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Managing Fishing Capacity

Key steps:

1. Carry out assessments of fishing capacity:

2. Initiate a programme for capacity management:

3. Develop a NPOA for capacity management;

4. Introduce management measures (taking into account socio-economic conditions):

5. Gain support from Regional/International organization:

IUU fishing

Key steps:

1. Focus on national/regional issues within country EEZs:

2. Ensure flagged vessels do not undermine conservation and management:

3. Adopt Port State Measures based on FAO "Model Scheme on Port State Measures":

4. Establish control measures _ vessel registers, notification of transshipment:

5. Develop and implement a NPOA for IUU fishing:

Information needs

Key steps:

1. Work together to improve and harmonize data:

2. Collect and share data and information:

3. Assess status of resource and fleet capacity:

4. Strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) sharing:

5. Engage regional organizations:

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