 kg40kg LW
Total meat output 160kg LW
    or 83.2kg DW
Production per TLU7.63 kg meat DW 

Total TLU = 10.2 (Table 5.7)

Note: This flock cannot maintain itself and would be dependent on occasional flush seasons to rebuild numbers or intake from outside.

Herd performance calculations for the goat pastoral system (nomadic distant) at high inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Does Death rate 15%  
2 year old12 + 12 recruits  
3 year old10 - 8 deaths  
4 year old10 - 4 culls @ 28 kg LW112kg LW
5 year old8    
6 year old8    
7 year old6    
Kidding rate:6 (Reproduction 0% does × 1.45 rate 1.45)= 47 kids/year  
Kid does Death rate 25%  
 24 - 6 deaths  
   -18 doe weaners  
Doe weaners Death rate 30%  
 18 - 6 deaths  
   - 12 doe recruits  
Kid billies Death rate 25%  
 23 - 6 deaths  
   - 2 billy recruits  
   - 15 wether recruits  
Wether weaners    
Weaners15 + 15 recruits  
2 year old10 - 5 deaths (30%)  
3 year old8 - 2 deaths (25%)  
 33 - 8 slaughtered @ 40 kg320kg LW
Billy weaners Death rate 25%  
Weaners2 + 2 recruits  
2 year old1 - 1 death  
3 year old1 - 1 slaughtered @ 45 kg45kg LW
Total meat output  477kg LW
   or 245kg DW
Production per TLU 19.8 kg meat DW  

Total TLU = 12.5 (Table 5.7)

Herd performance parameters for the sheep pastoral systems

ParametersSemi-nomadicNomadic distant
Female breeder mortality rate0.100.15
Male breeder mortality rate0.250.25
Female replacement mortality rate0.250.25
Male replacement mortality rate0.250.25
Young mortality rate0.100.20
Fertility rate0.650.50
Prolificacy rate1.251.25
Breeder females per male12.512.5
Female breeder carcase weight(tonnes)0.0280.025
Male breeder carcase weight (tonnes)0.0350.030
Slaughter stock carcase weight(tonnes)0.0350.030
Milk yield per lactation (tonnes)00
Fraction of females milked00

Herd performance calculations for the sheep pastoral system (nomadic distant) at low inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Ewes  Death rate 15%  
2 year old11 + 12 recruits  
3 year old11 - 12 deaths  
4 year old10    
5 year old9    
6 year old9    
Lambing rate: (Reproduction 50% does × 1.25 rate 1.25)= 31 lambs/year  
Ewe lambs  Death rate 20%  
 16 - 3 deaths  
   - 13 ewe recruits  
Ewe weaners  Death rate 25%  
 13 - 4 deaths  
   - 11 ewe recruits  
Ram lambs  Death rate 20%  
 15 - 3 deaths  
   - 2 ram recruits  
   - 10 wether recruits  
Weaners10 + 10 recruits  
2 year old8 - 2 deaths (25%)  
3 year old6 -2 deaths (15%)  
 24 - 6 slaughtered @ 30 kg LW180kg LW
Rams  Death rate 25%  
Weaners2 + 2 recruits  
2 year old1 - 1 death  
3 year old1 - 1 slaughtered @ 30 kg30kg LW
Total meat output   210kg LW
    or 109kg DW
Production pet TLU  8.95 kg meat DW  

Total TLU = 1 2 . 2 (Table 5.7)
Note: This flock is barely self-sustaining.

Herd performance calculations for the sheep pastoral system (semi-nomadic) at high inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Ewes Death rate 10%  
2 year old11 + 11 recruits  
3 year old11 - 5 deaths  
4 year old10 - 6 culls @ 28 kg LW168kg LW
5 year old9    
6 year old9    
Lambing rate: (Reproduction 65% does × 1.25 rate 1.25)= 31 lambs/year  
Ewe lambs Death rate 10%  
 20 - 2 deaths  
 9 - 18 ewe recruits  
Ewe weaners Death rate 25%  
 18 - 6 deaths  
   - 11 ewe recruits  
   - 1 cull@ 15 kg LW15kg LW
Ram lambs Death rate 10%  
 20 - 2 deaths  
   - 2 ram recruits  
   - 10 wether recruits  
   - 6 culls @ 8 kg LW48kg LW
Weaners10 + 10 recruits  
2 year old5 - 2/3 deaths (25%)  
3 year old5 - 1 death (10%)  
 20 6/7 slaughtered @ 35 kg LW227.5kg LW
Rams Death rate 25%  
Weaners2 + 2 recruits  
2 year old1 - 1 death  
3 year old1 - 1 slaughtered @ 35 kg35kg LW
Total meat output  493.5kg LW
   or 256.6kg DW
Production perTLU 19.4 kg meat DW  

