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Chapter 6
Climatic adaptability and yield potentials

Understanding the relationships between the climatic environment and ecophysiological processes of growth, development and yield in trees forms the basis of formulating quantitative descriptions of the climatic adaptability of improved and unimproved provenances and their productivity potentials in land use. Principles of climatic adaptability for plants are described in Kassam, Kowal and Sarraf (1977) and (FAO 1978–81).

Photosynthesis produces the source of a assimilates which plants use for growth, and the rate of photosynthesis is influenced by both temperature and radiation. However, plants are also obliged to undergo sequences of phenological and morphological developments in time and space to allow photosynthetic assimilates to be converted into growth of plant parts and economically useful yields of satisfactory quantity and quality. The development sequence of tree growth in relation to the calendar (i.e. tree phenology) is influenced by climatic factors.

In general, temperature determines the rate of growth and development of plant parts and the tree as a whole. However, in some tree species, temperature may also determine whether a particular development process will begin or not (e.g., chilling requirement for bud formation and floral initiation), the time when bud break will occur, the subsequent rate of development and the time when the process will stop (Cannell and Last 1976).

In the seasonally dry climates of Kenya, ability to survive the dry period is an important adaptability characteristic just as frost hardiness is for survival in the cooler thermal zones at higher altitudes.

Accordingly, in assessments of land suitabilities, consideration has to be given to the specific climatic requirements and adaptability for survival, growth and development.


All the fuelwood species listed in Table 4.1 have C3 photosynthesis pathway and are classified into two adaptability groups (Table 6.1). Group I species are adapted to operate in cooler conditions (mean temperatures 10–20 °C), whereas Group II species are adapted to operate in warmer conditions (mean temperatures 20–30 °C). Both groups have species with nitrogen fixing capability.

Rates of maximum photosynthesis (Pm) for both adaptability groups are in the range 5–30 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 (Landsberg 1986). Species in each adaptability group are therefore further classified into three photosynthesis productivity classes. They are class A, Pm = 5–10 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1; class B, Pm = 10–20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1; and class C, Pm = 20–30 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1. These photosynthesis rates of productivity class A, B, and C correspond to mean annual total (including foliage, stem and roots) biomass increments of 12.5–25.0, 25.0–40.0 and 40.0–60, 0 t/ha dry weight respectively or annual wood biomass (stem and branch wood) increments of 8.0–15.0, 15.0–25.0 and 25.0–40.0 t/ha dry weight respectively. The relationships between photosynthesis and temperature for these six adaptability classes are presented in Table 6.2.

Adaptability groups for fuelwood species

CharacteristicsGroup 1 (<20°C)Group II (>20°C)
Photosynthetic pathwayC3C3
Rate of maximum photosynthesis (Pm kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1)5–305–30
Optimum temperature (mean) for maximum photosynthesis (°C)15–2020–30
Productivity class AAcacia gerradii(N)Acacia albida(N)
(Pm = 5–10 kg CH2 ha-1 hr-1)Croton megalocarpus(N)Acacia nilotica(N)
 Grevillea robusta Acacia Senegal(N)
Oleo africana Acacia tortilis(N)
  Calliandra calothyrus(N)
Conocarpus lancifolius(N)
Gliricidia sepium(N)
Tamarindus indica(N)
Productivity class BBridella micrantha Bridella micrantha 
(Pm = 10–20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1)Calodendrum capense Cassia siamea 
 Casuarina cunninghamiana(N)Casuarina equisetifolia(N)
Cupressus lucitanica Eucalyptus citriodora 
Eucalyptus microcorys Eucalyptus microtheca 
Faurea saligna Eucalyptus tereticornis 
Prunus africanum Parkinsonia aculeata 
Productivity class CEucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus camaldulensis 
(Pm = 20–30 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1)Eucalyptus saligna Eucalyptus grandis 
 Sesbania sesban(N)Eucalyptus saligna 
  Leucaena leucocephala(N)
Sesbania sesban(N)

(N) - Nitrogen fixer.

