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1. Breed name
(Use breed, variety, and mutant names in Somes' (1984) International Registry of Poultry Genetic Stocks, Bulletin 469, Storrs Agric. Exp Station, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268, U.S.A.)
2. Breed name synonyms
3. Strains within breed
4. General information and breed description
  4.1 Country and population data
  4.1.1 (country name 1) (Give date of census or estimate) population size (Categories to are for indicating by "Y" the type of population data) census data estimated value unspecified annual population trend
+%; -%; unknown flock sizes
  government farm
distribution %
  1-10 birds
> 200
  commercial farm  
distribution %
  1-10 birds
> 200
  village farm
distribution %
  1-10 birds
> 200
  communally owned


distribution %
  1-10 birds
> 200 origin of breed
  4.1.2 (country name 2)
4.1.n (country name n)
  4.2 Type of stock


4.2.1 indigenous
4.2.2 improved indigenous
4.2.3 middle-level purebred
4.2.4 industrial (trade-named)
4.2.5 other (specify)
  4.3 Use of stock
  4.3.1 meat
4.3.2 meat and eggs
4.3.3 ornamental or fancy
4.3.4 other (specify)
   4.4 Origin if imported
  4.4.1 North America
4.4.2 South America
4.4.3 Europe
4.4.4 U.S.S.R
4.4.5 China
4.4.6 South-west Asia
4.4.7 South-east Asia
4.4.8 Australasia
4.4.9 Africa
4.4.0 other (specify)
  4.5 Feather characteristics
  4.5.1 feather morphology, distribution, growth rate
(phenotypic frequency, %)
other (specify)
  4.6 Feather color
(Fill in fixed format fields, or write description in the free format description field 4.16, or do both)
  4.6.1 feather color and pattern (phenotypic frequency, %)
spotted or variegated
wild-type pattern

other (specify)

  4.6.2 color variants on wild-type pattern (phenotypic
frequency, %)
  wild-type bronze
wild-type black
wild-type grey
wild-type brown
wild-type buff
other (specify)
  4.7 Skin characteristics
  4.7.1 skin color (phenotypic frequency, %)


other (specify)
  4.7.2 shank color (phenotypic frequency, %)


other (specify)
  4.8 Skeletal variants (phenotypic frequency, %)
other (specify)
  4.9 Blood types
(Free format field; write word description)
4.10 Immunogenetics
(Free format field; write word description)
4.11 Cytogenetics
(Free format field; write word description)
4.12 Basic temperament
moderately tractable
  4.13 Heat tolerance
(Allocate grades 1-5; l=high)
4.14 Resistance to diseases and parasites, tolerance of industrial housing conditions, capability of natural mating or requirement for artificial insemination
(Free format field; write word description)
4.15 Conservation status
  4.15.1 endangered
4.15.2 vulnerable
4.15.3 rare
4.15.4 indeterminate
4.15.5 out of danger
4.15.6 insufficiently known
4.15.7 not at risk (none of the above)
The first six of these categories are used by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Their definitions, slightly amended, are as follows.
Endangered : Breeds in danger of extinction, and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue operating.
Vulnerable: Breeds likely to move into the Endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating.
Rare: Breeds with small populations that are not at present Endangered or Vulnerable , but are at risk.
Indeterminate : Breeds known to be Endangered, Rare or Vulnerable, but where there is not enough information to say which of the three categories is appropriate.
Out of Danger : Breeds formerly included in one of the above categories, but which are now considered relatively secure because effective conservation measures have been taken or the previous threat to their survival has been removed.
Insufficiently Known : Breeds that are suspected but not definitely known to belong to any of the above categories, because of lack of information.
  4.16 Free format breed description field
(A description of breed characteristics may be entered here instead of in the fixed fields of sections 4.5 to 4.14, or material may be added to supplement the fixed fields)
4.5 Master record prepared by:
  5.1 Name :
5.2 Title: (Dr., Mr., Miss, etc)
5.3 Address :
5.4 Affiliation: (Organization, Company, Consultant, etc.)
5.5 Date of preparation:
6 Master record updating or editing
  6.1 First amendment by:
  6.1.1 Name:
6.1.2 Title :
6.1.3 Address:
6.1.4 Affiliation:
6.1.5 Date of amendment:
  6.n Nth amendment by:
  6.n.1 Name:
6.n.2 Title:
6.n.3 Address:
6.n.4 Affiliation:
6.n.5 Date of amendment;