Total TLU = 13.2 (Table 5.7)

Herd performance parameters for the camel pastoral systems (nomadic)

Fertility rate0.5
Prolificacy rate1
Bulls per cow0.14
Milk yield perlactation in tonnes0.6
Fraction of females milked0.5
Cow mortality rate0.1
Bull mortality rate0.17
Female replacement mortality rate0.09
Male replacement mortality rate0.08
Female young mortality rate0.5
Male young mortality rate0.5
Other stock mortality rate0.83
Female breeder carcase weight(tonnes)0.35
Male breeded carcase weight(tonnes)0.40
Carcase weight of other stock(tonnes)0.40
Presence of males in the systemYes

Herd performance calculations for the camel pastoral system (nomadic) at low inputs

Base herd structureTransfersOutput
Breeding cows1 Death rate 10%  
6 year old5 + 4 recruits  
7 year old5    
8 year old5    
9 year old5 -4 deaths  
10 year old4    
11 year old4    
12 year old4    
13 year old4    
14 year old3    
15 year old3    
Calves under 1 year  50% calving rate  
Heifers11 Death rate 50%  
Net live6 - 5 deaths  
calves  -6 recruits to replacement herd  
Replacement females  Death rate 9%  
1 year old6 + 6 recruits  
2 year old5 -2 deaths  
3 year old4 -4 recruits to cow herd  
4 year old4    
5 year old4    
Bull calves  Death rate 50%  
Bull calves10 - 5 deaths  
Net live  -4 to growing bulls  
calves  - 1 slaughtered @ 100 kg100kg LW
Growing bulls  Death rate 8%  
1 year old4 +4 recruit  
2 year old3 -1 death  
3 year old3 -1 bull recruit  
4 year old3 -2 castrate recruits  
Bulls  Death rate 17%  
5 year old1 + 1 recruit  
6 year old1 -1 death  
7 year old1    
8 year old1    
9 year old1    
10 year old1    
5 year old2 + 2 recruits  
6 year old2 - 1 death  
7 year old2 - 1 slaughtered @ 400 kg400kg LW
8 year old2    
9 year old1    
10 year old1    
11 year old1    
12 year old1    
Total meat output   500kg LW
    or 250kg DW
Total milk output (21 cows × 600 litres)   12 600 litres 
Production perTLU  96.2 litres1.9 kg DW

Total TLU = 131 (Table 5.8)

1 Herd size can only be maintained by holding all old cows


  1. Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 19–23 June 1961.**

  2. Report of the First Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28–31 May 1962**

  3. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow, USSR, 16–28 July 1962.**

  4. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR, 14 September–2 October 1962.**

  5. Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey (Subcommission on Land and Water Use of the European Commission on Agriculture), Lisbon, Portugal, 6–10 March 1963.**

  6. Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9–11 July 1963.**

  7. Report of the Second Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 29 July–6 August 1963.**

  8. Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Paris, 3 January 1964.**

  9. Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, November–December 1963.**

  10. Report on the Soils of Bolivia, January 1964.**

  11. Report on the Soils of Paraguay, January 1964.**

  12. Preliminary Definition, Legend and Correlation Table for the Soil Map of the World, Rome, August 1964.**

  13. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 16–21 May 1964.**

  14. Report of the Meeting on the Classification and Correlation of Soils from Volcanic Ash, Tokyo, Japan, 11–27 June 1964.**

  15. Report of the First Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification, Survey and Soil Resources of the European Commission on Agriculture, Florence, Italy, 1–3 October 1964.**

  16. Detailed Legend for the Third Draft on the Soil Map of South America, June 1965.**

  17. Report of the First Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America, Mexico, 1–8 February 1965.**

  18. The Soil Resources of Latin America, October 1965.**

  19. Report of the Third Correlation Seminar for Europe: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, 29 August–22 September 1965.**

  20. Report of the Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000) (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, 29 November–3 December 1965.**

  21. Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13–16 July 1965.**

  22. Report of the Soil Resources Expedition in Western and Central Brazil, 24 June–9 July 1965.**

  23. Bibliography on Soils and Related Sciences for Latin America (1st edition), December 1965.**

  24. Report on the Soils of Paraguay (2nd edition), August 1964.**

  25. Report of the Soil Correlation Study Tour in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina, June–August 1964.**

  26. Report of the Meeting on Soil Correlation and Soil Resources Appraisal in India, New Delhi, India, 5–15 April 1965.**

  27. Report of the Sixth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Montpellier, France, 7–11 March 1967.**

  28. Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America, Winnipeg-Vancouver, Canada, 25 July–5 August 1966.**