Relationships between temperature and rate of photosynthesis (kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1) for six adaptability classes of fuelwood species

Adaptability classTemperature (°C)
I - A0.753.
I - B1.
I - C2.510.
II - A-0.754.
II - B-
II - C-2.515.

Rotation length (years) by moisture zones

Photosynthesis productivity classSemi-arid
60–119 days
Dry Sub-humid
120–179 days
Moist Sub-humid
180–269 days
> 270 days
C10.0–12.57.5–10.05.0–7.5< 5.0


Rotation length in the model is taken as the age at ‘maximum yield’, and is the point when annual increment is equal to mean annual increment over the total period since establishment (Nilsson 1983).

Rotation length is affected by the photosynthesis productivity class of the species and by length of growing period. Rotation lengths applied in the model are given in Table 6.3.


Thermal zone ratings for each of the species are given in Table 6.4. Five suitability classes are employed (i.e., S1, very suitable; S2, suitable; S3, moderately suitable; S4, marginally suitable; and N, not suitable), and the ratings apply to production at all the three levels of inputs.

A rating of S1 indicates that the temperature conditions for tree growth and development are optimal, and that it is possible to achieve the maximum attainable silvicultural yield potential provided there are no moisture or soil-landform limitations. A rating of S2 indicates that there are moderate temperature constraints to growth and development, and that there would be a suppression of yield potential of the order of 25%. A rating of S2 indicates that there are moderate to severe temperature constraints, and that there would be a yield suppression of the order of 50%. A rating of S4 indicates that yield suppression of the order of 75%. A rating of N indicates that temperature conditions are not suitable for production.

Growing period zones which have been considered for yield assessments for each species are shown in Table 6.5 which represents a moisture screen. Table 6.5 is based on the actual research information obtained from local experiments and permanent sample plots.

Thermal zone suitability ratings for fuelwood species

Acacia albidaS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Acacia gerradiiS4S3S1S1S1S1S3NN
Acacia niloticaS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Acacia SenegalS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Acacia tortilisS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Bridelia micranthaS1S1S1S1S1S1S3NN
Calliandra calothyrsusS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Calodendrum capenseS4S3S1S1S1S1S3NN
Cassia siameaS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Casuarina equisetifoliaS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Casuarina cunninghamianaS4S3S1S1S1S1S3NN
Conocarpus lancifoliusS1S3S4NNNNNN
Croton megalocarpusS4S3S1S1S1S1S3NN
Cupressus lucitanicaNS4S3S1S1S1S3NN
Eucalyptus camaldulensisS1S1S1S3NNNNN
Eucalyptus citriodoraS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Eucalyptus globulusS4S3S1S1S1S3NNN
Eucalyptus grandisS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Eucalyptus microcorysS4S3S1S1S1S1S3NN
Eucalyptus microthecaS1S1S1S3NNNNN
Eucalyptus salignaS1S1S1S1S1S1S3NN
Eucalyptus tereticornisS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Faurea salignaS4S3S1S1S1S1S2NN
Gliricidia sepiumS1S1S1S1S3NNNN
Grevillea robustaS4S3S1S1S1S1S2NN
Leucaena leucocephalaS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Oleo africanaNS4S3S1S1S1S3NN
Parkinsonia aculeataS1S1S1S3S4NNNN
Prunus africanumNS4S1S1S1S1S3NN
Sesbania sesbanS1S1S1S1S1S1S3NN
Tamarindus indicaS1S1S1S3S4NNNN

Ecophysiological models have not been widely applied in the estimation of stand and site productivity potentials. A useful description of the state-of-the art is given in Landsberg (1986). Potential attainable yields (total and wood biomass) were derived according to the method developed by the FAO-AEZ Project (Kassam 1977; FAO 1978), and modified to take into account the generally accepted fact that for fuelwood tree species, total biomass yield at 50% of rotation length is 38% of the standing total biomass yield at 100% rotation length (Nilsson 1983).