1. Breed name of MASTER record
2. Breed/crossbred type of SLAVE record
(Give exact composition if possible, eg. 50% Broad-breasted White, 5 0% indigenous)
3. Strain (or distinct within-breed type)
4. Period of data
    year month day (eg. 1982:05:14)
5. Data form prepared by:
  5.1 Name:
5.2 Title: (Dr., Mr., Miss, etc.)
5.3 Address:
5.4 Affiliation: (Organization, Company, Consultant, etc.)
5.5 Date of preparation:
6. Bibliographical reference of source document
(Pointer to the reference stored in the bibliographical file)
7 Data type and analysis
  7.1 Data
  7.1.1 unadjusted data
7.1.2 data adjusted for environmental or other factors*
7.1.3 survey data
*(adjusted by the author of the original paper or document)
  7.2 Treatment of data
  7.2.1 descriptive
7.2.2 analytical
7.2.3 none
8. Reliability code
(Grade data subjectively on a scale of 1 to 5; l=highly reliable, 5=low reliability)
9. Country (in which data were recorded or experiment carried out, etc.)
  9.1 Country subdivision(s) (province, county, district, etc.)
10. Terrestrial environment
  10.1 Tropical rainforest
10.2 Tropical deciduous forest
10.3 Tropical scrub forest
10.4 Tropical savannah
10.5 Desert
10.6 Mediterranean woodland and scrub
10.7 Middle latitude grassland
  10.7.1 highland grass
10.7.2 moorland
10.7.3 marshland
10.8 Middle latitude deciduous forest
10.9 Coniferous forest
10.10 Tundra
10.11 Free format terrestrial environment field
(Include information on problems associated with vegetation, eg. toxic plants)
11. Elevation and topography
  11.1 Elevation
  11.2 Topography
(Free format field. The description should include the following items, when information on them is available: roughness of terrain; slope; nature of surface (rocky, sandy, stony, etc.); surface drainage (poor, seasonally wet, well-drained, etc.).)
12 Climate
  12.1 Rainfall (mm)
  12.1.1 annual precipitation
  12.1.2 seasonality non-seasonal seasonal
(input as eg. 05-07, meaning May to July)
  12.1.3 free format rainfall data
  12.2 Temperature (degrees C)
  12.2.1 average annual temperature
  mean of several years
range of several years
  12.2.2 maximum temperature in year

mean maximum of several years

range of several years

month(s) of maximum temperature
  12.2.3 minimum temperature in year
  mean minimum of several years

