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As part of the nutrition information, education and communication (NIEC) development process, a number of advocacy materials were prepared, printed and distributed to project beneficiaries and other stakeholders. This was done in collaboration with stakeholders at national, district and community levels taking into account farmers’ needs as well as suggestions from project staff and management.

5.1. Training tools and materials

Appropriate training tools and materials were developed and tested through participatory education methods with community collaboration to ensure their applicability and effectiveness. The NIEC tools and materials utilized the participatory process for nutrition education activities for the farmers’ training, demonstration and school nutrition programme (see Table 5).

Table 5. NIEC materials

Education tools


Target users


Training manual

Food-based nutrition

District officers and Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers


Nutrition extension booklet

Vegetables and fruits for better nutrition

District, upazila and extension personnel

English, Bangla

Farmers’ training notes

Family health and nutrition

Farmers English
Recipe booklet

Vegetables, fruit and spice-based recipes

Extension personnel, practitioners, farmers

Bangla, English


Correct cooking and combinations of vegetables and fruits

Extension personnel & farmers


Pictorial recipe extension folder

Horticulture-based recipes for better nutrition

Extension personnel & farmers, schoolteachers and students


Complementary food

Horticulture-based complementary food for better nutrition

Extension personnel, mothers, farmers, care-takers, adolescent girls


Posters on nutritive value of vegetables

Comparative nutrient composition of fruits

Extension personnel, farmers, schoolteachers, students


School nutrition diary

Nutrition messages and planning

School students


School nutrition transparencies

Nutrition for the adolescent (Food groups; Food Pyramid)

Schoolteachers and HDTC officers


Festoons for display at HDTCs

Nutritional importance of vegetables and fruits

Farmers, extension personnel


5.2. Dissemination and effectiveness of NIEC materials

Positive feedback was obtained on the value of NIEC materials from users including ten field-level functionaries15 and 30 farmers in four HDTC-covered villages (see Table 6).

Table 6. Field responses on NIEC materials

Type of material

Target user


Booklets (Bangla)

♦ Correct cooking and combinations of vegetables and fruits
♦ Use of vegetables and fruits in complementary foods

SAAO, farmers

Informative, useful for training, user-friendly; literate women farmers asked for more copies

Literate mothers of small children found it very useful and referred to it; requested more copies

Brochure (Bangla)
♦ Vegetables and fruits to reduce malnutrition

HDTC officers, SAAO

Useful in training; should have larger print size and more pictures and graphics

Flip Chart (Bangla)
♦ Preparation of horticulture-based complementary food

Farmers, SAAO

Very useful for training and demonstration; clear messages and greatly demanded by mothers and young children

Posters (Bangla)
♦ Nutritious fruits
♦ Foods for healthy blood
♦ Fruits and vegetables for healthy blood
♦ Nutritive value of vegetables
♦ Nutritive value of fruits

Farmers, SAAO

Very useful for training and demonstration; ‘Foods and Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy-Blood’ posters have valuable information; can also be calendar-type visual aid; ‘Nutritious fruits’ poster needs more pictures of different fruits

School nutrition modules and transparencies (Bangla)
♦ Nutrition and diet for adolescents

Rural school students

Very useful, well-accepted by teachers; highly practical; recipes much appreciated; constant requests by schools for copies

Pictorial recipe flip file (English)
♦ Horticulture-based recipes for better nutrition

HDTC officers, SAAO, teachers, students

Well-accepted by HTDC officers, SAAO, schoolteachers; logical sequence of recipes; useful concept of quantities and measures; farmers and teachers showed interest in colour pictures; schools and HDTCs asked for copies

Recipe book (Bangla)
♦ Horticulture-based recipes for better nutrition

HDTC officers, SAAO, teachers

Practical recipes that can be easily made at home; acceptable; farmers and teachers showed much interest in colour photographs; requests for copies

Booklet (English)
♦ Vegetables and fruits for better nutrition

HDTC officers, teachers, policy­makers, national stakeholders

Very informative, practical, easy to understand; demand for more copies; need for Bangla translation

The HDTC officers indicated that the NIEC materials had helped strengthen training for better delivery and easy understanding of the participants. It had also been very handy at household and family levels because of the practical utility of these materials. The Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers and Horticulture Overseers reported that the materials provided user-friendly information linking functions of nutrients through food as well as horticulture-based food, and highlighted ways to increase their consumption.

Many farmers asked for additional NIEC materials to give to their neighbouring households and other community members. Schoolteachers, members of the school management involved in the SNP and students also asked for the school nutrition modules for their guidance.

15 Including HDTC officers and Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer from Feni, Kishoreganj, Natore and Barisal.

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