It is assumed that wood biomass (stem wood and branch wood) is 0.6 of total biomass, foliage biomass 0.2 and root biomass 0.2. Partitioning of total wood biomass into main stem and branch wood biomass is assumed to be in the ratio of 0.8 and 0.2. Leaf area index at maximum annual growth rate is assumed to be 5 or more, and the period of annual growth is equal to the inventoried lengths of growing period. These reference model variables can be modified as appropriate to take into account differences between species and environmental conditions.

The following is an example of biomass calculation for Eucalyptus camaldulensis(adaptability group II, class C). The methodology for the calculation of net biomass and constraint-free yields by suitable thermal zone is derived from Kassam (1977), and is presented in this section.

Moisture screen for fuelwood species

SpeciesLength of Growing Period (LGP) (Days)
Acacia albida        
Acacia gerradii        
Acacia nilotica       
Acacia Senegal        
Acacia tortilis       
Bridelia micrantha     
Calliandra calothyrsus       
Calodendrum capense      
Cassia siamea        
Casuarina equisetifolia        
Casuarina cunninghamiana     
Conocarpus lancifolius       
Croton megalocarpus         
Cupressus lucitanica          
Eucalyptus camaldulensis         
Eucalyptus citriodora         
Eucalyptus globulus         
Eucalyptus grandis       
Eucalyptus microcorys          
Eucalyptus microtheca       
Eucalyptus saligna      
Eucalyptus tereticornis           
Faurea saligna     
Gliricidia sepium      
Grevillea robusta     
Leucaena leucocephala     
Oleo africana         
Parkinsonia aculeata          
Prunus africanum      
Sesbania sesban     
Tamarindus indica       

Photosynthetically active radiation on very clear days (ac) (in cal cm-2 day-1) and the daily gross photosynthesis rate of standard vegetation canopies on very clear (be) and overcast (bo) days (in kg CH2, o ha-1 day-1) for Pm = 20 kg CH2O kg ha-1 hr-1) (from de Wit 1965)


Net annual total biomass increment at 50% rotation length (Ba) is calculated from the equation:

Ba = (0.72 bgm × L) / (1/N + 0.25 Ct)(6.1)


bgm=maximum rate of gross biomass production at leaf area index (LAI) of 5 (kg CH2O ha-1 day-1)
L=maximum growth ratio, equal to the ratio of bgm at actual LAI to bgm at LAI of 5. (L at LAI 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 respectively)
N=length of growth period during the year (days)
Ct=maintenance respiration, dependent on both species and temperature; given by the relation: Ct = C30 (0.0044 + 0.0019 T + 0.0010 T2). At 30°C, C = 0.0283 for nitrogen fixing species and 0.0108 for non-nitrogen fixing species.

Assuming that standing biomass at 50 % rotation length is 38 % of the standing biomass at 100% of the rotation length (Br), Br is calculated from the equation:

Br = (Ba × 0.5R)/0.62(6.2)


R = rotation length (years).

Net mean annual total biomass (t/ha) increment (Bm) is calculated from the equation:

Bm = Br/R = 0.81 Ba. )

Constraint-free mean annual wood biomass yield increment (Bw) is calculated from (Bm) from the equation:

Bw = Hi × Bm(6.4)


Hi = Harvest index (proportion of the net total biomass of the species that is stem and branch wood).:

The maximum rate of gross biomass production (bgm) is dependent on the maximum rate of photosynthesis (Pm) which is dependent on temperature. Maximum rates of photosynthesis (Pm) for Eucalyptus camaldulensis(group II, class C) by temperature are presented in Table 6.2.