  29. Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Moscow, USSR, 20–28 August 1966.**

  30. Report of the Meeting of the Soil Correlation Committee for South America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12–19 December 1966.**

  31. Trace Element Problems in Relation to Soil Units in Europe (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Rome, 1967.**

  32. Approaches to Soil Classification, 1968.**

  33. Definitions of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, April 1968.**

  34. Soil Map of South America 1:5 000 000, Draft Explanatory Text, November 1968.**

  35. Report of a Soil Correlation Study Tour in Sweden and Poland, 27 September–14 October 1968.**

  36. Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000) (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture), Poitiers, France 21–23 June 1967.**

  37. Supplement to Definition of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, July 1969.**

  38. Seventh Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Varna, Bulgaria, 11–13 September 1969.**

  39. A Correlation Study of Red and Yellow Soils in Areas with a Mediterranean Climate.**

  40. Report of the Regional Seminar of the Evaluation of Soil Resources in West Africa, Kumasi, Ghana, 14–19 December 1970.**

  41. Soil Survey and Soil Fertility Research in Asia and the Far East, New Delhi, 15–20 February 1971.**

  42. Report of the Eighth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Helsinki, Finland, 5–7 July 1971.**

  43. Report of the Ninth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Ghent, Belgium 28–31 August 1973.**

  44. First Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee on Soil Correlation for Soil Evaluation and Management, Accra, Ghana, 12–19 June 1972.**

  45. Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation, Rome, Italy, 6–8 January 1975.**

  46. First Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Nairobi, Kenya, 11–16 March 1974.**

  47. Second Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25–30 October 1976.

  48. Report on the Agro-Ecological Zones Project, Vol. 1 - Methodology and Results for Africa, 1978. Vol. 2 - Results for Southwest Asia, 1978.

  49. Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Standards for Rainfed Agriculture, Rome, Italy, 25–28 October 1977.

  50. Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Criteria for Irrigation, Rome, Italy, 27 February–2 March 1979.

  51. Third Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Lusaka, Zambia, 18–30 April 1978.

  52. Land Evaluation Guidelines for Rainfed Agriculture, Report of an Expert Consultation, 12–14 December 1979.

  53. Fourth Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Banjul, The Gambia, 20–27 October 1979.

  54. Fourth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Arusha, Tanzania, 27 October–4 November 1980.

  55. Cinquièdme réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Lomé, Togo, 7–12 décembre 1981.

  56. Fifth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Wad Medani, Sudan, 5–10 December 1983.

  57. Sixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre Africain de correlation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Niamey, Niger, 6–12 février 1984.

  58. Sixth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Maseru, Lesotho, 9–18 October 1985.

  59. Septième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre Africain de correlation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 10–17 novembre 1985.

  60. Revised Legend, Soil Map of the World, FAO-Unesco-ISRIC, 1988. Reprinted 1990.

  61. Huitième réunion du Sous-Comitè Ouest et Centre africain de correlation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 19–28 Janvier 1987.

  62. Seventh Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Evaluation, Gaborone, Botswana, 30 March–8 April 1987.

  63. Neuvième reunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de correlation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Cotonou, Bénin, 14–23 novembre 1988.

  64. FAO-ISRIC Soil Database (SDB), 1989.

  65. Eighth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Harare, Zimbabwe, 9–13 October 1989.

  66. World soil resources. An explanatory note on the FAO World Soil Resources Map at 1:25 000 000 scale, 1991.

  67. Digitized Soil Map of the World, Volume 1: Africa, Release 1.0, November 1991. Volume 2: North and Central America. Volume 3: Central and South America. Volume 4: Europe and West of the Urals. Volume 5: North East Asia. Volume 6: Near East and Far East. Volume 7: South East Asia and Oceania.

  68. Land Use Planning Applications. Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation 1990, Rome, 10–14 December 1990.

  69. Dixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de correlation des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Bouaké, Odienné, Côte d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire, 5–12 november 1990.

  70. Ninth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation, Lilongwe, Malawi, 25 November – 2 December 1991.

  71. Agro-ecological land resources assessment for agricultural development planning. A case study of Kenya. Resources data base and land productivity. Main Report. Technical Annex 1: Land resources. Technical Annex 2: Soil erosion and productivity. Technical Annex 3: Agro-climatic and agro-edaphic suitabilities for barley, oat, cowpea, green gram and pigeonpea. Technical Annex 4: Crop productivity. Technical Annex 5: Livestock productivity. Technical Annex 6: Fuelwood productivity. Technical Annex 7: Systems documentation guide to computer programs for land productivity assessments. Technical Annex 8: Crop productivity assessment: results at district level. 1991.

** Out of print

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