range of several years

month(s) of minimum temperature
  12.2.4 free format temperature data
  12.3 Relative humidity (RH)
  12.3.1 average annual RH
  mean of several years
range of several years
  12.3.2 maximum RH in year
  mean maximum of several years
range of several years
month(s) of maximum RH
  12.3.3 minimum RH in year
  mean minimum of several years
range of several years
month(s) of minimum RH
  12.3.4 free format RH data
13. Socio-management system
  13.1 Indigenous stock, extensive management
13.2 Indigenous stock, intensive management
13.3 Middle-level stock, extensive management
13.4 Middle-level stock, intensive management
13.5 Industrial stock, extensive management
13.6 Industrial, stock, intensive management
13.7 Free format field for socio-management system
14. Type of farm
  14.1 Peasant agriculture
14.2 Breeding centre
14.3 Commercial production unit
14.4 Experiment station
14.5 Field experiment
14.6 Multiplication unit
14.7 Other (specify)
14.8 Free format field for farm type
15 Degree of management supervision
  15.1 Advisory services
15.2 Resident professional supervision
15.3 Supervision by scientific staff of investigation project
15.4 None
16 Mating method and incubation method
  16.1 Mating method
  16.1.1 uncontrolled non-seasonal natural mating
16.1.2 uncontrolled seasonal natural mating
16.1.3 controlled natural mating
16.1.4 artificial insemination
16.1.5 other (specify)
  16.2 Incubation method
  16.2.1. natural incubation
16.2.2 artificial still-air incubation
16.2.3 artificial forced-air incubation
16.2.4 other (specify)
17. Flock size
  17.1 Number of breeding males
  17.2 Number of breeding females
  17.3 Number of breeding replacement males
  17.4 Number of breeding replacement females
  17.5 Number of birds for meat production
  17.5.1 males
  17.5.2 females
  17.5.3 mixed
18. Nutrition
  18.1 Nutritional management
  18.1.1 scavenging
18.1.2 scavenging with supplemental feeding
18.1.3 free-ranging
18.1.4 free-ranging with supplemental feeding
18.1.5 full-feeding with local feeds
18.1.6 full-feeding with manufactured concentrate & local feeds
18.1.7 full-feeding with complete manufactured feeds
  18.2 Free format field for scavenging, and scavenging with supplemental feeding (estimate composition of scavenging diet; estimate composition of supplemental feed and quantities provided)
18.3 Free format field for free-ranging, and free-ranging with supplemental feeding (estimate composition and intake of free-ranging diet; estimate composition of supplemental feed and quantities provided)
18.4 Free format field for full-feeding with local feeds (estimate composition of full-feeding diet, specifying ingredients; estimate composition and quantities (kg/bird) for brooding, rearing, and adult periods)
18.5 Free format field for full-feeding with manufactured concentrate and local feeds (give formulation for concentrate used in brooding, rearing, and adult periods; estimate composition of local feeds, specifying ingredients; estimate quantities of concentrate plus local feeds (kg/bird) for brooding, rearing, and adult periods)
18.6 Free format field for full-feeding with complete manufactured feeds (give formulations and quantities (kg/bird) of complete manufactured feeds in brooding, rearing, and adult periods)
19. Housing and photoperiod
  19.1 Housing
  19.1.1 type of housing
shelter, unconfined
shelter, confined at night
confinement housing, litter floor
confinement housing, slat or wire floor
confinement housing, litter plus slat/wire floor
confinement housing, cage/battery
  19.1.2 free format field to record floor or cage space/bird, feeding space, watering space, roosting space, nesting space/bird
  19.2 Photoperiod
    19.2.1 photoperiod provided
  natural daylength
artificial daylength
  19.2.2 free format field to record daylength manipulation and control during brooding, rearing, adult, and breeding periods

Diseases and parasites, and tolerance of housing conditions (Free format field for noting any diseases prevalent at the time that performance data were recorded, and for noting any peculiarities in response to housing conditions)

21. Measures against diseases, parasites, and undesirable behaviors
  21.1 Vaccination and immunization
(Free format field to describe treatments)
21.2 Curative medication
(Free format field to describe treatments)
21.3 Preventative medication
(Free format field to describe treatments)

Behavior modification (Free format field to describe treatments, eg, beak trimming, desnooding, etc.)