For Pm = 20 CH2O kg ha-1 hr-1 and LAI of 5, bgm is calculated from the equation:

bgm = F × bo + (1-F) bc(6.5)


F=fraction of the daytime the sky is clouded:
F=(Ac - 0.5 Rg)/(0.8 Ac) where Ac is the maximum active incoming shortwave radiation on clear days in cal cm-2 day-1 (Table 6.6) and Rg is the incoming shortwave radiation in cal cm-2 day-1
bo=gross dry matter production rate of a standard crop for a given location on a completely overcast day, kg; CH2O ha-1 day-1 (Table 6.6)
bc=gross dry matter production rate of standard crop for a given location on a clear (cloudless) day, kg CH2O ha-1 day-1 (Table 6.6).

When Pm is greater than 20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1, bgm is given by the equation:

bgm =F(0.8 + 0.01 Pm)bo + (1 - F)(0.5 + 0.025Pm)bc.(6.6)

When Pm is less than 20 kg ha-1 hr-1, bgm is given by the equation:

bgm = F(0.5 + 0.025Pm)bo + (1 - F)(0.05Pm)bc.(6.7)

Net biomass and yield calculations for Eucalyptus camaldulensis for Lamu is presented below.


Station: Lamu, Kenya
Location : 2° 16' S and 40° 54' E
Altitude : 30 m
Length of growing period : 140 days
Start growing period : 5 April
End growing period : 25 August
Average radiation (Rg) : 471 cal cm-2 day
Average day-time temperature : 26.5 °C
Average 24hr mean temperature : 25.3 °C

Fuelwood species:

Species: Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Rotation length: 8.3 years (from Table 6.3)
Leaf area index at maximum growth rate : 3.5
Harvest index (stem/branch wood proportion): 0.6
Species adaptability : Photosynthesis pathway C3, Group II
Productivity class: C

Calculation of daily rate of gross biomass production (bgm):

Photosynthesis rate Pm at 26.5 °C : 25 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1.

Difference in Pm relative to Pm = 20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1: +25%.

Average photosynthetically active radiation on clear days
(Ac) : 351 cal cm-2 day-1 (Table 6.6).

Fraction of the day-time when the sky is overcast
(F) : 0.41 (from equation F = (Ac - 0.5Rg)/0.8Ac).

Average rate of gross biomass production for perfectly clear days at
Pm = 20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 (be) : 418 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 (Table 6.6).

Average rate of gross biomass production for totally overcast days at
Pm = 20 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 (bo) : 222 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 (Table 6.6>.

Rate of gross biomass production at Pm = 20 CH2O kg ha-1 hr-1 at LAI of 5 : 338 kg CH2O ha-1 day-1 (from equation 6.5).

Rate of gross biomass production at Pm = 25 kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1 at LAI of 5 (bgm) : 373 kg CH2O ha-1 day-1 (from equations 6.5 and 6.6) or 317 kg CH2O ha-1 day-1 at LAI of 3.5.

Calculation of annual total net biomass production (Ba) and total biomass at rotation length (Br):

Maintenance respiration coefficient at 30 °C : 0.0108 (for non-legume species).

Maintenance respiration coefficient at 25.3 (Ct) °C :
0.0070 (from equation Ct = C30 (0.0044+0.0019T+0.0010T2).

Ba = 25.3 t/ha (from equation 6.1).

Br = 170.2 t/ha (from equation 6.2).

Calculation of mean annual total biomass increment (Bm) and mean annual wood biomass yield increment (Bw):

Bm = 170.2/8.3 = 20.5 t/ha (from equation 6.3).

Bw = 0.6×20.5 = 12.3 t/ha (from equation 6.4).

Total biomass productivity estimates (Bm) in terms of mean annual increments (t/ha dry weight) are given in Table 6.7 for high level of inputs by length of growing period for species with and without nitrogen fixing ability for lie three photosynthesis productivity classes. For the low level of inputs circumstance, site yield potentials are assumed to be 50% of those at the high level of inputs. At intermediate level of inputs, yield potentials are assumed to be half-way between the low and the high levels of inputs. Total biomass productivity for intermediate and low levels of inputs are given in Tables 6.8 and 6.9 respectively. Wood biomass yield estimates (Bw) in terms of mean annual increments (t/ha dry weight) are given in Tables 6.10, 6.11 and 6.12 respectively for high, intermediate and low levels inputs circumstances. Wood biomass estimates in the growing period zones allowable by the moisture screen in Table 6.5 are presented in the Appendix in Tables A6.1, A6.2 and A6.3 for high, intermediate and low levels of inputs respectively.

