Land decline in Land-Rich Africa


Land decline in Land-Rich Africa

A creeping disaster in the making

Paul L. G. Vlek
Quang Bao Le
Lulseged Tamene

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SCIENCE COUNCIL CGIAR(FAO) & The Center for Development Research (ZEF) Bonn

This study was undertaken with the support of the Science Council of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, Rome, Italy. The senior author gratefully acknowledges the granting of a sabbatical leave by the University of Bonn, Germany. The hospitality and collegiality shown by Dr. Ruben Echeverría and his staff of the Science Council and Dr. S.K. De Datta and his staff at the Office of International Research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg Virginia U.S.A., the two institutions that shared the burden of hosting me was heart warming and very rewarding. The opinions expressed in this paper are strictly those of the authors.

Table of Contents

Part 1   [356Kb]

    Executive summary

Part 2   [1Mb]

    1: Introduction and scope
    2: Definition and review
    3: State of the art
    4: Vegetation dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa

Part 3   [964Kb]

    5: Relational analysis of land attributes and vegetation decline

Part 4   [844Kb]

    5: Relational analysis of land attributes and vegetation decline (cont'd)

Part 5   [540Kb]

    6: Summary and conclusions

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