FAO Fisheries Circular No. 1024/1

FAO Fisheries Circular No. 1024/1

FIIT/C1024/1 (En)



Joël Nageon de Lestang
Fishing Technology Service
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

Rome, 2007

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ISBN 978-92-5-105821-3
ISSN 0429-9329

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© FAO 2007

Nageon de Lestang, J.
Study on safety at sea for small-scale fisheries. 1. South West Indian Ocean.
FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 1024/1. Rome, FAO. 2007. 56p.


This document details the findings of a study on safety at sea undertaken in May 2006 in four countries in the South West Indian Ocean Region. The countries studied were Seychelles, Madagascar, Comoros and Kenya. In order to have a better comparison and a homogenous approach, the study analysed the same themes for each country; these were: the relation of fisheries management to sea safety, safety programmes, data recording, legislation, boat building and vessel design and ‘other safety issues’ which gave the possibility to include country-specific aspects. The document presents the results and analyses of the country case studies as well as conclusions and recommendations.


Preparation of this document
List of acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary

Objectives of the study
Scope of the study
Fisheries management and sea safety
Safety programmes that have generally been a success
Main reasons why safety programmes have been a failure
Accident data recording
Sea safety legislation
Enforcement of legislation
Boatbuilding and vessel design
Other safety issues
Political will
Regional sea safety workshop
Priorities for future work
1.  Introduction
1.1  Background
1.2  Objectives of the study
1.3  Tasks
1.4  Expected end product
2.  The South West Indian Ocean region
2.1  Definition and characteristics of the South West Indian Ocean region
3.  Seychelles
3.1  General background
3.2  Fisheries management and sea safety
3.3  Safety programmes
3.4  Data recording
3.5  Legislation
3.6  Boatbuilding and vessel design
3.7  Other safety issues
3.8  Observations
4.  Madagascar
4.1  General background
4.2  Fisheries management and sea safety
4.3  Safety programmes
4.4  Data recording
4.5  Legislation
4.6  Boat building and vessel design
4.7  Other safety issues
4.8  Observations
5.  Comores
5.1  General background
5.2  Fisheries management and sea safety
5.3  Safety programmes
5.4  Data recording
5.5  Legislation
5.6  Boatbuilding and vessel design
5.7  Other safety issues
5.8  Observations
6.  Kenya
6.1  General background
6.2  Fisheries management and sea safety
6.3  Safety programmes
6.4  Data recording
6.5  Leislation
6.6  Boatbuilding and vessel design
6.7  Other safety issues
6.8  Observations
7.  Conclusions and recommendations
7.1  The importance of including fisheries management in safety at sea
7.2  Registration of fishing vessels and fishers
7.3  Focusing more importance on small-scale fishing vessels
7.4  Recording and analysis of accidents at sea
7.5  Engine spares and life-saving equipment
7.6  Education and training programmes
7.7  Public awareness
7.8  Regional safety at sea workshop
8.  Contacts

9.  References

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