All tree species are matched to total lengths of L1, L2, L3 and L4. Yields in Tables 6.7 to 6.12 apply to years with normal length of growing period, i.e. growing period with a humid period during which precipitation is greater than potential evapotranspiration. For years with intermediate growing periods, i.e. growing periods with no humid period, full water requirements cannot be met and yield reductions are assumed to be of the order of 50% on all soils except Fluvisols and Gleysols. The percentage of occurrence of intermediate lengths of growing periods in all LGP-Pattern zones is 100% in LGP zone 1–29 days; 65% in LGP zone 30–59 days; 25% in LGP zone 60–89 days; 10% in LGP zone 90–119 days; and 5% in LGP zone 120–149 days.

At this stage in the model development, it has not been possible to take into account in the climatic suitability assessment other climatically driven constraints such as pests and diseases and workability, which may reduce yield. It should be possible to take such constraints into account in the future as the information and research base for fuelwood production improves.

An exception to the general methodology for climatic suitability assessment applies to areas occupied by Fluvisols because the length of growing period does not fully reflect their particular circumstance with regards to moisture regime.

Land use on Fluvisols is generally governed by the depth, intensity and duration of flooding which occurs in the low lying areas of these soils. These flooding attributes are generally controlled not by the amount of ‘on site’ rainfall but by external factors such as river flood regime, hydrological features of catchment area and catchment-site relationships.

Fluvisols ratings are presented in Table 6.13 for the three levels of inputs using seven suitability ratings, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and N, corresponding to potential biomass yield suppressions of zero, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% and 100% respectively.

Total biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at high level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.30.0–0.40.0–0.60.0–0.20.0–0.40.0–0.6
30 – 590.3–0.20.4–3.30.6–4.70.2–1.70.4–2.90.6–4.0
60 – 892.0–4.23.3–7.14.7–10.01.7–3.42.9–5.84.0–8.1
90 – 1194.2–6.27.1–10.610.0–14.93.4–4.85.8–8.28.1–11.5
120 – 1496.2–9.010.6–15.414.9–21.64.8–6.68.2–11.311.5–16.0
150 – 1799.0–11.015.4–18.721.6–26.36.6–7.811.3–13.316.0–18.7
180 – 20911.0–13.618.7–23.326.3–32.87.8–9.413.3–16.018.7–22.5
210 – 23913.6–15.023.3–25.532.8–36.09.4–10.016.0–17.022.5–24.0
240 – 26915.0–16.225.5–27.736.0–39.010.0–10.517.0–17.924.0–25.3
270 – 29916.2–17.427.7–29.639.0–41.810.5–11.017.9–18.725.3–26.4
300 – 32917.4–18.529.6–31.541.8–44.411.0–11.418.7–19.426.4–27.4
330 – 36418.5–19.631.5–33.544.4–47.211.4–11.819.4–20.227.4–28.5
365 +19.633.547.211.820.228.5

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1

Total biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at intermediate level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.20.0–0.30.0–0.50.0–0.20.0–0.30.0–0.5
30 – 590.2–1.50.3–2.50.5–3.50.2–1.30.3–2.20.5–3.0
60 – 891.5–3.22.5–5.33.5–7.51.3–2.62.2–4.43.0–6.1
90 – 1193.2–4.75.3–8.07.5–11.22.6–3.64.4–6.26.1–8.6
120 – 1494.7–6.88.0–11.611.2–16.23.6–5.06.2–8.58.6–12.0
150 – 1796.8–8.311.6–14.016.2–19.75.0–5.98.5–10.012.0–14.0
180 – 2098.3–10.214.0–17.519.7–24.65.9–7.110.0–12.014.0–16.9
210 – 23910.2–11.317.5–19.124.6–27.07.1–7.512.0–12.816.9–18.0
240 – 26911.3–12.219.1–20.827.0–29.37.5–7.912.8–13.418.0–19.0
270 – 29912.2–13.120.8–22.229.3–31.47.9–8.313.4–14.019.0–19.8
300 – 32913.1–13.922.2–23.631.4–33.38.3–8.614.0–14.619.8–20.6
330 – 36413.9–14.723.6–25.133.3–35.48.6–8.914.6–15.220.6–21.4
365 +14.725.135.48.915.221.4

