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Appendix IV (ii)

The Regional Expert Consultation of the Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition 
(ANFN) on Nutrition Orientation to Food Production
3 to 5 October 2006, Bangkok, Thailand

TOR for the Working Groups

B. Programme group agenda: Review the on-going Food Production and Nutrition Improvement Programme and Projects their Activities and Outcomes, Analyze the Lessons and Experiences and Recommend Approaches and Strategies for Up-taking new Programme and Projects

I. General Instructions to WG Participants

  1. Please select a group leader and a rapporteur for your group
  2. Discuss and answer the questions as per the given terms of reference for the discussion topic
  3. Please feel free to provide additional inputs and suggestions, as appropriate

II. Discussion Topics

III. Terms of Reference for Working Groups

IV. Expected Outputs

V. Participants of Working Group 2

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