22. Performance
  22.1 Egg production characteristics
  22.1.1 egg production and age N Mean SD Range
  age at first egg, days - - - -
age at 50% production, days - - - -
age at peak production, days - - - -
age at culling, days - - - -
  22.1.2 egg numbers N Mean SD Range
  clutch length, days - - - -
hen-day production, 0-500 days - - - -
hen-housed production, 0-500 days - - - -
survivor production, 0-500 days - - - -
hen-day production, n-n days - - - -
hen-housed production, n-n days - - - -
survivor production, n-n days - - - -
  22.1.3 egg size N Mean SD Range
  egg size, 40 weeks of age, gm - - - -
egg size, n weeks of age, gm - - - -
  22.1.4 egg shape index N Mean SD Range
  length (mm) x breadth (mm)/100 - - - -
  22.1.5 shell color
other (specify)
  22.1.6 shell quality N Mean SD Range
  specific gravity, 40 weeks of age - - - -
specific gravity, n weeks of age - - - -
  22.1.7 feed utilization N Mean SD Range
  kg feed / kg eggs - - - -
kg feed / dozen eggs - - - -
  22.1.8 other egg characteristics (free format field)
  22.2 Reproduction characteristics
  22.2.1 broodiness
other (specify)
  22.2.2 fertility and hatchability N Mean SD Range
  fertility from natural mating, % - - - -
fertility from A.I., % - - - -
hatch of fertile eggs, % - - - -
hatch of total eggs set, natural mating, % - - - -
hatch of total eggs set, A.I., % - - - -
  22.3 Growth characteristics
  22.3.1 growth rate N Mean SD Range
  body wt at hatching, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at 8 wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at 14 wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at 20 wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at 26 wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at 32 wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  body wt at n wks, gm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  22.3.2 body proportions   N Mean SD Range
  keel length at 8 wks, mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  keel length at 14 wks, mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  keel length at 20 wks, mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  keel length at 26 wks, mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  keel length at n wks, mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  shank length at 8 wks,mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  shank length at 14 wks,ram, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  shank length at 20 wks,mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  shank length at 26 wks,mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  shank length at n wks,mm, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  22.3.3 breast angle at 8 wks,deg, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast angle at 14 wks,deg, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast angle at 20 wks,deg, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast angle at 26 wks,deg, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast angle at n wks,deg, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  22.3.3 carcass defects   N Mean SD Range
  breast blisters, 8 wks,%, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast blisters, 14 wks,%, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast blisters, 20 wks,%, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast blisters, 26 wks,%, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  breast blisters, n wks,%, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  crooked keels, 8 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  crooked keels, 14 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  crooked keels, 20 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  crooked keels, 26 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  crooked keels, n wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  other carcass defects (free format field)
  22.3.4 feed utilization   N Mean SD Range
  kg feed/kg gain, 0-8 wks, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  kg feed/kg gain, 8-14 wks, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  kg feed/kg gain, 14-20 wks, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  kg feed/kg gain, 20-26 wks, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  kg feed/kg gain, n-n wks, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  22.4 Post-hatching mortality   N Mean SD Range
  mortality, 0-8 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  mortality, 8-14 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  mortality, 14-20 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  mortality, 20-26 wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  mortality, n-n wks, %, males - - - -
  females - - - -
mixed - - - -
  22.5 Free format field to record performance characteristics (egg production., reproduction, growth, post-hatching mortality) not specified in 22.1 to 22.4
23 Physiology and stress tolerance
  23.1 Tolerance of temperature and humidity extremes
(Free format field to describe temperature and humidity stress in relation to housing conditions)
23.2 Tolerance of industrial floor pen housing
(Free format field to describe reaction of stock to intensive management conditions in industrial floor housing)
23.3 Tolerance of industrial cage housing
(Free format field to describe reaction of stock to intensive management conditions in industrial cage housing)
24. Genetic parameters Value SE Range
  24.1 Heritability       - - -
    24.1.1 trait 1     - - -
    24.1.n trait n     - - -
  24.2 Repeatability       - - -
    24.2.1 trait 1     - - -
    24.2.2 trait n     - - -
  24.3 Genetic correlation       - - -
    24.3.1 between .... and ....     - - -
    24.3.n between .... and ....     - - -
  24.4 Other genetic parameters
(Free format field)
  24.5 Inbreeding coefficient
(Free format field)
25. Cytogenetics
(Free format field)
26. Inherited abnormalities
(Free format field)
27. Resistance to infectious diseases and parasites
(Free format field; specify comparative incidence and/or mortality)

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