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1 hr -1

Total biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at low level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.20.0–0.20.0–0.30.0–0.10.0–0.20.0–0.3
30 – 590.2–1.00.2–1.70.3–2.40.1–0.90.2–1.50.3–2.0
60 – 891.0–2.11.7–3.62.4–5.00.9–1.71.5–2.92.0–4.1
90 – 1192.1–3.13.6–5.35.0–7.51.7–2.42.9–4.14.1–5.8
120 – 1493.1–4.55.3–7.77.5–10.82.4–3.34.1–5.75.8–8.0
150 – 1794.5–5.57.7–9.410.8–13.23.3–3.95.7–6.78.0–9.4
180 – 2095.5–6.89.4–11.713.2–16.43.9–4.76.7–8.09.4–11.3
210 – 2396.8–7.511.7–12.316.4–18.04.7–5.08.0–8.511.3–12.0
240 – 2697.5–8.112.3–13.918.0–19.55.0–5.38.5–9.012.0–12.2
270 – 2998.1–8.713.9–14.819.5–20.95.3–5.59.0–9.412.2–13.2
300 – 3298.7–9.314.8–15.820.9–22.25.5–5.79.4–9.713.2–13.7
330 – 3649.3–9.815.8–16.822.2–23.65.7–5.99.7–10.113.7–14.3
365 +9.816.823.65.910.114.3

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1

TABLE 6.10
Wood biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at high level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0 Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.20.0–0.30.0–0.40.0–0.10.0–0.20.0–0.3
30 – 590.2–1.20.3–2.00.4–2.80.1–1.00.2–1.70.3–2.4
60 – 891.2–2.52.0–4.32.8–6.01.0–2.01.7–3.52.4–4.9
90 – 1192.5–3.74.3–6.36.0–8.92.0–2.93.5–4.94.9–6.9
120 – 1493.7–5.46.3–9.28.9–13.02.9–4.04.9–6.86.9–9.6
150 – 1795.4–6.69.2–11.213.0–15.84.0–4.76.8–8.09.6–11.2
180 – 2096.6–8.211.2–14.015.8–19.74.7–5.68.0–9.611.2–13.5
210 – 2398.2–9.014.0–15.319.7–21.65.6–6.09.6–10.213.5–14.4
240 – 2699.0–9.715.3–16.621.6–23.46.0–6.310.2–10.814.4–15.2
270 – 2999.7–10.416.6–17.823.4–25.16.3–6.610.8–11.215.2–15.8
300 – 32910.4–11.117.8–18.925.1–26.66.6–6.811.2–11.715.8–16.4
330 – 36411.1–11.818.9–20.126.6–28.36.8–7.111.7–12.116.4–17.1
365 +11.820.

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1 hr -1

TABLE 6.11
Wood biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at intermediate level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.20.0–0.20.0–0.30.0–0.10.0–0.20.0–0.2
30 – 590.2–0.90.2–1.50.3–2.10.1–0.80.2–1.30.2–1.8
60 – 890.9–1.91.5–3.22.1–4.510.8–1.51.3–2.61.8–3.7
90 – 1191.9–2.83.2–4.74.5–6.71.5–2.22.6–3.73.7–5.2
120 – 1492.8–4.14.7–6.96.7–9.82.2–3.03.7–5.15.2–7.2
150 – 1794.1–5.06.9–8.49.8–11.93.0–3.55.1–6.07.2–8.4
180 – 2095.0–6.28.4–10.511.9–14.83.5–4.26.0–7.28.4–10.1
210 – 2396.2–6.810.5–11.514.8–16.24.2–4.57.2–7.710.1–10.8
240 – 2696.8–7.311.5–12.516.2–17.64.5–4.77.7–8.110.8–11.4
270 – 2997.3–7.612.5–13.417.6–18.84.7–5.08.1–8.411.4–11.9
300 – 3297.6–8.313.4–14.218.8–20.05.0–5.18.4–8.811.9–12.3
330 – 3648.3–8.914.2–15.120.0–21.25.1–5.38.8–9.112.3–12.8
365 +8.915.

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1 hr-1

TABLE 6.12
Wood biomass yield potential (Bm) without constraints (mean annual increment in t/ha dry weight) at low level of inputs

Length of growing period (days)Species without nitrogen fixing abilitySpecies with nitrogen fixing ability
Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0Pm = 7.5Pm = 15.0Pm = 25.0
1 – 290.0–0.10.0–0.20.0–0.20.0–0.10.0–0.10.0–0.2
30 – 590.1–0.60.2–1.00.2–1.40.1–0.50.1–0.90.2–1.2
60 – 890.6–1.31.0–2.21.4–3.00.5–1.00.9–1.81.2–2.5
90 – 1191.3–1.92.2–3.23.0–4.51.0–1.51.8–2.52.5–3.5
120 – 1491.9–2.73.2–4.64.5–6.51.5–2.02.5–3.43.5–4.8
150 – 1792.7–3.34.6–5.66.5–7.92.0–2.43.4–4.04.8–5.6
180 – 2093.3–4.15.6–7.07.9–9.92.4–2.84.0–4.85.6–6.8
210 – 2394.1–4.57.0–7.79.9–10.82.8–3.04.8–5.16.8–7.2
240 – 2694.5–4.97.7–8.310.8–11.73.0–3.25.1–5.47.2–7.6
270 – 2994.9–5.28.3–8.911.7–12.63.2–3.35.4–5.67.6–7.9
300 – 3295.2–5.68.9–9.512.6–13.33.3–3.45.6–5.97.9–8.2
330 – 3645.6–5.99.5–10.113.3–14.23.4–3.65.9–6.18.2–8.6
365 +5.910.

Pm - maximum photosynthesis rate in kg CH2O ha-1hr -1

TABLE 6.13
Fluvisols ratings

SpeciesMax. yield1Length of growing period (days)
Acacia albida5.80NS6S4S3S3S2S2S3S4NNNNNN
Acacia gerrardii6.45NNNS6S4S3S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Acacia nilotica6.15NS6S4S3S3S2S2S2S3S4NNNNN
Acacia Senegal5.80NS6S4S3S3S2S2S3S4NNNNNN
Acacia tortilus6.15NS6S4S3S3S2S2S3S4NNNNNN
Bridella nicrantha20.10NNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Calliandra calothyrus7.10NNNNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Calodendrum capense20.10NNNNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Cassia siamea17.20NNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Casuarina equisetirolia11.00NNS6S4S3S3S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Casuarina cunninghamiana12.10NNNS6S4S3S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Conocarpus lancifolius6.15NS6S4S3S3S2S2S2S4NNNNNN
Croton megalocarpus6.45NNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Cupressus lucitanica18.35NNNNNS6S4S3S4S5NNNNN
Eucalyptus canaldulensis22.50NNS6S4S3S3S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus citriodora17.20NNNS6S4S3S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus globulus25.85NNNNS6S4S3S2S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus grandis28.30NNNNNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus microcorys17.20NNNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus microtheca15.95NS6S4S3S3S2S2S2S3S4S5NNNN
Eucalyptus saligna28.30NNNNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Eucalyptus tereticornis12.55NNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNNNNN
Faurea saligna20.10NNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Gliricidia sepium7.10NNNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNN
Grevillea rousta7.10NNNS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Leucaena leucocephala17.10NNNS6S4S4S4S4S5NNNNNN
Oleo africana10.05NNNS6S4S4S4S4S5NNNNNN
Parkisonia aculeata10.20NS6S4S3S3S3S4S5NNNNNNN
Prunus africanum20.10NNNNS6S4S3S3S4S5NNNNN
Sesbania sesban17.10NNNNS6S4S3S2S3S4S5NNNN
Tamarindus indica6.15NS6S4S3S3S3S3S3S4S5NNNNN

1 Yields (t/ha) refer to high level inputs circumstances for the intermediate and low level inputs circumstances reference maximum yields are 75% and 50% respectively of yields at the high level.

Soil units

AcChromi Acrisols
AgGleyic Acrisols
AhHumic Acrisols
AicFerralo-chromic Acrisols
AifFerralo-ferric Acrisols
AioFerralo-orthic Acrisols
AoOrthic Acrisols
ApPlinthic Acrisols
AthAndo-humic Acrisols
BcChromic Cambisols
BdDystric Cambisols
BeEutric Cambisols
BfFerralic Cambisols
BgGleyic Cambisols
BhHumic Cambisols
BkCalcic Cambisols
BncNito-chromic Cambisols
BtcAndo-chromic Cambisols
BteAndo-eutric Cambisols
BvVertic Cambisols
ChHaplic Chernozems
CkCalcic Chernozems
EcCambic Renzinas
EoOrthic Renzinas
FaAcric Ferralsols
FhHumic Ferralsols
FnhNit-humic Ferralsols
FnrNito-rodic Ferralsols
FoOrthic Ferralsols
FrRodic Ferralsols
FxXanthic Ferralsols
GcCalcaric Gleysols
GdDystric Gleysols
GeEutric Gleysols
GhHumic Gleysols
GmMollic Gleysols
GvVertic Gleysols
HgGleyic Phaeozems
HhHaplic Phaeozems
HnlNito-luvic Phaeozems
HolOrtho-luvic Phaeozems
HrlChromic-luvic Phaeozems
HthAndo-haplic Phaeozems
HtlAndo-luvic Phaeozems
HvlVerto-luvic Phaeozems
IrIronstone soils
JcCalcaric Fluvisols
JeEutric Fluvisols
JtThionic Fluvisols
KhHaplic Kastanozems
LaAlbic Luvisols
LcChromic Luvisols
LfFerric Luvisols
LgGleyic Luvisols
LicFerralo-chromic Luvisols
LifFerralo-ferric Luvisols
LioFerralo-orthic Luvisols
LkCalcic Luvisols
LncNito-chromic Luvisols
LnfNito-ferric Luvisols
LoOrthic Luvisols
LvVertic Luvisols
NoOrthic Greyzems
NvoVerto-orthic Greyzems
NdDystric Nitisols
NeEutric Nitisols
NhHumic Nitisols
NmMollic Nitisols
NthAndo-humic Nitisols
NveVerto-eutric Nitisols
NvmVerto-mollic Nitisols
OdDystric Nitisols
QaAlbic Arenosols
QcCambic Arenosols
QfFerralic Arenosols
QlLuvic Arenosols
RcCalcaric Regosols
RdDystric Regosls
ReEutric Regosols
RtcAndo-calcaric Regosols
SgGleyic Solonetz
SloLuvo-orthic Solonetz
SlmMollic Solonetz
SoOrthic Solonetz
ThHumic Andosols
TmMollic Andosols
TvVitric Andosols
VcChromic Vertisols
VpPellic Vertisols
WdDystric Planosols
WeEutric Planosols
WhHumic Planosols
WsSodic Planosols
WveVerto-eutric Planosols
XhHaplic Xerosols/Yermosols
XkCalcic Xerosols/Yermosols
XyGypsic Xerosols/Yermosols
ZgGleyic Solonchaks
ZoOrthic Solonchaks
ZtTakyric Solonchaks

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